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how to land a c-130j plane on the main airport in chernarus

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i have a big problem because i want to land some aircrafts on the main airport in chernarus and park them next to the airfield, but they always drive cycles on the airport and dont go to their parking space

instead of that they crash in a building and dont move anymore

my plan was to land the planes which carry some troops (which are not in the same group like the pilot of the plane, but i think that is not so necessary), that plane moves to his assigned parking slot (the field next to the runway) and the troops jump out.

txl a lot

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Are you using the default C-130? The taxi radius on that aircraft has always been broken. It can't be taxied (turned) on any airfield. Hopefully BI will get around to fixing this someday (but don't hold your breath).

If you can use one of the modded C-130's (ie: from armaholic.com), you should be able to get what you're asking to work.

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i use a simple fix for the c130j. not the best but it works for me.

while {(getdammage vehicle _this < 1)} do 
while {((speed vehicle _this < 50) && (speed vehicle _this > 2) && (getpos (vehicle _this) select 2) < 1))} do 
	_state = vehicle _this animationPhase "rudder";
	vehicle _this setdir (getdir vehicle _this) - (_state/2);
	sleep 0.01;
sleep 1;

this makes it taxible for me, have not tested it on c130j with ai tho

Edited by nuxil

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from a previous post i wrote:

The nose wheel dosent move on the C130, it just using rudder steering like an old PiperCub. The C130 should be able to turn on a dime if the nose wheel worked,, in fact thats true for most large aircraft as the nosewheel turns greater than 90 degrees ussually, otherwise a taxiway would be more like a Nascar track in size.

Also, Aircraft have independent braking for right and left wheel so by tapping or holding the brake on the inside of the turn wheel you initiate a tighter turn like a tank or catapillar tracked vehicle.

So the short answer is, its not your doing and BI needs to add nosewheel steering and independent braking to make a plane like the C130 stay on the taxiway.

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So the short answer is, its not your doing and BI needs to add nosewheel steering and independent braking to make a plane like the C130 stay on the taxiway.



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i have downloaded the ANG C-130H Hercules by NZDF CRASH but it dont work the plane needs the same radius to turn like befor

and not like in this video

i have uploaded the addon from armaholic and decompress it with winrar after them i heve open that file with arma 2 but i dont know if it works because the two planes look same

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wheelSteeringSensitivity = XXX

in the Config needs to be adjusted, but unfortunately as its in the config you have to do a replacement config addon. A proper fix is not as simple as a script.

I assume one of the dozen or so "tweek" addons available for download would have adjust this.

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did i have to save the addon on a special place obn my computer

in the moment it is in the file download, but it could be, that i have to put that into a file of the game, but which

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Probably the smallest Addon I've ever done;

C-130J Taxi and Take-off Fix


Fixes runway taxi / turning circle issue and the other bad where it crashes back into the ground shortly after taking off.

Excuse me if someone else has already done this ....

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