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Opinions on Island

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Whats up all. Well I've got my island going on the right track (I Hope! Hah) And I've got some ingame shots of it and I was just wondering what everyone's opinions were on it concerning the island on any aspects! Let me know what you think!

Oh and the objects were added through the Arma2 Ingame Editor not Visitor just to see how it would size up to the map.

1024x1024 Map

20.4 x 20.4

419sq km

Global Mapper and Google Earth was used.

Most recent photos as of today 10/4


Edited by ebanks129

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looks very nice and promising.

One thing you have to change though. It seems you have the yellow pisektexture all over your island but at the horizon (this is the sat_lco and the s_satout_co.paa) your Island is green. So you should make them more yellowish to fit them to your Groundtexture or your have to choose a different groundtexture which fits better to the green appearance of your Island.

have fun

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Yeah I see what you mean. How can I change that to a more yellowish? would it be a simple toning of the sat_lco? If not Ill definitely change up the groundtexure.

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Great! Can't wait to have a cti on it ...

But is it due to postprocessing that some things of the landscape don't look sharp?

(Postprocessing ingame makes me get slight kind of headaches after some time).

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Great! Can't wait to have a cti on it ...

But is it due to postprocessing that some things of the landscape don't look sharp?

(Postprocessing ingame makes me get slight kind of headaches after some time).

Yeah it is the postprocessing effects in the game. I am also going to try and improve that satellite image after I improve my skills in photoshop! :yay:

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if you want to make your island all with sand then you can edit your sat_lco in gimp, photoshop etc. Backup your sat_lco before. Easyest way is to put a new layer over it, fill the layer with the desired colour and play around with the transparency of the layer. Save it as png again and test it. Be aware that the colours look much brighter and stronger ingame. For the s_satout_co.paa, you have to change it to tga before tweak it as described above and save it. Then convert to .paa again with Texview.

But you should think about adding at least one or two other textures to you map to make it more realistic and nice to look at. Is i heard in Arma2 you can use up to 6 different groundtextures inside a 512x512 cell. But at least you can use 4 different ones. If you want to make your island all sandy... there are about two other sandy groundtextures provided by arma1...

or you can make your own groundtextures this way...


Its about Wintergroundtextures but it works the same with other textures.

hope that helped

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I dont get any kind of headache, but my big brother gets in about few minutes of playing.

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@Snake Man - From Looking at that table provided. The size of the terrain is 10.2km x 10.2km and 104.9 square km.

@Gnat - Yeah Im still working with the satellite to get it lined up properly. I was just anxious to get it ingame and see what it would be like hah being this is my first attempt at any type of editing for any game. Alotta work!


Here's a little update concerning the satellite and the terrain.

Ive raised the heightmap too as I found it suited the terrain.

Changed to:


20.4 x 20.4

419sq km







look any better there??

Edited by ebanks129

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Doh! I didn't even think of that.. I actually do have a flickr account! nice one on that lol but yeah I'll upload an album soon. I raised the height once again and now its about right on. Now I need to find some Middle Eastern style objects! If not it'll be all chernarus buildings/objects and such with real world data

...Here's that flickr link!


Edited by ebanks129

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I was wondering if anyone knew since the map already has its terrain, Sat&Mask, and some objects, is it still possible to edit the terrain to add in something like a river or something like it??

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Its no problem, you can edit the heights by hand if you want. Importing a new heightmap might take very long if you have many objects on your map. Try exporting your objects, deleting them, import new heightmap and then importing your objects again. Reimporting sat and layermask is no problem too....

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--Forget this question, i realised that this is totaly offtopic question to the op.

Edited by spirit6

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About middle textures and such.. Is that the reason why the map has a greenish tint to it? like said so in an earlier post? I tried looking around but I couldn't find anything else about that green tint

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