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Heli sounds remake

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Hi and Merry christmas to all :)

there is my first addon for Arma2 world.. it's about Helicopter engine in&out sounds:


PS Thanks to Snakeman and his wiki-help about sound etiting, and Kju for your precious support !!! ;)


<object width="340" height="285"><param name="movie" value=" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56HiN8sESt4&hl =it_IT&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1&ap=%2526fmt%3D18"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56HiN8sESt4&hl =it_IT&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1&ap=%2526fmt%3D18" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="340" height="285"></embed></object>

Edited by qawa1967

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Your requiredAddons seems incomplete.

class CfgPatches
class Qawa_air
 units[] = {};
 weapons[] = {};
 requiredVersion = 0.1;
 requiredAddons[] = {"CA_AH64D","Arma2_Ka52","CA_AIR2_Su25","CA_Anims","CA_CruiseMissile","CA_Modules","CAA10","CAAir","CAAir2","CAAir2_C130J","CAAir2_ChukarTarget","CAAir2_F35B","CAAir2_MQ9PredatorB","CAAir2_MV22","CAAir2_Pchela1T","CAAir2_UH1Y","CAAir3","CAAir3_Su34","CAAnimals","CABuildingParts","CABuildingParts_Signs","CABuildings","CABuildings2","CABuildings2_A_Pub","CABuildings2_Misc_Cargo","CACharacters","CACharacters2","CAData","CAData_ParticleEffects","CAFonts","CAMisc","CAMisc2","CAMisc3","CAMusic","CARoads2","CARoads2Bridge","CARoads2Dam","CARocks2","CASigns2","CASounds","CAStructures","CATracked","CATracked2","CATracked2_2S6M_Tunguska","CATracked2_AAV","CATracked2_BMP3","CATracked2_T34","CATracked2_T90","CATracked2_us_m270mlrs","CAUI","CAWater","CAWater2","CAWater2_Destroyer","CAWater2_fishing_boat","CAWater2_Fregata","CAWater2_LHD","CAWater2_seafox","CAWater2_smallboat_1","CAWeapons","CAWeapons_2b14_82mm_Mortar","CAWeapons_AK","CAWeapons_AmmoBoxes","CAWeapons_bizon","CAWeapons_Colt1911","CAWeapons_DMR","CAWeapons_Kord","CAweapons_ksvk","CAWeapons_M1014","CAweapons_m107","CAWeapons_M252_81mm_Mortar","CAWeapons_Metis_AT_13","CAWeapons_Saiga12K","CAWeapons_SPG9","CAWeapons_VSS_vintorez","CAWeapons_Warfare_weapons","CAWeapons_ZU23","CAWeapons2","CAWeapons2_HuntingRifle","CAWeapons2_RPG18","CAWeapons2_SMAW","CAWheeled","CAWheeled_Offroad","CAWheeled_Pickup","CAWheeled2","CAWheeled2_BTR90","CAWheeled2_GAZ39371","CAWheeled2_HMMWV_Ambulance","CAWheeled2_HMMWV_BASE","CAWheeled2_Ikarus","CAWheeled2_Kamaz","CAWheeled2_LADA","CAWheeled2_LAV25","CAWheeled2_M1114_Armored","CAWheeled2_M998A2_Avenger","CAWheeled2_MMT","CAWheeled2_MTVR","CAWheeled2_TowingTractor","CAWheeled2_V3S","CAWheeled2_VWGolf","CAWheeled3","CAWheeled3_M1030","CAWheeled3_TT650"};
class Engine;
class Sounds;
class CfgVehicles
class Helicopter;
class Mi17_base_RU;
class AH1_base;
class UH60_Base;
class Kamov_Base;
class AH64_base_EP1;
class Mi17_base: Helicopter
 class Sounds
  class Engine
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-sovietheli-engine-6",5.62341,1.0,900};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)";
  class RotorLowOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-Mi17-rotor-low-2",1.77828,1.0,1400};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))";
   cone[] = {1.6,3.14,2.0,0.95};
  class RotorHighOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-Mi17-rotor-high-2",3.16228,1.0,1700};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.9))";
   cone[] = {1.6,3.14,2.0,0.95};
  class EngineIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-sovietheli-engine-3",1.0,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed-0.75)*4)";
  class RotorLowIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-Mi17-rotor-low-2",1.77828,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))";
  class RotorHighIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-Mi17-rotor-high-2",1.77828,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.9)";
class AH1Z: AH1_base
 class Sounds
  class Engine
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-ah1z-engine-02",3.16228,1.0,800};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)";
  class RotorLowOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-rotor-single5b",3.16228,1.0,1500};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))";
   cone[] = {1.8,3.14,2.0,0.9};
  class RotorHighOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-rotor-single5a",3.16228,1.0,1800};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.95))";
   cone[] = {1.8,3.14,2.0,0.9};
  class EngineIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-fly-mode7",1.77828,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed-0.75)*4)";
  class RotorLowIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-rotor-single5b",1.77828,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "2*(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed factor[0.3, 1.1]) min (rotorSpeed factor[1.1, 0.3]))";
  class RotorHighIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-rotor-single5a",1.77828,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.9)";
class MH60S: UH60_Base
 class Sounds
  class Engine
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-fly-mode2",2.51189,1.0,900};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)";
  class RotorLowOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-rotor-single5b",2.51189,1.0,1400};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))";
   cone[] = {1.6,3.14,2.0,0.5};
  class RotorHighOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-rotor-single5a",2.51189,1.0,1600};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.9))";
   cone[] = {1.6,3.14,2.0,0.5};
  class EngineIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-fly-mode7",3.16228,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed-0.75)*4)";
  class RotorLowIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-rotor-single5b",3.16228,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "2*(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed factor[0.3, 1.1]) min (rotorSpeed factor[1.1, 0.3]))";
  class RotorHighIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-rotor-single5a",3.16228,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.9)";
class UH1_Base: Helicopter
 class Sounds: Sounds
  class Engine: Engine
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-fly-mode2",2.51189,1.0,800};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)";
  class RotorLowOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-rotor-single5b",2.51189,1.0,1400};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))";
   cone[] = {1.6,3.14,2.0,0.5};
  class RotorHighOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-rotor-single5a",2.51189,1.0,1600};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.9))";
   cone[] = {1.6,3.14,2.0,0.5};
  class EngineIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-fly-mode7",1.0,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed-0.75)*4)";
  class RotorLowIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-rotor-single5b",1.0,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "2*(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed factor[0.3, 1.1]) min (rotorSpeed factor[1.1, 0.3]))";
  class RotorHighIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-rotor-single5a",1.0,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.9)";
class Ka52: Kamov_Base
 class Sounds
  class Engine
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-sovietheli-engine-6",2.23872,1.0,900};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)";
  class RotorLowOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-Mi17-rotor-low-2",1.41254,1.0,1200};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))";
   cone[] = {1.6,3.14,1.6,0.95};
  class RotorHighOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-Mi17-rotor-high-2",3.16228,1.0,1500};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.9))";
   cone[] = {1.6,3.14,1.6,0.95};
  class EngineIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-sovietheli-engine-3",1.0,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed-0.75)*4)";
  class RotorLowIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-Mi17-rotor-low-2",1.77828,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))";
  class RotorHighIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-Mi17-rotor-high-2",1.77828,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.9)";
class AH64D: AH64_base_EP1
 class Sounds
  class Engine
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-ah1z-engine-01",3.16228,1.1,800};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)";
  class RotorLowOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-rotor-ah64d_A",3.16228,1.0,1300};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))";
   cone[] = {1.8,3.14,2.0,0.9};
  class RotorHighOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-rotor-ah64d_B",3.16228,1.0,1500};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.95))";
   cone[] = {1.8,3.14,2.0,0.9};
  class EngineIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-fly-ah64d",1.77828,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed-0.75)*4)";
  class RotorLowIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-rotor-ah64d_A",1.0,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "2*(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed factor[0.3, 1.1]) min (rotorSpeed factor[1.1, 0.3]))";
  class RotorHighIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-rotor-ah64d_B",1.77828,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.9)";
class AH64D_Sidewinders: AH64D
 class Sounds
  class Engine
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-ah1z-engine-01",3.16228,1.1,800};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)";
  class RotorLowOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-rotor-ah64d_A",3.16228,1.0,1300};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))";
   cone[] = {1.8,3.14,2.0,0.9};
  class RotorHighOut
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-rotor-ah64d_B",3.16228,1.0,1500};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.95))";
   cone[] = {1.8,3.14,2.0,0.9};
  class EngineIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\int-fly-ah64d",1.77828,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed-0.75)*4)";
  class RotorLowIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-rotor-ah64d_A",1.0,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "*2(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed factor[0.3, 1.1]) min (rotorSpeed factor[1.1, 0.3]))";
  class RotorHighIn
   sound[] = {"qawa_air\ext-rotor-ah64d_B",1.77828,1.0};
   frequency = "rotorSpeed";
   volume = "(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.9)";

Edit: fixed a few more issues.

Don't want to sound negative, yet too me they sound very similar to the stock sounds.

You did tweak the sounds of the sounds.pbo, right?

Edited by kju

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thanks Kiu for the corrections !!!

yes I've used the original sounds (except the Apache one), and I've tried to emphasize some frequencies... just this.. but yes... I need to have more suggestions before posting my future addons ! :o ;)

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complete reworked. All sounds are new !!!

Each Helis have his own new sound, taken from real enviroment (source web), and remixed for to catch better lost frequencies (due to different microphone sources).

link updated

Edited by qawa1967

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new update:

- Ah1 and Ah64 internal sound fixed (with better sound sources)

- tested with Ace2

new link

Edited by qawa1967

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Your PBO seems corrupt. :(

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No worries. Unfortunately you have been unlucky.

While I did not test ingame, your new config seems corrupted - not even mikero's tool can

read it / unrapify it and I can only convert one wss to wav. All other result in 0 KB files.

What tools do you use?

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Steinberg Wavelab 5 + VST plugins: for to edit/save sound files

Wss de/coder: for to convert from WAV to WSS

BinPBO Personal Edition (last release): for to bin the config file

PboTool (older OFP release): for to make the PBO

for to open PBO's files I use this tool:

Total commander 7.50a with ofppbo_v141 plugin

I've seen now that "BinPbo Personal edition" it have created a PBO in temp folder (together with the bin)... is this (but I've never used)... please, try this one Kju !


PS: video preview in first post !

---------- Post added at 12:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 PM ----------

damn... some problem with Ah1 external sound... must to repack again !!!

Edited by qawa1967

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Thanks. Do not use PBO tools.

Recommended are cpbo, Eliteness or the mikeros dos/console tools.

The wss->wav conversion works again. They sound good and interesting.

Unfortunately this time the config seems to be missing. :(

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link updated

- fixed AH1 external engine

- fixed frequency khz

- new video

PS thanks Kju, I'll use the software you've suggested... where I'm wrong for the config ? I need to recompile wit new tools ?

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thanks a lot !!!!!!!!! :)

new update

-AH64 internal engine sound improved

new link

Edited by qawa1967

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Hey Quawa!

I've just tested your soundmod today, and it's really good, with a little polish it will elevate to the level of Robert Hammer's helisounds, if its not there already...what I like very much is the sound of the Hips, sounds just like the real one (from the outside), and the inner sound makes you feel like you're really sitting in an aluminium box with a propeller on the top. You just got a fan of your work.

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Love the sounds, realy awesome stuff. But the sound of the video is of realy bad quality, is there anyway to get a HQ video online?

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thanks Banderas !!! :)

I'll try to place a better video soon Larsiano !!! :)

and thanks for your feedback !! :)

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