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Which unit killed which unit ?

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I was wondering if there was anyway to get a variable or something which tells you which unit killed a certain unit ?

The only place ive seen this is when you die, it first shows you then the unit which killed you...

Just as example would you be able to do this...

P1 Kills P2

Then a titletext says.... P2 was killed by P1

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As far as i know, noone could figure this out yet.

I think, it must be possible, because the game does

it (in multiplayer you can see it), but noone could crack

this easter egg yet.

SUMA - any hints? wink.gif

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What do you mean exactly... ?

To be able to show which AI unit was killed by which player or what? I'm confused........... because if u mean kills in mp games.. they are already shown.

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ok to be more specific, i want to find out the Player which killed an AI.

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Well, in theory you can find out who killed who by checking the area in front of you... If the person straight in front of you dies, you killed him... But not always smile.gif

So its a very unprecise way of doing it. One can enhance it further by checking who is in front who (within viewing range), is that person dead? If so, has looker spent ammo? If true, chances are looker killed unit in front of him...

One way. In theory biggrin.gif

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Oh ok... right. Well each AI would need to have a name. And you would need a script that activates if the AI dies then says. "AI_Name was killed by Player_Name" so there are some values that need to be defined. I am fairly sure there is a script existing because on some missions, I have seen such statements when an AI has been killed, usually doesn't include the players name who killed him, but that would just be a matter of changing the script to say the player's name.

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