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Friendly AI a bit hesitant to attack?

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Hi all

Not sure if it's the latest beta, or if it's the game in general - I haven't played much before upgrading to this system, and the little I did was with 1.02, so can't say.

But what I notice is that at least in Warfare, the friendly AI, especially Anti-Tank, really hold back their shots. Even if I have two RPG-7 soldiers in my team we still get chewed up by Lav-25 and Humvees before my dudes have their rockets on the shoulder. I also tried ordering attack manually, same result.

Did BIS cut back on the range for unguided rocket shots? The ranges I'm seeing this behaviour with are a bit on the far side, maybe 300m top. Maybe something changed so Javelin and Kornet have a purpose?

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Very small engagement ranges plague all weapons in the hands of the AI. Snipers wait until the enemy is closer than 300m! It's frustrating because sometimes they do the exact opposite and attack from so far away (to effect, often) that you can't even hear the bullets snapping anymore.

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Check out the AI mods in the mods section, one is for larger engagement ranges and better AI in firefights.

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Thanks for the answers. Has this been a problem since the first day?

I really didn't play that many large scale engagements on my previous weak system, so I can't say.

In Arma1, my RPG/M136 soldiers usually were deadly at first contact with any enemy armour. Maybe a bit too much so, but that felt more proper than this here now.

Oh, and they really need to stop shooting at enemy vehicles full of dead people. Which happens a lot when I set them to Combat Mode, so maybe that turns up their agressiveness?

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Oh, and they really need to stop shooting at enemy vehicles full of dead people. Which happens a lot when I set them to Combat Mode, so maybe that turns up their agressiveness?

I've never experienced that. Derelict vehicles are studiously ignored in my games.

A link to the specific mod increasing engagement ranges would be appreciated.

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Well, playing Warfare (Superpowers) we were just past a Depot which had been captured by our side, with a "dead" Avenger sitting there (both gunner and driver dead, engine running).

So that thing was behind us, we on the way to next town. Whenever I told my guys to go Combat mode so they would take cover, they turned around and shot at the Avenger. they ignored it while on "Aware" however.

It's a great game once you get it running smoothly, but even then this minor stuff can be super annoying.

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Well, playing Warfare (Superpowers) we were just past a Depot which had been captured by our side, with a "dead" Avenger sitting there (both gunner and driver dead, engine running).

So that thing was behind us, we on the way to next town. Whenever I told my guys to go Combat mode so they would take cover, they turned around and shot at the Avenger. they ignored it while on "Aware" however.

It's a great game once you get it running smoothly, but even then this minor stuff can be super annoying.

Ah, I remember it has happened to me once before, with an M240 Humvee. But only once.

More serious is the AI's tendency to fire Smaws at infantry (and their horrendous accuracy with RPGs at infantry) when they are so ineffective that I have survived shooting one at my feet with light injuries.

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It wasnt out first day no, and sorry I didnt link it I was in a hurry at the time to logout :)

Its been updated since the 17th with much more balancing to use stealth etc.

Foggy loves link is the one I was refering too BTW.

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Thanks for the link to the AI mod. I was about to post about this issue, but I found this thread.

In playing recently, after having been away from the game a while, I have noticed many times, EVERY time actually, that my AI controlled AT infantry just will NOT fire at the target I have assigned. It doesn't matter whether they are using the M136 or a SMAW or a Javelin. It doesn't matter whether I have them on hold fire, assign the target, then command open fire, rather than just telling them to engage while they are already set to open fire. Every time, they stand there and say "target aquired" or "ready to fire", then just stand there like statues till they are killed. On my last mission, I spent several minutes trying to get a javelin equiped AI soldier to fire at the Shilka that was out in the open, sitting still for the most part, and only 5-600m away, which is nothing for a javelin.

He just stood there, telling me all the while "target aquired". I tried selecting him and going to his action menu by pressing "6" and selecting reload. No luck, he reloaded and stood there. Eventually, after trying to get him to fire for several minutes, I decided to have him drop the weapon so I could pick it up and use it myself. But, no option to tell him to drop the weapon, as it wouldn't let me into his gear menu. So he contuned to stand there. I then just started spamming "attack the Shilka", and he eventually did, after maybe 5 or 6 attack commands.

This is kinda ridiculous! Annoying issues like this REALLY detract from the immersion and fun of the game. Good luck sorting it out, BIS! I hope my report helps!

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