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Mouse disappears, 1.04 and 59210, but not 1.03

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I have a weird problem when using the editor, Arma2 running in windowed mode. When I alt-tab between apps, the mouse cursor (and input) disappears in Arma2, other apps, and in Windows XP. If I click select applications in windows, it doesn't happen.

It never happened with 1.03, although I've probably updated my display drivers since then (nvidia). My only solution to get my mouse back afaik is to ctrl+alt+delete to get task manager up, and force end Arma2 from there using the keys only.

I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else. Have someone already reported this, or is it too low in priority to even bother (if I'm alone)? It basically completely stops me from doing any mission work.

Since it didn't happen in 1.03, and only from the editor afaik, I'm suspecting mouse smoothing or something. Mine is set very low but not completely off. Haven't tried yet turning it completely off, but I'll try that next time I try to fire up the editor.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Might be helpful to include information about your PC. I never saw this problem myself.

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Intel Core2 6600 @ 2.4 (not overclocked)


GF 9800 GTX, recent drivers.

Soundmax onboard

Windows XP 32

Not sure what else would be of interrest. I run with nView which I cannot live without, and have not caused problems anywhere else, or in Arma 1.03 and prior. No other games or applications have ever caused this to happen.

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Playing and messing about windowed a lot, but i havent encountered this one.

Win7 32bit + latest Nvidia drivers. Rest is in my sig (spoiler).

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I can report that since the patch just before 1.04 was out and using 1.04 (but no betas since) I cant alt-tab out correctly, more often than not you get stuck in that no mans land where the window will not minimise to show whats active behind, the effect is missing mouse and also no access to alt-tab menu.

For me the only way out is whats been described but also when im using mission editor if you make sure your actually playing, then do it, that for me works, its when im back looking at the editor map, alt tab plays up.

So .. does it work fine when running a mission?


Actually to clarify (for me) alt-tab doesn't work right when "editing" a mission (looking at the map). However if I enter the mission to play it alt-tab works fine. Im running 16:9 also ... not sure if that gives much of a clue. So to edit mission scripts I have to run the mission to tab out to script edit ... bit annoying.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Yes, that's how it works for me to. When a mission is playing, even from the editor, everything works fine. Only alt+tabbing from within the editor itself causes trouble.

Also, the game will not exit. I have to right click it on the taskbar and choose the close button. It just freezes up. I never had these issues prior to 1.04.

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Compatibility tab on shortcuts lets you Disable Visual Themes and Disable Desktop Composition. May do nothing, but it's worth a try.

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The problem you talk about now (not that from internet get thrown back into editor), but that alt tabbing or even just as i always done - have ARMA windowed and mess about with folders and stuff on the side - puts me in trouble often now yes. I wont fly back into the game as CG explained, but the whole computer just freezes/locks. I have to either reboot or logoff/login to fix it.

As a referece, i could always do this all day and night without this happening. Seems to be in the latest betas. Im running v59210.

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Just want to confirm I am also getting this bug with 1.04. Alt-tab out of the editor and back will sometimes make the mouse disappear.

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@Alex72: Ctrl+alt+delete is broken as well? Works for me, I just have to operate it using keyboard. Once I shutdown Arma2 task, mouse comes back and all is well.

I can add that every time I have had the editor open, Arma2 refuses to shut down properly using the exit button in the Arma2 menu. Arma2 just becomes grey and doesn't respond to anything. I have to click the top right close button (windows) to shut it down "properly".

Today I even got the mouse problem when I wasn't alt+tabbing. I was clicking on tasks or windows, when mouse disappeared and Arma2 froze. It's driving me mad. this bug pretty much prevents any editor use, which I spend more time on than actual gaming :)

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CG, i CAN ctrl+alt+delete but it doesnt help. I get to the menu to choose taskmanager and the mouse just doesnt work.

Most times the mouse cursor stays as the editor cursor (red cut up box), and when clicking on ARMA2 or other windows they are lit up (chosen), but its all frozen up anyway.

So its a semi-freeze i guess. You cant see the cursor most times but it is moving... And you can click windows so they lit up, but nothing more. Sometimes i can kill ARMA2.EXE and sometimes not.

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Does this happen when you run A2 in "window" mode and have it on the taskbar?

It looks like a fullscreen/2d/Alt-Tab and some input focuses issue.

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For me, I have never fired up A2 in fullscreen mode. Not even the first run, which caused me some manual config labour (16:10 vs windowed resolution problem) :)

Fullscreen mode is completely unacceptable for me for this game.

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I noticed now that ARMA2 will freeze (59210) when in windowed mode and opening lets say a .txt document PLUS another document like PDF (murrays editing). Basically everytime i do that it freezes.

However in fullscreen mode that never happens (alt+tab). Clueless to why. Maybe a "PC" thing?

EDIT: Sorry CG - not really relating to your problem. :o

EDIT2: Oh btw mate! When the mouse disapears (happens to me too sometimes) i just do a FLUSH and it comes back. :) Remembered it was something i was gonna write here related to you hehe. Even though sometimes it DOES freeze totally and flush does not work.

Edited by Alex72

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I noticed now that ARMA2 will freeze (59210) when in windowed mode and opening lets say a .txt document PLUS another document like PDF (murrays editing). Basically everytime i do that it freezes.

However in fullscreen mode that never happens (alt+tab). Clueless to why. Maybe a "PC" thing?

EDIT: Sorry CG - not really relating to your problem. :o

EDIT2: Oh btw mate! When the mouse disapears (happens to me too sometimes) i just do a FLUSH and it comes back. :) Remembered it was something i was gonna write here related to you hehe. Even though sometimes it DOES freeze totally and flush does not work.

Are you guys using the -noPause switch? If you are, try without it, if you arent, try with it? Basically the game keeps rendering with this switch, so if you left it on a second monitor while you were browsing the web, it would still show movement. Sorry if this doesn't help, just an idea.

My workflow is similar to you guys, I work in the editor/game in windowed with my text editor/arma2.rpt tail log on the other screen. The only real issues I have are the mouse buttons fire off occasionally or get stuck when tabbing back in, i just click to fix them again.

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I'm not using nopause, and it shouldn't matter since the bug only kicks in while in editing mode. Never during preview or gaming. Will try the flushing next time if I remember.

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