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Beta Patch wrong version...

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I had two copies of ArmA 2 installed, one Steam, the other Direct Download.

I tried to install the latest beta and it complained that I had the wrong version, so I figured it must be looking at the Direct Download one. Since I never use that one (it is on my laptop now for multiplayer testing) I uninstalled it.

Then I tried again and it said ArmA2 wasn't installed or corrupt, so I thought "ok start steam version and it will replace the registry files."

I do that and now it says its the wrong version again, that I have 1.03, but I am running 1.04, I know that for sure.

Anyone know if there is registry entries I have to make changes to get the beta patch to detect my correct installation?

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Delete your beta folder (current in your armaII directory) and reinstall the patch.

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Keep the beta uninstaller in your ARMA2 root folder and use it everytime before you install a new beta. You can use the same uninstaller for all betas. Its included in the beta download pack.

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Strange I never uninstall any beta's and the new ones install just fine.

What could be the difference? (got the 505 DVD)

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i just delete it if there was issue? and the only issue was when jumping to 1.04, i still had a 1.03beta folder... I just name the beta folders to there number, so i can test them; beta210, beta875 ect...

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Strange I never uninstall any beta's and the new ones install just fine.

What could be the difference? (got the 505 DVD)

Maybe your lucky. I got the same DVD, but when i dont uninstall the previous beta i get an error message. Dont know why though.

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You don't need to uninstall anything but always delete/rename the beta folder before installing a new beta. I usually rename it to something like beta_59857 with the build info when a new one arrives.

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You don't need to uninstall anything but always delete...

Delete or uninstall is basically the same thing. ;) I always hit that uninstaller wich is the same thing as deleting it. But thats my habit. It uninstalls as fast as you mark and hit delete.

So what i meant above was - if i dont delete it (leave the folder there) i always get an error. Wich was also the hint to people that cant install the betas.

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There has been some instances that earlier beta uninstallers also deleted other non-beta game content which made arma corrupt.

So best method -> Delete beta folder and then install new beta release.

Edited by Cross

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There has been some instances that earlier beta uninstallers also deleted other non-beta game content which made arma corrupt.

So best method -> Delete beta folder and then install new beta release.

Hah the A10 debacle :D (I kind of stick to renaming or deleting myself)

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So far no problems with using the beta uninstaller. Have used in on every beta. Even more than that as i reinstalled the same betas over a couple of times. They seem to work fine.

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Thing is, if you do not delete or rename your beta folder, it might happen, that files get left over (from earlier patches) which shouldn't be in the beta folder anymore. This affects mainly when there are official patch releases (e.g. 1.04) and you install new betas going from this one over old betas (e.g. 1.04 beta).

Also, in earlier 1.04 beta patches, the installer did forget to put -mod=beta; in the BETA shortcut placed in the game directory, thus if you have troubles, just use the current shortcut from there and overwrite your old one on the desktop/wherever.

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