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Best AI and realism mods?

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Hi there, I'm wondering what the most popular AI and realism mods are out there.

I'd like to make my AI teammates (as well as the enemy) shoot more and more often, like in real life. More intense firefights, not just some picking off at a distance.

Also I'd like for them to provide suppressive fire on command, is there any mod to fix this?

I'm also looking for any other general realism and/or AI tweaks which you all might recommend. Thx in advance

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Take a look on [GDT] COOP Server (gdt-server.net). Play some missions prefered in Profi Mode. If you like the server settings/addons, i will check if i can send them to you.


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There are a few main ones I know of (that are released, there are others that are WIP):

VFAI - AI Extension

Main Improvements are:

"1. VFAI_Equipment: It enables units to independently equip themselves with weapons and ammo from dead bodys. Further information and details included in the readme file. I advise you to read the readme file - it might explain some behaviour you wonder about. Installation: read the readme file (it is easy).

2. VFAI_Smokeshell: It will cause units to throw smokeshells whenever they're hit. They will try to throw smoke into the direction of the gunner to block his view. More details in the included readme file. Installation: read the readme file (it is easy). All units will then be equipped with 1 smokeshell and will know when to use it.

3. VFAI Control Panel: Using this control panel addon you will be able to switch VFAI addons on and off in the middle of the game."


And there is another AI improvement/mod inside zGuba's Gameplay Modifications pack which is called "Stick2gether" it just basically makes AI stay in formations when overwhelmed, this isn't the only thing in this Gameplay modifications pack, there are others too.


Concerning realism there are a few sight adjustment and ballistics mods

Sight adjustment:


Ballistics/Reticles Mod


There are probably more, but those are the ones I know of, and at least I'm contributing right? ;)

Edited by Dmahon

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it depends what you call realism, but Project 85 for sure

simply it is cold war, historical mod

i have realistic ranges for weapons for example, realistic look , details, but it depends what you want as realism, and in which historical era

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Good call on reallity coz some other games have better squad AIs actions than ARMA2

Bring on more MODs that reduce micro-managing the squads...

Micro-managing so basic actions such as

- Heal this/that should be done automatically by the medic/corpsman for example

- AI/Player screaming "I'm out of ammo" should one AI member of the team provide extra ammo... without need to wait for a AMMO truck to do so.

- Howtizers out of ammo... just one gunner to control - unreall... where are the other 2... where at least one of them should be fetching new shells for the weapon don't run out of ammo.

- Refuel, why don't AI takes initiative of refuling if the status is "safe" and either the FUEL truck/Station is X meters from their position

- if player/part of the team is pin-down under enemy fire, they don't move to flanc unless commander is there... or they all move and get grilled in the process - just like happen on RWorld!

So alot of MODs must be written to give AI a bit more sense of realism and to prevent AI be as inteligent as the closest door.

Less micro-managing in process as well.

Personaly is fine to see new "gadgets" like cars/planes/choppers pop-ing out from times to times... BUT what about essentials? What about giving AI a bit of sparks... think on the children 1st... think on AI first please.

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