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Why cant we give orders while recieving a message!

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So im playing badlands, and captured Stary Sabor or whatever its called, but the fight is still raging around the city. Suddenly the game saves and a 15 minute conversation starts to commence on the radio between cooper and other commanders. Meanwhile the entire time this conversation is going on, I cannot select any units or give any orders. Almost every one of my units proceeds to get decimated by a counter attack. I just wanna scream at the commanders on the radio STFU I AM FIGHTING A GODAMN BATTLE RIGHT NOW!!!! But alas, i can do nothing and only watch the slaughter. Why cant we give a damn order while there is some radio chatter going on, its F'ing stupid, just another broken item in a whole list of bugs during the campaign game.

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not being able to give orders just cause soem dialgoue is coming through is a bad thing. frustrating.

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I'm not sure why. IIRC in OFP and ArmA you could. Not sure why this one is different.

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As it seems to be an engine limitation since OFP I would recommend a short incoming contact request, which is then added to the radio menu so the player is able to choose the moment he'll have the conversation.

Though it's unlikely all the official missions will be changed now.

EDIT: @Blinkowski. In OFP the HQ radio didn't block the player completely but still it spamed the radio channels with every line. Especially tank commanding (target/fire/forward) became a pain in the ass every time.

Edited by Trapper

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This may go better in the suggestion or general forum as it isn't actually mission related... but I agree, it's annoying.

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100% agree, but I wouldn't say it's annoying, I'd say it's a SHAME

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Agreed. In Bitter Chill I was at the house when the Chdzk came and - as always - I had told my team to hold fire to not give the position away and have the element of surprise.

Bad idea, my team went in for some chit-chat and I couldn't order them to open fire, which resulted in 2 is down... 4 is down... and finally [ALT]-[F4]... :icon11:

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