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C4 Only

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Hi there... I've got a problem with an UAV: I want destroy it ONLY with C4 (pipebomb)... I need this for a PVP with objectives map (like serch & destroy). So I found this script in Hunt Waldo mission (by Xeno) called c4only.sqf :


//Original by Xeno

_obj = _this select 0;

_alive = true;

_obj setVehicleInit "this allowDamage false"; processInitCommands;

While{_alive} do


sleep 1.0;

_bomb = (getPos _obj nearObjects ["PipeBomb",10]) select 0;

if(not isNull _bomb) then


//latk = (_bomb nearObjects ["Man",10]) select 0;

latk = nearestObject [_bomb, "Man"];

WaitUntil {not alive latk or isNull _bomb};

if(isNull _bomb) then


_obj setVehicleInit "this allowDamage true"; processInitCommands;

_obj setDamage 1;

if(getDammage _obj == 1) then{_alive=false};


if((not alive latk) and (not isNull _bomb)) then {deletevehicle _bomb; latk = objNull};




but this work with logic server and invisibile helipad... I don't understand it... It's possible put the script in the init of UAV center (or bulding) with out helipad or logic...?

Thx :rolleyes:

Edited by M3th0s

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Cool... I've never written that code (makes me wonder why // by Xeno is in it).

I think it is from KillJoy, the creator of Evolution.


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you'd put:

null = execvm "c4only.sqf";

into the init of whatever objects you want to only be destroyed by satchels.

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you'd put:

null = execvm "c4only.sqf";

into the init of whatever objects you want to only be destroyed by satchels.

no, I tried this way but doesen't work... I can destroy it with smaw... :butbut:

but thx...

---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 PM ----------

Cool... I've never written that code (makes me wonder why // by Xeno is in it).

I think it is from KillJoy, the creator of Evolution.


ahahahhahah LoL u don't wrote it? ahhaha this is funny.... where I can find this Killjoy? Or u maybe know a way to use this script or similar... thx Xeno :)

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my first idea was something like

this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{(_this select 4) == "PipeBomb"}]

(Only a PipeBomb can damage the object but if it's damaged by a pipebomb it's destroyed immediately.)


this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{if ((_this select 4) == "PipeBomb") then {_this select 2}}]

(Only a PipeBomb can damage the object - the damage by the pipebomb is passed through to the object.)

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I've written the Waldo thing, and I copied the original c4only.sqf out of the Evo mod in Armed Assault.

And I am quite sure that there was written //by Xeno in it.

Wait I'll just take a look, must have the mission somewhere backupped....


...yes, actually there's written //by Xeno in it. ^^

So I pimped it a bit since ArmA2 provides the allowDamage command and changed the //by Xeno to //Original by Xeno.

I think for me it works fine, btw the correct call in the initline must be

null = [this] execVM "c4only.sqf"

(dont forget to pass the object as a paramater)

I also think this c4only script was needed instead of just using an eventhandler because it is not really the Pipebomb itself that causes the damage but something else.

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I also think this c4only script was needed instead of just using an eventhandler because it is not really the Pipebomb itself that causes the damage but something else.

I made a quick test and my code worked flawlessly.

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I made a quick test and my code worked flawlessly.

Thx Guys! I'm going to test it! :yay:

Thx for answers :)

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