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I am very disapointed in bis's lack of sniping....

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([FILO] HuBBa @ April 06 2002,01:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">the M24 is zeroed at 300 meters.. the M99 is zeroed at about 1000 meters. so if you shoot with that at 150 meters, you WILL go high.  

The M99 however does NOT have realistic ballistics. we're working on that though.<span id='postcolor'>

well, i tried the same shots with the games M21 and didnt have to compensate but a fraction of what i had to for the M24 and M99. I still think you should work on some sort of manual ranging system.

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Another gripe i was just thinking of was the sniper model. The foliage attached to it doesnt blend in with any vegitation in OFP. And if it has, i certainly havent found it yet. Whenever i snipe, i use a normal black opp (Not the day one) whenever i can get away with it.

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My only complaint about sniping in OFP is that the higher powered rifle cartridges aren't treated as being more powerfull in the game.

For a US sniper tech manual http://www.biggerhammer.net should have one. A high position-the most obvious sniper position, is not always the best position.

I enjoy sniping and no other game that i know of comes close to the sniping heaven of OFP. If there is will someone tell me please, and no Ghost Recon is not sniping heaven. Too unrealistic.

This will take you right to it http://www.biggerhammer.net/manuals/23-10/toc.pdf

lots of good stuff at the beeghamma. enjoy tounge.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (110 @ April 06 2002,07:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and no Ghost Recon is not sniping heaven. Too unrealistic.<span id='postcolor'>

i whole heartedly agree with that. Your a special forces sniper for christs sake, youd think youd be able to at least follow a target without your reticle spreading.

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I too love sniping in all games, it's just one of those fun things!

I agree that those buildings where you walk up the stairs and then climb the ladder all the way up mostly face straight into a building or tree so they're useless for any attack. The windows are too hard to view out of, awkward.

I find that out in the scrub I can never seem top find a good place to snipe from, if I'm concealed, then I can't see anyone, if behind a thin bush I can't see anyone easily enough; or is that just what U have to put up


Or if in amongst bushes, oftern there is only a small passage I can see through, meaning I would have to wait for someone to go to the small area I can see and pick them off then.

Any hints on how to get a good spot when sniping / ambushing?

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OK.. answering several posts in one here.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">well, i tried the same shots with the games M21 and didnt have to compensate but a fraction of what i had to for the M24 and M99. I still think you should work on some sort of manual ranging system.<span id='postcolor'>

Since you cannot adjust the ballistics during runtime, but only in the cpp, this is practically impossible. Unless BIS adds a way to do adjustment compensations to OFP, we will always have static scopes without ranging. And BOY do we want a manual adjustment.. i wanna be able to lie there and say .. "Target, 500, 2 klicks" And while we're speaking about that =) Why isn't wind affecting ballistics? if re remove local winds and just have a general wind effect (which we have for air vehicles), this shouldn't affect game speed one bit. And then we can also say "Wind.. 200. 3 a clock.. 4 klicks right."

As for M21...

The M24 was a little experiment in ranging to more real life specs. The mil-dots show a standing man at 3.5 mils at 500 meters (roughly). This also showed that the 3x-9x Renfield scope on the M21 ingame is a lot weaker than it should be. So the entire M21 is balanced to be shot at 100-300 meters. Where the M24 is balanced to be shot at 300-800 meters ingame. This makes the M21 a lot easier to shoot at close range. Also read the answer to bullet drop below.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Bullet drop - here you see that the charts are zeroed for 600m for military applications and 100m for police applications.<span id='postcolor'>

The mechanics in the CPP's behind bullet trajectory are not fully researched yet (BIS we need docs smile.gif so it's basically a trial by errorr process and constantly changing the cpp to mimick better bullet behaviour can be a hassle. We're working on getting the ballistics more accurate to real world specs though.

And thanx for all the reference materials!!! they help a lot. I actually used the manuals for the M24 for the mil dot info.

Look out for more updates,


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([FILO] HuBBa @ April 06 2002,10:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Since you cannot adjust the ballistics during runtime, but only in the cpp, this is practically impossible. Unless BIS adds a way to do adjustment compensations to OFP, we will always have static scopes without ranging. And BOY do we want a manual adjustment.. i wanna be able to lie there and say .. "Target, 500, 2 klicks"  And while we're speaking about that =) Why isn't wind affecting ballistics? if re remove local winds and just have a general wind effect (which we have for air vehicles), this shouldn't affect game speed one bit. And then we can also say "Wind.. 200. 3 a clock.. 4 klicks right."<span id='postcolor'>

Well, as it stands, your m24 addon would do a lot better if it had no bullet drop or climb at all, and wasnt effected by the wind at all. Since we have no way of gauging wind, then it shouldnt be a factor, since the only way we do have to gauge it is just to fire a shot and see where it lands, which only gives away our position in the process. Afterall, its not as though we can lick our digital finger with our digital tongue and hold it up to somehow feel in real life which direction the digital wind is going. And if theres no way to manually gauge range of a target and adjust your scope accordingly, then we might as well just have fun with the un realism and make it so you can hit your target all the time. Note how, with the scope zoomed out, the m21 can do this with very little to no compensation.

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I'll be damned... Thanx Aculand for berating me enough to actually go in and test the M21 on my "testrange" mission. And the M21 is a LOT better accuracy even on the same ranges as the M24. Something is seriously messed in my cpp. Expect a new update later today.


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Oh boy.. that was some work =) but now the accuracy on the M24 SWS is greatly improved (on par with the M21, and maybe even slightly better). Also i fixed the optics to be a bit sharper than the old one.

And while looking, i found a bug in the M99 system that is also fixed. Plus i added same sharp optics (but with the red dot). Just don't do the mistake of zooming in when shooting someone at 100 meters.. you will then adjust it for long range sniping which is 1000 meters and such. If you are zoomed out, it will shoot pretty dead on at 100-200 meters. If you zoom in, it will shoot pretty dead on at 1000 meters.

Test it out and gimme some more excellent feedback. We may get a good sniper rifle yet smile.gif


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in the m-24, do u need to load another bullet after every shot?

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The M24 has a 5 clip, i automated the bolt action so it fires more slowly and you hear the bolt action sound. But you do not have to hit 'R' after every bullet like on the M99 (which is single shot bolt action)


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btw. how about silenced sniper rifle that fires sub-sonic 0.45 bullet?

i know it exists, it good for up-to 300 m.

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there are a russian Vintorez silenced sniper rifle that someone made. We are planning to do one too. so it's coming.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([FILO] HuBBa @ April 06 2002,17:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Test it out and gimme some more excellent feedback. We may get a good sniper rifle yet smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

ok, you should just chill out. I wasnt trying to berate you at all, i was just discusing sniping in OFP and how your addon effects it. When i said i thought it would do a lot better if there was no drop or effect from the wind, i was making a broad generalization using your rifle as an example. I didnt mean to make it sound like it was completely directed at you.

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and p.s.

I never tried the M21 on your test range mission. I wasnt even aware you had one. The shot i set up was from the rocks by Lolisse to the town of Lolisse itself on malden.

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Hehehe.. calm down Aculaud. I was trying to make a joke =) I did not take it personal, and besides, it made me go look a bit closer to this. And i did find errors in the cpp that should not be there (have you tried the new one btw, im eager to hear back some feedback on how it works now). In fact, your comments are the ONLY ones i've recieved regarding any fault in the accuracy, which suprises me a bit since quite a few people have downloaded it. And those faults were pretty darn big =)

I have a test range mission that i use for all weapons tests. Upper left airport on Malden. Setviewdistance to 4000 for long range sniping. and a bunch of civilian targets biggrin.gif

So, no hard feelings. i AM very appreciative for any feedback, especially such correct and relevant one as i've gotten in this thread.

Thank you again guys,


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I'm speachless..........And i must apologize. You must understand, being a land warrior veteran, i posted my thoughts on df3.net quite a bit, and people there, quite frankly, sucked. I got shot down quite a bit for thinking as freely as i do here confused.gif. So anyway, i'll go check out the new specs and get back to you.

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ok, info time! The new optics look incredible. I was very impressed with that. the m24 is still puts its shot just a bit to the left, but other than that, its very nice! Same with the M99.

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wait! scratch that. Its not a little to the left, its just still a little too effected by the wind is all.

Anyway, aside from that, if i could just get the weapon and ammo names for the m24 out of you, id be in buisness biggrin.gif

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The weapon names are: FILOM24 and FILOM99

and the magazine name : FILOM24mag and FILOM99mag

well.. round woudl be an more appropriate name with the M99 smile.gif

The left and right might be the dispersion setting. which is a kind of "ok.. how much does the bullet randomly deviate from the trajectory.." but the M24 has the same dispersion as the M21 has now. So it "should" fire the same.

And boy is it fun to take down civvies at 1200 meters on the airport smile.gif damn.. i need help tounge.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([FILO] HuBBa @ April 07 2002,09:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And boy is it fun to take down civvies at 1200 meters on the airport smile.gif damn.. i need help tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

no you dont biggrin.gif

If i was convicted for every civillian iv ever killed in a game, id be dead about 1,240 times by now. Why, back in the days of grand theft auto, i was the best civillian killer this side of hell.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aculaud @ April 07 2002,03:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wait! scratch that. Its not a little to the left, its just still a little too effected by the wind is all.<span id='postcolor'>

Wind does not affect bullet trajectory in OFP.

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Correct Avonlady smile.gif Only dispersion affect the spread of the bullet it seems. the max,mid and min ranges affect the scale of the trajectory, and cost the steepness of the trajectory (low cost = light bullet, flies high, high cost = heavy bullet, flies straight).

But it would be cool if wind DID affect the bullet.. but then we need a way to judge the wind. And adjust elevation and horizontal adjustment duing game time.


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One more thing i was going to ask you about, HuBBa. Are mildot scopes really that powerful? I know you love the super long range stuff, but youve only got the thing zeroed at 300 meters out. It would still be doing pretty good at even half the zoom level youve got it at, which would also be more helpful for 100 meter shots, and other shorter range situations. Or, you could just make it manually zoom in and out like youve got on your barrett. This would really help.

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