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Rip Village n Town layouts - script

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Idea - to use a script to scan a selected area (eg town) of any existing in game map and save a list of;

- Objects class name

- The Objects XY location (or relative location)

- The Objects alignment (direction)

The idea, to then use this in a Visitor object import, as a quick way to construct towns and villages.

You don't have to use exact copies of course, you can use parts of various import to "mix and match" houses, fences, roads, vegitation etc.

A bit like a lego set.

So, any reasons why its not do-able?

(how to I collected the text data? can I export to the clipboard from ArmA2?)

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That would be nice to have... Im currently working on 1000's of buildings. I think ill have to make some on my own. Anyone intrested in a walmart... lol Im thinking about making one so you can go inside... Anyways Im making a map of my home town and there are plenty more homes than actual large buildings and that is getting to be difficult.

A script like this could work very nice.... you could move and place where u need it and delete the ones you dont need.......

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When we were developing WrpTool there was some controversy about the copy-paste command, user could load like Everon, copy Montignac, load his own terrain and paste the whole city there.

People were upset for WrpTool as this feature would encourage "theft".


BTW Gnat check PMC Tactical forums...

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Good find ... thanks.

@ Both

IP issues, no, I don't really see anyone screaming about their layouts being copied, considering most Terrain maker wouldnt use exact copies anyway. I was mainly talking about ripping BI's own towns and military bases.

Anyway, like script snippets, you credit the author.

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