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sweden fidde

help!! Marker Follow Player

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Hi i am working on a big mission here. I am a pilot how is shoot down behind enemys lines and the enemy ai will try to find me and kill me.,

In the mission am i using the UPS script for the enemys insted of waypoints.

my plan is like this.

i have a marker that are following me and it is like 500m X 500m big and its called for exampel playermarker.

can i make the marker to follow me and also use it for the ups script so the enemy ai are always patrol the area that i am in.

So the enemy are near me but they dont know my exactly positon

plzz help me i think it would be aswome if it works plzz you can send me a demo mission alsoe if you can:) i am a litel noob on this things so help me.) ARMA ROCKS

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"MarkerName" setMarkerPos getpos UnitName

~40 //Seconds it refreshes, best to have some type of wait otherwise itll continually loop

goto "top"

copy/paste that into marker.sqs

then add a Civilian well out of harms way (or just add this allowDamage false in his init line so he can't die) and this exec "marker.sqs"

That's a very simple solution I had working. If you die it stops working but for the purpose of your mission, it should suffice

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Hi thx for the quick respond Nemorz;) But it dident work for me at al .. the game was shout down when i run the script. i am using Arma 2 also if that mathers. so plz help me i still need help

but thx any way from Fredrik Swe


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This will work:

while {alive player} do
"playermarker" setMarkerPos (getPos player);
sleep 5;

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JW's version is better, that should work well ;)

I think I'll rob that also. *YOINK*

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Hi, I have problems with this same matter and no idea how to get it work...


while {alive convoy1} do
"Convoy" setMarkerPos (getPos convoy1);
sleep 5;

convoy1 is enemy vehicle, Convoy is marker

Where and how should I put 'execVM "marker.sqf";' ? I've tried init.sqf, Civilian's init -field, trigger's, but can't get it to work.. :/

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Try just putting the code below into your init.sqf:

if (isServer) then {
    waitUntil {!(isNil convoy1)};
    while {alive convoy1} do {
         "Convoy" setMarkerPos (getPos convoy1);
         sleep 5;

That might be wrong - haven't scripted in ARMA for quite a while. :S

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Try just putting the code below into your init.sqf:

if (isServer) then {
    waitUntil {!(isNil convoy1)};
    while {alive convoy1} do {
         "Convoy" setMarkerPos (getPos convoy1);
         sleep 5;

That might be wrong - haven't scripted in ARMA for quite a while. :S

Didn't work either.. I'm starting to think if there's some stupid fail in my files, so here's the whole init.sqf:

execVM "briefing.sqf";
execVM "respawnOnLeader.sqf";

if (isServer) then {
    waitUntil {!(isNil convoy1)};
    while {alive convoy1} do {
         "Convoy" setMarkerPos (getPos convoy1);
         sleep 5;


Does it seem right?

Btw, the Convoy -marker is also in briefing.sqf as tskobj_1's marker, if it matters anything?

And if I put that code, which was on my first post, straight to f.ex civilian's init -field, the game freezes. (Keeps just looping?)

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[] spawn {

while {not isnull pilot} do { "mkr_pilotpos" setmarkerpos getpos pilot; sleep 0.5; };


Try that out where the player name is 'pilot' and the marker name is 'mkr_pilotpos'. Change the sleep time to whatever you want.

I know this will make the marker follow you, but I do not know how UPS will handle this.


What do you mean by those didn't work? I am just guessing that it is only moving the marker a single time or is not allowing anything else below it in the file to execute. Try this:

[] spawn {

while {alive convoy1} do {

while {not isnull pilot} do { "mkr_pilotpos" setmarkerpos getpos pilot; sleep 0.5; };



If that doesn't work, try switching the alive convoy and the spawn line (Switch line 1 with line 2). I haven't tested any of this, but it ought to work.

Edited by Grimes [3rd ID]

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@Grimes [3rd ID]

;1687371']What do you mean by those didn't work? I am just guessing that it is only moving the marker a single time or is not allowing anything else below it in the file to execute.

The marker doesn't move at all.. :/


If that doesn't work' date=' try switching the alive convoy and the spawn line (Switch line 1 with line 2). I haven't tested any of this, but it ought to work.[/quote']

I tried your code, still nothing.. Switching those lines also didn't help, though it made a huge lag. :F

What am I doing wrong? :D :F :S

Could someone send a short example mission with a marker following a unit?

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Simplest possible implementation:

1) Place a unit, place a waypoint (just to check)

2) Place a marker called "marker1"

3) Add this into the units init: nul = [this,"marker1",1] execVM "mark_unit.sqf";

4) Create an sqf called "mark_unit.sqf" in the mission folder:

_unit = _this select 0;
_marker = _this select 1;
_delay = _this select 2;

while { alive _unit } do { _marker setMarkerPos getPos _unit; sleep _delay; };

If you cant get it to work, you're doing it wrong!

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@Grimes [3rd ID]

The marker doesn't move at all.. :/

I tried your code, still nothing.. Switching those lines also didn't help, though it made a huge lag. :F

What am I doing wrong? :D :F :S

Could someone send a short example mission with a marker following a unit?

Whoops, sorry man, I got confused between whos script was whos.

[] spawn {

while {alive convoy1} do {

while {not isnull convoy1} do { "mkr_convoy1pos" setmarkerpos getpos convoy1; sleep 0.5; };



Try that, assuming convoy1 is the name of a vehicle. If that doesn't work, remove the while alive convoy line to make sure you named everything right and then work backwards, maybe using a trigger instead. That script goes in the init by the way.

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@Murklor & Grimes [3rd ID]

;1687466']Whoops' date=' sorry man, I got confused between whos script was whos.

Try that, assuming convoy1 is the name of a vehicle. If that doesn't work, remove the while alive convoy line to make sure you named everything right and then work backwards, maybe using a trigger instead. That script goes in the init by the way.[/quote']

Still didn't work.. :F

Simplest possible implementation:

1) Place a unit, place a waypoint (just to check)

2) Place a marker called "marker1"

3) Add this into the units init: nul = [this,"marker1",1] execVM "mark_unit.sqf";

4) Create an sqf called "mark_unit.sqf" in the mission folder:

_unit = _this select 0;
_marker = _this select 1;
_delay = _this select 2;
while { alive _unit } do { _marker setMarkerPos getPos _unit; sleep _delay; };

If you cant get it to work, you're doing it wrong!

With this method I got it to work... FINALLY \o/ Thanks!

Next problem is: how do I make briefing.sqf to follow the same marker?

tskobj_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "Convoy");

is the basic line in it, but how to execute mark_unit.sqf there?

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Not sure why the method I suggested isn't working for you' date=' works fine for me.

#include might be your best bet, but I'm not sure. Assuming execVM doesn't work there.[/quote']

Gotta try tomorrow again when I'm sober (hopefully)..

Maybe I just make this mission tonight with this Murklor's method, f.ex adding marker for every convoys' unit and changing the tskobj_x -marker with triggers close to convoy's waypoints.

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