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dead kennedy

Russian army tactical signs v2.0

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Russian army tactical signs for ArmA2


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This addon adds in game big (more than 150) pack of tactical signs, which are accepted in designing work map of a commander in Russian Army, which can be set on a map as markers (F6). Befits for easy creation of your own missions on the base of tactic of subdivisions of RA. Following markers entered in set:

  • Armament and armor vehicles.
  • Artillery, aviation, rearward services.
  • Knots of connection and management points in a range platoon-regiment.
  • Positions, actions, battle-orders of motorized infantry and tank subdivisions in a range platoon-battalion.
  • Mine-explosive barrages, actions of airbourne troops and diversion groups.

Demo missions are not included in this version. See version for Armed Assault.

1. Installation and system requirements.

system requirements - any version of ArmA2

To install, copy folder @DK in a folder, where your ArmA2 is installed, for example, "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA" folder. After that, add to your ArmA2 shortcut mod=@DK. If you have some mods already installed, then it may look like this "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -mod=@FDF;@STUFF;@DK

Or you can just put dk_znaki.pbo in your ArmA2/Addons folder (not recommended).

2. How to use.

In an order to place markers in an editor press F6 and choose a sign you want from a list.

In RA it is accepted to use next colors of signs on a map:

Red - all what belongs to Friendly forces – subdivisions, armored vehicles, positions, actions, HQs and etc.

Black - designate the Friendly artillery, air defense forces, contacts, engineer and mine-explosives barrages.

Blue - mark all information about Enemy – subdivisions, positions, character of actions and etc. Including his artillery, air defense and other.


1st mech. inf. company with tank pltn HQ


friendly 122-mm


enemy radar

By default, colors are proposed for Friendly forces, but the color of marker can be changed by opening his menu.

Remember (!), that signs can be scaled. Some markers(such as “battle-orderâ€, â€squad in defenseâ€", minefields and other "long" signs) must be set on a map in scale not 1:1, but 1:2 or 2:1, they must be stretched in length or in width. Scale is choosing in the menu of marker.


Mechinf. combat order 1:2

Addon contains built-in support of the Russian and English languages, so they can be used for creation of multiplayer missions.

3. Realism in addon.

Unfortunately there is no possibility to inflict the signatures of different colors to signs. Except for it, I didn’t include possibility to plot the bars of fire and sectors of fire on a map – on ArmA2 map it won’t be pleasure to watch on it.

In other, the set of markers ideally befits for creation of realistic missions, based on tactical tasks, which can be given for subdivisions of RA.

Field manuals of military forces or Russian Federation for motorized infantry and tank subdivisions foresee two types of action – offensive and deffensive. The enclosed demo missions contain the decision of two tactical tasks of motorized infantry subdivision with given and support forces.

They, except for it, can be used as example of making “commander’s work map†and brifieng.

Briefing and map contains:

  • Information about a situation on the area of action.
  • Known information about composition and character enemy’s action, available data about the location of his points of management and fire weapons.
  • Composition and task of our subdivision.
  • Information about neighbours and interactive subdivisions.

These information is also plotted on map as conventional tactical signs, whereupon, a stage-by-stage standing before subdivision task follows in a kind "objectives".

4. Versions history.


- compatible with ArmA2

- fixed bugs in config, tank platoon and marines landing markers are aviable.

- added different car markers, cralwler tractor marker.

- added markers for MRLS, AA gun, recoilless AT.

- added markers of nuclear strike, tatctical missile strike, flare and flare bomb.

- added marcer for checkpoint, secret.

- added marker for dismounted subdivisions.

- added markers of single soldiers for squad level maps.

- demo missions are not included.


First release.

5. Therms of distributions.

Addon distributes “as isâ€, author does not carry responsibility for the result of using this product. Please remember that developers of game does not carry responsibility too. With questions and suggestions contact the author.

Feel free to use this addon for creation of missions and campaigns and also on playing servers. You can freely place it on internet resources and other transmitters on condition of saving of content of original archive with an information of readme and pointing the name of author.

If you want to use this addon or its part in some modification or to make part of a project please contact with author on e-mail or icq and specify his name in readme of your product.

6. Contacts.

Idea and realisation - Dead_Kennedy.

e-mail: dead_kennedy@rambler.ru

ICQ#: 334695034

Edited by Dead Kennedy

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Awesome. Thank you! This helps me in lots of missions. Downloading!

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Interesting addon. A pity that there are no demo missions for the Arma2 version (I don't have Arma installed right now to check out the demo missions). But anyway nice to see an addon being released with demo missions included. I wish every addon would be released with demo missions...

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Demo missions would be in future.

I just in a hurry. Many people, including mapfact, ask me for these signs before new year.

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Mapfact? And I thought they quit (not all of the individual members but the site/team itsself).

Well I was wrong: I still had Arma installed and I tried the demo missions. :) They were fun to play and I liked the briefings and how you setup the movements in the attack with a flanking squad.

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Seems to me the download link is not working, it points to an upload page.

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