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Are we gonna get the "Laser Red Dot" from the LTD back?

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Hi all

I'm not sure in which beta this dropped, but right now an active Laser Target Designator shows no "red dot" anymore, even if you point it at your feet.

While I'm fairly sure this is realistic for real life, it's hard on those with crosshairs disabled since you really have no other indication if the unit is switched on or not.

So could we either get the red dot back or an indication for LTD status that works with "floating crosshair" disabled?

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+1. We need some kind of visual confirmation. A red on/off indicator texture would suffice.

I would say the same is needed for:

* Stingers and Javelins, some method to indicate lock without using crosshairs.

* BMP3 side gunners sights, crosshairs forced on here?

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I agree, a lock indicator is indeed a good idea but this belongs in the sugestions forum section.

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I think one of the betas brought it back. But it's random if not completely broken in version 1.04.

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I agree, a lock indicator is indeed a good idea but this belongs in the sugestions forum section.

This about something that worked before and was removed during patching, so it makes sense to make it an item for the beta patches. It's not a new suggestion.

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