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TCP Laser Rangefinder v04

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Hey man, it's not working for me...?

new key in keys folder, I have the .cpp file in the userconfig folder and then in it's own folder called: TCP_RF

other files are in the actual addons folder...

Am I doing something wrong?

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Are you running CBA?

userconfig will give you an error if its not found, so that's not the problem

What RPT errors do you have, if any?

You have to hit R to turn on the display, try mapping it to a different key if that doesn't work for you.

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Are you running CBA?

userconfig will give you an error if its not found, so that's not the problem

What RPT errors do you have, if any?

You have to hit R to turn on the display, try mapping it to a different key if that doesn't work for you.

I'm running CBA, yes... does it have to be the latest one?

No errors, the display just doesn't work im using GDT binocular mod if that would affect it?

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 PM ----------

Finally got it working lol, instead of using 19 for R, I changed it to 45 for X, and it works now, cheers

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Carl, should the system figure out the coordinates itself, or should it be done manually? Including elevation?

Testing Release:



Check TCP_RF.hpp for more options.

Alt-R changes mil setting

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R forces battery changes, optionally w/o designator active

More responsive

Next To Do:

Dummy Batteries only

Edited by tcp

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This really just keeps getting better, if i may suggest a couple of features:-

1. Light on the display, when the laser is active. I know you can tell easily with the range, but it would be nice for a quick check.

2. Option if possible to change the azimuth from mils to degrees, as seen on the compass for quick target reference.

Loving this though m8, definatly something that will be used by me as default.

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Shadow, doesn't the XMIT light up for you when the laser is active?

Also, with the new test version that I posted above, you can change it to any measurement you want and switch between them. 360 mils would be the same thing as degrees.

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You are of course correct :o

Well i have nothing else to add or request, this is perfect...

Thankyou dude.

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Shadow, doesn't the XMIT light up for you when the laser is active?

Also, with the new test version that I posted above, you can change it to any measurement you want and switch between them. 360 mils would be the same thing as degrees.

On this line, what do you change to make it degrees?

_optDefMil = [6400,6000,6300,6283]; //mils, azimuth and elevation mil setting, first is default


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_optDefMil = [360];

or to still be able to switch in between

_optDefMil = [360,6400,6000];

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Sweet update!


_optDefMil = [360,6400,6000,6300,6283]; //mils, azimuth and elevation mil setting, first is default

360 = degrees.

6400 = 1/6400 NATO standard.

6000 = 1/6000 SU standard.

6300 = 1/6300 Swedish standard.

6283 = 1/6283 The "real" trigonometric unit of angular measurement of a circle in use by telescopic sight manufacturers using (stadiametric) rangefinding in reticles.

You can change between them by pressing Alt+R.

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Cheers bro!

//Keycode to activate RF display

_optActKey = 45; //default R (19) but 45 = X (So your reload aint doing funny things

//Modifers to change MIL setting (only when display is active)

_optMilCtrl = false;

_optMilShift = false;

_optMilAlt = true;

//Modifiers to activate forced battery change (optionally when display is active or not)

_optBatCtrl = true;

_optBatShift = true;

_optBatAlt = true;

//Forced battery change available when designator not selected

_optAlwLoad = true;

//Battery life

_optBatLf = 120; //minutes of culmulative use per battery, Set to zero for unlimited

_optBatRep = true; //replace batteries in your inventory with ones that can only be used with display

//Overheat values

_optDegMax = 240; //degrees (F), temperature at which the designator risks burn out, set very high to disable

_optDegOht = 190; //degrees (F), temperature at which to indicate overheat

_optDegAmb = 60; //degrees (F), ambient air temperature

_optRteIdl = 0.5; //degrees (F) per minute, heating rate with laser off

_optRteAct = 10; //degrees (F) per minute, heating rate with laser on

//Performance timers

_optStateChk = 0.2; //seconds

_optDispRef = 1; //seconds

_optBlinkFreq = 0.5; //seconds

//Data output

_optDefMil = [360,6400,6000,6300,6283]; //mils, azimuth and elevation mil setting, first is default

_optElvMax = 400; //mils, max elevation reading

_optRngAcc = 5; //meters, accuracy of range

/* Keycodes are listed below

ESC = 1

F1 = 59

F2 = 60

F3 = 61

F4 = 62

F5 = 63

F6 = 64

F7 = 65

F8 = 66

F9 = 67

F10 = 68

F11 = 87

F12 = 88

PRINT = 183


PAUSE = 197

^ = 41

1 = 2

2 = 3

3 = 4

4 = 5

5 = 6

6 = 7

7 = 8

8 = 9

9 = 10

0 = 11

ß = 12

´ = 13

Ü = 26

Ö = 39

Ä = 40

# = 43

< = 86

, = 51

. = 52

- = 53


POS1 = 199

TAB = 15

ENTER = 28

DELETE = 211


INSERT = 210

END = 207

PAGEUP = 201


CAPS = 58

A = 30

B = 48

C = 46

D = 32

E = 18

F = 33

G = 34

H = 35

I = 23

J = 36

K = 37

L = 38

M = 50

N = 49

O = 24

P = 25

Q = 16

U = 22

R = 19

S = 31

T = 20

V = 47

W = 17

X = 45

Y = 44

Z = 21



UP = 200

DOWN = 208

LEFT = 203

RIGHT = 205

NUM_0 = 82

NUM_1 = 79

NUM_2 = 80

NUM_3 = 81

NUM_4 = 75

NUM_5 = 76

NUM_6 = 77

NUM_7 = 71

NUM_8 = 72

NUM_9 = 73

NUM_+ = 78

NUM = 69

NUM_/ = 181

NUM_* = 55

NUM_- = 74

NUM_, = 83


STRGL = 29

STRGR = 157

WINL = 220

WINR = 219

ALT = 56

SPACE = 57

ALTGR = 184

APP = 221


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BTW, obviously, the replace batteries option isn't implemented yet.

I don't think you can add dummy batteries or any new magazine type and still work on the client side only.

Testing release 0.52


Changelog 0.52

State changes fixed, shuts off when in third person, or moving

Laser turns off automatically

Changelog 0.51

Alt-R changes mil setting

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R forces battery changes, optionally w/o designator active

More responsive

The dummy battery won't pan out since the addon needs to be kept client-side

To Do Next: QRF coordinates with option for automatic or manual calculation. Although I don't know if anyone actually wants to do it manually, or how they would go about doing it.

Edited by tcp

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I think that's designed behavior.

I can't do anything about default behavior until you turn on the display, nor can I do anything if you have extra batteries. So you can turn on the laser whenever you want, really. I wish the fired eventhandler worked with laser so I could prevent that.

The laser (and display) is supposed to turn off if you go to third person, or move.

Although, I think there was a state check error for switching Mils in 0.52 which will be fix shortly in the next version.

Testing release 0.53

- Firing laser activates display, and battery function


Carl, how do you think QRF should work. You said you should be able to fill in the coords then hit OK. Does that mean its all done manually. Do you need any information displayed just as current coordinates?

Edited by tcp

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I can use this one fine:

Using 42 which is left shift, it doesn't try reload the weapon and X makes the dude crouch.

So theoretically, using your new version, .53 it should be sweet as.

//Keycode to activate RF display

_optActKey = 42; //default R (19)

//Modifers to change MIL setting (only when display is active)

_optMilCtrl = false;

_optMilShift = false;

_optMilAlt = true;

//Modifiers to activate forced battery change (optionally when display is active or not)

_optBatCtrl = true;

_optBatShift = true;

_optBatAlt = true;

//Forced battery change available when designator not selected

_optAlwLoad = true;

//Battery life

_optBatLf = 120; //minutes of culmulative use per battery, Set to zero for unlimited

_optBatRep = true; //replace batteries in your inventory with ones that can only be used with display

//Overheat values

_optDegMax = 240; //degrees (F), temperature at which the designator risks burn out, set very high to disable

_optDegOht = 190; //degrees (F), temperature at which to indicate overheat

_optDegAmb = 60; //degrees (F), ambient air temperature

_optRteIdl = 0.5; //degrees (F) per minute, heating rate with laser off

_optRteAct = 10; //degrees (F) per minute, heating rate with laser on

//Performance timers

_optStateChk = 0.2; //seconds

_optDispRef = 1; //seconds

_optBlinkFreq = 0.5; //seconds

//Data output

_optDefMil = [360,6400,6000,6300,6283]; //mils, azimuth and elevation mil setting, first is default

_optElvMax = 400; //mils, max elevation reading

_optRngAcc = 5; //meters, accuracy of range

/* Keycodes are listed below

ESC = 1

F1 = 59

F2 = 60

F3 = 61

F4 = 62

F5 = 63

F6 = 64

F7 = 65

F8 = 66

F9 = 67

F10 = 68

F11 = 87

F12 = 88

PRINT = 183


PAUSE = 197

^ = 41

1 = 2

2 = 3

3 = 4

4 = 5

5 = 6

6 = 7

7 = 8

8 = 9

9 = 10

0 = 11

ß = 12

´ = 13

Ü = 26

Ö = 39

Ä = 40

# = 43

< = 86

, = 51

. = 52

- = 53


POS1 = 199

TAB = 15

ENTER = 28

DELETE = 211


INSERT = 210

END = 207

PAGEUP = 201


CAPS = 58

A = 30

B = 48

C = 46

D = 32

E = 18

F = 33

G = 34

H = 35

I = 23

J = 36

K = 37

L = 38

M = 50

N = 49

O = 24

P = 25

Q = 16

U = 22

R = 19

S = 31

T = 20

V = 47

W = 17

X = 45

Y = 44

Z = 21



UP = 200

DOWN = 208

LEFT = 203

RIGHT = 205

NUM_0 = 82

NUM_1 = 79

NUM_2 = 80

NUM_3 = 81

NUM_4 = 75

NUM_5 = 76

NUM_6 = 77

NUM_7 = 71

NUM_8 = 72

NUM_9 = 73

NUM_+ = 78

NUM = 69

NUM_/ = 181

NUM_* = 55

NUM_- = 74

NUM_, = 83


STRGL = 29

STRGR = 157

WINL = 220

WINR = 219

ALT = 56

SPACE = 57

ALTGR = 184

APP = 221


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What does it do when you use R? I seem to be able to turn it on and off fine. Even if you have a extra battery, it will only reload once.

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you mean your designator?

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Ur updated config doesn't work for me.... ALT + R does nothing

Edited by Solarghost

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i tested it, alt + R works, youll have to be more descriptive. if its a bug, then ill try to fix it.

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I'm using that old config I posted and just use H instead

No sure what the issue may have been, could have been user error :p

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0.51 had a scripting error as i mentioned earlier, that check for the wrong precondition with Alt+R, so that could have been it. It was fixed in 0.52

Also, just to forewarn you. Firing the laser without turning on the RF display first will turn on the RF, but you will have to fire the laser a second time to engage it.

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Nice one, adds to the immersion for sure when lazing targets!


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Well, I've think I've filled most of the feature requests. I am working on QRF coordinates passing. However, that requires a dialog, so it may take some time.

I can release the current beta, I don't think it has any bugs. I am going to leave R as the default key, it can be changed in preferences if it causes problems for individuals. I don't want to get in the habit of releasing updates too frequently though.

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