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SyNcRoNiCzZ AddOn Release Thread

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They look absolutely fantastic (and remind me of my basic training in the army, especially of the fun of cleaning one of those puppies after a mud-bath :angryfire:)

As to your porblem with the handguard/handposition: The Bundeswehr uses the G3ZF in Afghanistan in a DMR Role, and it is often outfittet with a handgrip. Judging from your other mods, you are acustomed to the animations and modelling work necessary for such a weapon layout. So why don't make a G3ZF with foregrip and avoid the current animation problem?;)

But, most important: keep up your great work!!

Crushus Maximus

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WoW a good friend of mine just forwarded me to this thread. I love YOUR work and all the awesome models you made for ARMA2. THIS is just plain awesome.

And by the way are you doing anything like KSK units or DELLTA FORCE soldiers for Arma2 ? PLZ do this in the future!


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Fantastic work so far, will you be including an M203 version? :)

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WoW a good friend of mine just forwarded me to this thread. I love YOUR work and all the awesome models you made for ARMA2. THIS is just plain awesome.

And by the way are you doing anything like KSK units or DELLTA FORCE soldiers for Arma2 ? PLZ do this in the future!


Yezzzz, this was cool Johannes. :D KSK Unist need´s still in ARMA2 ;)

Fantastic work so far, will you be including an M203 version? :)

There is a grenade launcher, I think it About a "HK-79" ?

Edited by SyNcRoNiCzZ

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For all the Missions Editer´s i make a little Objekt Pack, (The ArmA´s Best) :D

Edit: Pics removed, a new Pack in Work.

Edited by SyNcRoNiCzZ

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With a cigarette one needs a good glass of beer? :)

Excellent work on the Hks, looking forward to these particularly after your G36 and MP7 packs.

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good job on the rifles, I love em! too bad some of them aren't held correctly (e.g. hand where a front grip is supposed to be when there isn't one)

Patiently waiting on the Bushmaster ACR/Magpul masada. My favorite rifle :)

The total conflict mod did this in ArmA, and it works O.K. in arma 2, but the shadows are weird and you can see your hands through the weapon..

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With a cigarette one needs a good glass of beer? :)

Do not worry that comes next, no just fun. :D

good job on the rifles, I love em! too bad some of them aren't held correctly (e.g. hand where a front grip is supposed to be when there isn't one)

Patiently waiting on the Bushmaster ACR/Magpul masada. My favorite rifle :)

The total conflict mod did this in ArmA, and it works O.K. in arma 2, but the shadows are weird and you can see your hands through the weapon..

Yes, that is known to me, i Work not more on this "Hand-Grip Weapons", Sorry comes not Update´s more. The ACR was coming, but I can not say yet when. ;)

I have a Problem, i hope can help me someone. I hav define a Cigarett as CfgGlasses, now see this is the Result ???


To know someone from that ? I was look to a Smoke effect, but whe can made this ?

Edited by SyNcRoNiCzZ

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Please learn how to use "sharp" and "soft" edges in O2. Wrong edges are killing more models then cigarettes do ;) .

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Well if you define the cigarette under CfgGlasses won't that place it wherever the NVG Proxy is? IIRC the NVG Proxy on the model is where the goggles will appear in game. I could be wrong.

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I did it, the Proxy Tricked out, thx. to Mondkalb for the Info. ;)


Unfortunately, there is no given in A2 a "Playmove" Animation. Regardless.

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Looks good.

Any news on the G3's?

Thx. I Work on the G3, Time is time. Power lies in the Patience. ;)

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So, now i release my little Object Pack. :D Hav fun whit this.

More Infos in the Readme. ;)


ArmAHolic Mirror:


Depositfiles Mirror:



Ok, retrospectively thx. to Help to "Mondkalb", you ar Headmodel help my to adjust.

Edited by SyNcRoNiCzZ

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Here can see my "Try it" Projects (for my Only) No Release Plan, a Russian Gasmask. ;) (I wanted to show you the only)


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Looks excellent in game, thank you! I look forward to seeing more of such objects, that gas mask for example looks very good too!

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Ok now, i release now a BETA Version of the G3 Project.

This BETA version is only to Testing. (Feeling, Bugs, Suggestions.) for yours.

For more Infos read the Readme. ;)

rtz8dkmvn22y.jpg b8dqxj89wjce.jpg

gr68zgrjfed5.jpg 9zewp1f4mtif.jpg


ArmAHolic Mirror:


ArmedAssault.info Mirror:


ArmA2Base Mirror:


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Thx. to Fallschirmjager for the great Modell.

Thx. to RobertHammer for the Perfect Sound.

Thx. to still Other People´s. To help my whit Addon Editing for ArmA2.

Thx. to Bohemia Interactive for the best Game 4ever.

Edited by SyNcRoNiCzZ

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Thx. for Upload Foxhound, i hope you hav about free Space :D, now this was fun.

THX. for the Files Hosting ArmAHolic, and the Ohter File Hoster course !

WOW 200 Post´es, and 15,624 View´s not bad, I did not expect. :bounce3:

Edited by SyNcRoNiCzZ

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