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bravo 6

BC6 Feelings

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Ok, i found the "M4AIM" bug, its fixed and ill be fixed for the next version which will contain the civilian Icons.

About the other bug you said " Same as AK but with M4 ", can you elaborate the error message, please?

Thanks for posting the bugs. ;)

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It was that bug you already fixed mate. So you dont need to worry. It was the bug with AK that came up now and then by itself and lots of people reported it here. Even me. But your new version elimiated that one. So no worries. :)

Old bug (fixed in latest version):

"Cannot load texture bc6_feeling_icons\data\ico\bc6_ins_rifleman_ak74s_ ca.paa."

Alex72, I say again: I'm not doing the outlines for the soldiers, like i said. Its not necessary.

Ok ok. Sorry. Dont kill me. ;)


Edited by Alex72

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@ bravo 6

I found a bug in the Campaign with your Mod...

"Cannot load texture bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_L_dmr_ca.paa";

Sykes has no Icon, all other Team Memers works fine.

I look in the config.cpp an the other TeamMembers has the original Icons from game.

portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_cooper_ca";

portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_ohara_ca";

portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_rodriguez_ca";

only Sykes has a other File Target

portrait = "\bc6_Feeling_ICONS\data\Ico\bc6_L_dmr_ca.paa"; // VER PQ NAO EXISTE

Im editet the File to the original

portrait = "\Ca\characters\data\portraits\comBarHead_Sykes_ca";

and it works fine

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Hi Pak, yes I'm aware of that bug.

It is already fixed on my pc and the next update will have it fixed. Also some other icons will be added too.

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When can we expect an update for this very cool mod :)

@Salah the mod works fine in combination with our ded.server? Except for the know "missing bc6_L_dmr_ca" message at startup. Have you checked if everything is installed ok and in the right location. It might conflict with other GUI mods..

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This mod perfectly works for me. Both on all dedicated, and on usual servers.

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Well, it seems we got it to work once, when the server admin started the server.exe with the mod-folder loaded. I am pretty sure a client side addon should not require the server to run the addon though.

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Probably when he's done with it. I bet he's probably limited on free time at the moment or he'd have something for us. Asking when just ain't productive.

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