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Good/Best upload site

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It's been a while since I uploaded a file.

Anyone know a good site that:

a. You don't have to log-in to upload or download

b. There are minimal ads and related annoyances

c. The site doesn't try to load plug-ins, etc onto your computer

d. The person downloading can download easily (i.e. It's clear for them, no hoops, etc)

So what the best no-log-in site out there?

Any help much appreciated. Thanks! :)

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Thanks for the response. However, when I go to FileFront and try to upload, I get a prompt for an Addon-Installer.

Funny, but my prior attempt on FileFront is actually what prompted me to post this thread in the first place! :eek:

Any others?

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You can upload files to rapidshare.com without having to log in, there are no ads, no plug-ins and download is easy. Size limit is 200MB. On the downside, there is a 10x download limit for files uploaded without a premium account and if the downloader doesn't have a premium account, he'll be limited to about 500kbps (~65 KB/sec) download speed.

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It's been a while since I uploaded a file.

Anyone know a good site that:

a. You don't have to log-in to upload or download

b. There are minimal ads and related annoyances

c. The site doesn't try to load plug-ins, etc onto your computer

d. The person downloading can download easily (i.e. It's clear for them, no hoops, etc)

So what the best no-log-in site out there?

Any help much appreciated. Thanks! :)

Are you from Russia? If so, I know quite a few good Russian hosting sites.

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Has anyone else gotten an addon-installer when using filefront?

I normally use Firefox's Adblock, but I tried with it off and no extra prompts.

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You can upload files to rapidshare.com without having to log in, there are no ads, no plug-ins and download is easy. Size limit is 200MB. On the downside, there is a 10x download limit for files uploaded without a premium account and if the downloader doesn't have a premium account, he'll be limited to about 500kbps (~65 KB/sec) download speed.

Sure rapidshare is great for the uploaders. It's the ones that have to download from that horrible site that suffer. Do they still make downloaders sit through that countdown?

And I just don't get the logic of uploading to a site that expects downloaders to pay for decent speeds and service when there are other sites that do that for free.

I understand filehosting has costs for the owners but when there are people that provide it for free without being annoying like rapidshare, we may as well take advantage of it :)

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Thanks for all the responses. Will check out those sites!


Not actually Russian... I am from central USA, a Hoosier. :)

"The Mad Russian" is what my grandfather named his half-track during WW2 while fighting through France and into Germany. He was sent over in February just after the Battle of the Bulge, and his first task was directing his men to clear away the dead from that massive offensive. He spent seven long weeks in combat, and the biggest single conflict he fought in was the Battle of the Ruhr Pocket. He had three very close brushes with death over there. The most severe was due to the shockwave of a friendly artillery round that picked him up and threw him close to ten yards. He ended up deaf for three days and "bleeding out of every hole in his body", but in the end he made it out of the war ok, all things considered.

My grandfather was a great story-teller, and his memory was second to none, which also turned out to be something of a curse for him when he would would tell us these dramatic tales of life and death in combat so many year ago. During the most compelling moments, you could see the pain in his eyes and hear it in his voice. Plenty of funny and sureal stories as well. I personally had over three decades of great visits out west to see him before he passed several years ago of natural causes. My mother has a awesome photo of grandfather (a captain at the time, who retired a colonel) posing next to The Mad Russian (again, his famed half-track). It's bristling with extra MGs they had welded on from the scrap of battle. I'll have to get a hold of that photo someday and scan it in for use as my sig. ;)


In case of any newcomers, I just went a bit OT there... this topic indeed regarding the best upload/download sites. Cheers!

Edited by MadRussian

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