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I need a Mentor ._.

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Hi @LL ;]

Since i really enjoy playing arma 2 ive experimented with the Editor...but i really dont have much scripting knowledge.

Most times i try to make some missions....but as u can expect they are not very nice ;S

So i need someone that can tell me how i make the light of houses shine @night....or that tells me how do i add custom sound to a specific area and stuff like that....

Thats why i need someone that takes my hand showes/ helps me to learn some stuff about mission making :) it would be nice if someone with some knowledge could add me in icq and can answer some questions i have :)

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If not you may want to start by downloading the excellent guide for editing by Mr Murray, he did a german and an English version.


A lot of the basics in this, despite being for ArmA1, still apply to ArmA2, for example, placing a trigger to play a sound when a particular character goes into that trigger area.

Immerse yourself in that guide...play a huge amount with the editor using the guide for reference, then as you start to hit specific problems that you canot seem to find anywhere...simply ask for help here and many will help.

I have zero programming experience and when I first started making missions I was completely lost. I have now probably made around 25 MP missions in total over the last year and a half and only feel now just about confident enough to start releasing some to the community at large having made many mission when I was at TG.

Good Luck

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First: Thank u both for your replies.

@JW Custom: The Wiki already helped me in some ways...but some things are not explained there. So its easier to ask direct.

@BD1: Thanks for the link, i already have it, but i never read it because i thought its about tactics n stuff like that 0o

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information in wiki is very fragmented, i mean only few information hidden in different places and WITHOUT good examples, which could help in most cases not to break head how to do this or that... they economized a day to write examples and now we have to spend months to collect information from different places ((

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