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Why do my Vehicle stop at each waypoint

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I place a vehicle then add move waypoints, but they seem to stop before moving to the next waypoint :confused:

How do you get them to move smoothly from waypoint to waypoint??


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I place a vehicle then add move waypoints, but they seem to stop before moving to the next waypoint :confused:

How do you get them to move smoothly from waypoint to waypoint??


They stop because commander says to the driver where to go next. Ya, it sucks.

Edit: Forgot to tell you solution of one kind:

Add empty vehicle and then the crew separately. Ungroup them. Name the vehicle (For example "vehicle1"). On init-field of the crew men type: this moveInCommander vehicle1 / this moveInGunner vehicle1 / this moveInDriver vehicle1 / this moveInCargo vehicle1.

Create waypoints for the driver.

Edited by Gekkibi

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then they will still stop because at every waypoint the path is calculated.

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then they will still stop because at every waypoint the path is calculated.

And that is why I called it a "solution of one kind". ;)

It helps, but doesn't fix the problem.

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Hi there,

Try to put only one waypoint on the destination point.

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Thanks, will try the one waypoint at destination...Hmm will they stay on the road I wonder!!

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Thanks, will try the one waypoint at destination...Hmm will they stay on the road I wonder!!

Wheeled vehicles usually does.

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You may find they stop for longer when calculating longer routes. So assuming a fixed distance you want to travel, you can either use many waypoints with shorter pauses, or fewer waypoints with longer pauses.

Having one long waypoint (as mentioned) is probably the best choice, though. That way all of the "pausing" is done right at the start and not during the journey.

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Often people use too many waypoints for vehicles. But only one could be not enough. For example: To let a jeep drive on Utes from Strelka to the other side of the island you have to set 3 or 4 waypoints. And don't choose the combat mode. Else tanks, etc. will drive directly to the next wp, ignoring the road.

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