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Is this artifacts?

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Hi all my friend is having some problems with the game. When he loads up a game (any kind really, boot camp, multiplayer, campaign etc) everything runs fine for a few minutes. Then all of a sudden the screen is full of green square kind of things, then he gets the blue screen of death and the computer shuts itself down, all in the space of a few seconds.

Is this wat artifacts are? if so how is it fixed?

If not what could it be and how could it be fixed?

Thanks for any help that can be offered.

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Is it? it happens sometimes when the game loads up so after about 3 seconds.

There have been no problems with overheating before.

---------- Post added at 01:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 PM ----------

I have found a video that shows exactly what I mean. Also he is using the same Graphics card. Any help would be great ty.

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Having seen that video, it doesn't look like any overheating I've seen. What graphics card does your friend have?

---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 AM ----------

Oh, it's an 8800 GT. :)

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Yeah 8800 GT any ideas? really appreciate any help as we are desparate to play

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I also had overheating problems, tho it was my CPU, but it started suddenly and it was evil. I though "no way its the hardware, must be the game", but eventually it turned out i was thinking the wrong way, so try a little dusting anyway. :)

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that looks like some kind of hardware problem...could be overheating or possibly the card (or something else) is on the way out. Dust everything out, make sure your fans are turning, and maybe run some diagnostic software to stress your system just to make sure

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Looks to me like your card might be dying, my old 8800GTS went like that shortly before it completly died out.

Does it do it in other games?

Edit heres what mine looked like before it died


& finally to


Edited by Opticalsnare
Added screenie of dying card

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hmm but this Problem appears only in ArmA II.

All other Games run on the Highest Graphic Adjustments without any Problems.

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Blue screen of death (BSOD) indicates a hardware or driver problem.

This can happen if drivers are updated without previous ones being removed. (Most people will not have a problem with this but it is known to cause problems)

1) Get "NastyFileRemover" or "DriverCleanerPro" (I use both)

2) Uninstall Nvidia drivers from windows then boot into safe mode and use "NastyFileRemover" / "DriverCleanerPro" to remove any remnants of graphics drivers

3) Reboot into windows and install latest drivers.

-Defrag hdd with a good prog like "UltimateDefrag" (there is a free version) Don't think it will fix the problem but will help once you get it going.

-Check GPU temp when running the game. ARMA2 does stress the GPU more than some other games. (8800GT does run hot so it doesn't take much to push it over the edge)

Edited by EDcase

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I have tried it with my own 9600GT and it works so I think I have isolated the problem as being the 8800GT.

Can anyone suggest a cheap card (even 2nd hand) that we could use. By cheap I am talking around 40 quid.


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You won't find one that will run ARMA well for that price...

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