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Which problems did the new NVIDIA 191.07 drivers fix for you?

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I want you to collect all the goodness here.

For my gtx260:

-faster framerate

-i think my gfx card crash when flying driving for long time in MP is fixed, but unsure!

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I havent tried 191.07 still on .03 because theyre so good! Not going to touch what isnt broke!

I got fps boost, smoother and graphics corruption (big triangles) has stopped. Im able to play for hours online now, no crashes and no FLUSH needed!

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It's a bit early to tell, need some more MP time testing them and see if they fixed/improved the "Receiving..." bug but so far...

- they didn't increase FPS on my system/setup (also GTX 260, I actally lost some)

- I often have CTD if I ALT-TAB from ArmA II to desktop


Edited by KeyCat

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mind you, i run with vsynch off and single display optimalisation from hw settings (before AND after driver change) that might help you a little Cat.

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mind you, i run with vsynch off and single display optimalisation from hw settings (before AND after driver change) that might help you a little Cat.

I do as well mate but thanks for pointing it out.


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I got a noticeable framerate boost with these drivers.

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A bit wierd that some gets performance increase while others not on similar HW but I guess other factors like OS version and ingame settings etc. affects the result as well.

For my current GTX 260 GPU 186.18 WHQL was excellent performance wise in ArmA II (approx +6-8 FPS over both 182.50 and 191.07 same settings) but unfortunately I had other issues with that version (not related to ArmA II) so I had to find one that worked OK with all my apps/sims...


Edited by KeyCat

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Nothing. It actually made some things worse. Yesterday for the very first time with this computer, it actually restarted the computer without warning while playing ArmA 2. Also I think I have far more reloading stutters now, that sometimes makes the game unplayable in some cities. Also I once had a black screen (though chat messages were visible still) for 5 seconds.

CTDs still happen as often.

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191.07's actually lowered my performance from 191.03 .. Im re-testing 190.89s now because I think those might have been the best ones so far, 191.03 was good too though.

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Maybe not the 191.07 drivers fault but I'm still getting CTD when exiting after a long MP session with these ones.


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Maybe not the 191.07 drivers fault but I'm still getting CTD when exiting after a long MP session with these ones.


Yep, same here. I did not crash with ArmA2 for a long time but today after installing those new ones I did.

However, I need to say I am very pleased with these new drivers. They are running better than the 182.50 drivers I used till now and which really gave me the best performance.

Flikering of textures is really reduced a lot for me. Still there offcourse but before my whole screen was flickering, now just here and there.

Textures loaded much smoother/quicker and also overall performance was much smoother, although I did not measure it I must have had more FPS.

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What GPU do you have Foxhound?

Since the flickering on distance objects viewed in binocs/scope is as bad as ever on my GTX 260.


Edited by KeyCat

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What GPU do you have Foxhound?

Since the flickering on distance objects viewed in binocs/scope is as bad as ever on my GTX 260.


8800 GTX here.

I just tested it again to be sure after your post.

With 182.50 its a flickering fest everywhere, close by and faraway.

With these, I need to search for a flickering texture. :)

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"191.07's actually lowered my performance from 191.03 "

Same here for me with my 295 GTX BFG. I did notice nicer visuals seemingly, but the 191.07s texture redraw wasn`t as smooth for me as the 191.03s.

I have ALL visuals settings maxed, accept for no AA/AF @1680x1050x32. Post processing 100 %. 120 hz refreshrate.

Crosshair III

AMD Phenom X4 955 BE (usually o/c`d to 3400 mhz)

8 gigs Corsair Dominator DDR 3 at 1600 mhz

BFG GTX 295 sli`d

VelociRaptors X 2 RAID 0


Edited by Shataan

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they worked fine for me...got better FPS and seems more stable. Played several hours of co-op over the last few days and haven't had a single crash. With the betas I didn't see any performance gain and had regular crashes

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Lots of nice response here! Since we are having mixed results with the drivers, maybe we should all also post system specs?

Like this:


:Amount of RAM

:GFX model and manufacturer

:Operating system

:Experience with driver, positive and negative

Ill do mine when I get home

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OK here are system specs:

Intel Core2 2.4GHz

4GB Ram (3.5 used)

Gainward Geforce GTX260 w 896MB VRAM

XP - 32bit

In general: better framerate and less crashing.

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To be usefull and to eventually see some patterns add you ingame settings as well...


Interface resolution:

3D resolution:

Texture details:

Video memory:

Anisotropic filtering:


Terrain detail:

Objects detail:

Shadow detail:

Postprocessing effects:


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OK here are system specs:

Intel Core2 2.4GHz

4GB Ram (3.5 used)

Gainward Geforce GTX260 w 896MB VRAM

XP - 32bit

In general: better framerate and less crashing.

Not unlike my system..

Core Quad at 2.87

4GB RAM (3.1 Used)

Asus 8800GTX x786 VRAM


Less crashing and better framerate.

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I switched back to the 191.07s. The textures and visuals are too nice now with this set(the 191.07s).

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Before I updated my drivers, ArmA 2 would only run on normal-high and I would still get FPS stutters. But now I'm running it on all Very High and according to dead fasts I'm getting 45-50 FPS average.

This is also with a few other optimization techniques around the troubleshooting forum.

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Hi my friend,please can you tell me what are your optimization techniques,because i have tried "All" and the new driver ,it' the same,my FPS in campaign mode are 28,(settings to very low to very high to all resolutions)...

My spec Is:

MB Asus Rampage Formula

Cpu Q6600 [email protected] GHZ

Ram 4GB

Gpu Evga 295 GTX

Xp Pro 32 Bit

My configuration:All setting to very high...






















In the Editor mode or SP mode I can reach 70 Fps.

My Cpu load in Campaign mode is only 36% ever,and in Editor and SP mode reach 80% with few AI(It's a big bug...I hope that BIS will correct it with the 1.5 Patch)

Before I updated my drivers, ArmA 2 would only run on normal-high and I would still get FPS stutters. But now I'm running it on all Very High and according to dead fasts I'm getting 45-50 FPS average.

This is also with a few other optimization techniques around the troubleshooting forum.

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FWIW, after having a few more long MP games under the belt using the 191.07 WHQL driver I can only conclude that the "Receiving..." bug/issue has improved for me with this driver compared to the 182.50 WHQL I used before.

I can't confirm that it's 100% fixed but so far I've only had a couple of ~5-10 sec delays with "Receiving..." when jumping to/from map but it sorted itself and I had no CTD's except the ones you get exiting lobby/UI after a long MP session (this with Video memory settings at "Default").


Edited by KeyCat

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