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Installing ACE2

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Okay, I have taken a 4 month break from this game. I was very excited to see ACE is in beta now but getting it to work is incredibly tough.

Why are there a gazzlion things I have to install, then update mods and run commands. This is no where near friendly to the casual person. Is there a well written guide out there that starts off at the very first step?

Why couldn't they just make it so you just download one thing, rather than many?

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But what I must say is, once you get the updater sorted out, its not only useful for ACE but for a bunch of other popular mods, including BIS's beta patches. All you have to do is hit one button and ALL the mods get updated. This is extremely convenient for me so far.

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I would suggest YOMA addon sync. It is very easy to use and can be used with some of the best servers for arma 2! What it allows you to do is get all the addons a server is using.

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I would suggest YOMA addon sync. It is very easy to use and can be used with some of the best servers for arma 2! What it allows you to do is get all the addons a server is using.

This. If Six Updater is giving you too much trouble, just use YAS.

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There is an existing ACE release thread.

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