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AAS all messed up

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Be assured that any constructive Feedback will be heard!

A good example is your server (BCA), where has it gone?

Well, it´s still there 24/7 but always empty. For sure one aspect might be, that we host always the latest Alpha-Version, with all new bugs and sometimes daily slight gameplay-changes in it. I understand that´s not very funny for the normal public gamer and that´s why I don´t understand why all Public Servers also switched to all different and outdated Alpha-Versions. I took that risk because I love this AAS-Mode and Project and I´m trying to give all I can to help out and so we decided to provide Feedback on all the latest Alpha´s and I´m willing to update the missions several times a day if that´s needed. All players who don´t like that, should stay away from our server and should Focus on the latest Beta. Another aspect is our Ruleset. We like side-specific weaponry and changed a few things - some harder, some softer - compared with the Public Ruleset as I´m going for the settings we were used to have in the original AAS based on Joint Operations. I understand that´s not interesting for a majority of players. And of course the missions we´re running are not always easy to understand as we tried to use the newest available features in AAS and some weird stuff just to show what´s possible.

Than we check for Mods/Addons (we only allow some Addons) on our server and other Hosts don´t do that at all. That means you can´t join our server with any installed Addon we don´t allow or with manipulated original game files to prevent cheating. In such a case you get kicked. Other servers don´t use these checks, so you can join them with any Addon that might give you an advantage over those not using it. At least we are doing all we can to prevent playing with cheaters. We already allow a lot of popular Addons put we can´t allow those that do not even provide a server key or those Object-Addons that are simply not needed in AAS-Missions. It´s useless to load an Apache-Addon client-side if it´s not signed, also running there on the server and used by a mission. However, deactivation of those checks enables you to get vast more players on your server.

So, that´s the secret about our empty server.

Maybe we should all focus a bit more on playing the game instead of at developing the game.

Yeah, you´re so damn right with that. CB and I just talked about that one or two weeks ago but at least we listen to those who are still playing. Hopefully things will change if we are "Final" but that´s still a few weeks ahead.

Everybody was happy with the way things were, the result being 20 to 30 players on each AAS server each night, just look at the state of things right now...

Tonight there was, again, not a single AAS server running, and this is happening more and more lately.

If you´re right, why did all those Hosts switched to Alpha-Versions lately that seem to turn off players? That´s a thing a really can´t understand. I can understand that people are interested in what´s coming up (I also can understand some may not like it and we react to it) but why they don´t go back to stable or popular releases instantly if players are so unhappy with Alpha-Stuff and so satisfied with the latest Beta? That´s the thing I don´t get into my head. We don´t force anyone to go for an Alpha-Version, we´ve already enough of those testing it and they read about what we are doing on dev-heaven at least.

So either Beta08/r224 wasn´t that good to keep players satisfied until today or all Hosts decided to go for the latest (outdated) Alpha and turning their players off, somehow unable to switch back to Beta08. Normally i would say no Host wants to get rid of his players. :-) As always, truth might lie somewhere in between or somewhere else, I don´t know. Perhaps not only AAS is facing a lack of players lately? Hopefully with the next Beta09, awareness of different Rulesets and less Alpha-Hosting will change things.

Edited by BCA Cat Toaster

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To make things clear: yesterday there were NO aas-servers AT ALL running, and this is the case on many evenings, at least since a few weeks.

I know ur server is still active, I can see it sitting there when I enter its IP. The trouble is that it is, just as u said yourself, always empty. I just hope that at least a few good old AAS-servers will be on each night, so that fans of this gametype can play this great game the way they want to play it.

Come on people, there are tons of COOP and CTI servers on each night, but if ur lucky maybe 1 or 2 AAS servers, so please stop developing and just let us PLAY.

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Here's a tip for you. Form a clan, put in some money, rent a server. or even join a clan and they may let you have some input into what runs on their servers. Then learn to make a mission, make the mission to way you want it and put it on the server you now partially own/rent.

If you want people to continue to put their time into missions/addons for you to play/use, and their money into running servers for you to play on then don't.....

1, Go moaning to people who have actually paid for their servers that they are not playing the game modes you want to play on their servers.

2, Go moaning at mission makers because they are trying to develop missions that they want to play, for competitions that they will be running and playing in.

3, Go moaning about servers being empty. Servers don't just just spontaneously start up with 30 players joining at the same instance. If there is a server with a map you want to play loaded on the mission list, join the server, select the game and wait for people to join.

4, Go moaning about people changing their (note "their" implies their intellectual property) game types, especially when all you have to do is select the older version anyway.

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Alan.rio;1456034']Here's a tip for you. Form a clan' date=' put in some money, rent a server. or even join a clan and they may let you have some input into what runs on their servers. Then learn to make a mission, make the mission to way you want it and put it on the server you now partially own/rent.

If you want people to continue to put [b']their[/b] time into missions/addons for you to play/use, and their money into running servers for you to play on then don't.....

1, Go moaning to people who have actually paid for their servers that they are not playing the game modes you want to play on their servers.

2, Go moaning at mission makers because they are trying to develop missions that they want to play, for competitions that they will be running and playing in.

3, Go moaning about servers being empty. Servers don't just just spontaneously start up with 30 players joining at the same instance. If there is a server with a map you want to play loaded on the mission list, join the server, select the game and wait for people to join.

4, Go moaning about people changing their (note "their" implies their intellectual property) game types, especially when all you have to do is select the older version anyway.

You obviously haven't properly read all the posts in this thread.

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Yes I have, including the one where you backed down.

I'm telling you a solution to your problem (your last post was complaining about their being "NO aas-servers AT ALL running") and, as others have done, reminding you how things get done re. servers and user made content (your last post had the line "so please stop developing and just let us PLAY."). Thats all. Do you not think that joining a clan or getting a group together to rent a server would solve your problem?

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I notice your UK based? SBS, the team that make the AAS game have a UK based clan I believe. Also i think they have a league running that allows unaffiliated merc's to play, I may be confusing this with a CTF league though. Look into it. Also try the tactical gamer clan.

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Alan.rio;1456753']I notice your UK based? SBS' date=' the team that make the AAS game have a UK based clan I believe. Also i think they have a league running that allows unaffiliated merc's to play, I may be confusing this with a CTF league though. Look into it. Also try the tactical gamer clan.[/quote']

Hi Alan,

Thanks for the information. I am from the UK, but have been living in Holland since a few years.

As far as I know SBS don't run AAS servers. But thanks again, I'll seriously consider joining a clan.

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I notice your UK based? SBS, the team that make the AAS game have a UK based clan I believe. Also i think they have a league running that allows unaffiliated merc's to play, I may be confusing this with a CTF league though. Look into it. Also try the tactical gamer clan.

Slightly OT but just to clarify.... There are two SBS teams (I won't bore you with the history...).

AAS is made by SBS-Coolbox. This team run AAS servers etc

PVP Scriptpack is made by me [sBS]mac. We are also running the CTF league at www.armaleague.com. And yes, this league has a merc team for unaffiliated CTF players.

Hope that helps :)

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Slightly OT but just to clarify.... There are two SBS teams (I won't bore you with the history...).

AAS is made by SBS-Coolbox. This team run AAS servers etc

PVP Scriptpack is made by me [sBS]mac. We are also running the CTF league at www.armaleague.com. And yes, this league has a merc team for unaffiliated CTF players.

Hope that helps :)

Thanks Mac. Thanks to all of u for ur interest in this thread.

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1st off - thanks to coolbox for the AAS gametype, much appreciated. Coming from straight from Joint Operations (7 yrs old and I still play it - brilliant gameplay and that is what makes games) I am very much a fan of AAS.

2nd - I feel that the way you had to choose your class is paramount to this type of play but the way it was implemented wasnt the best. Medics dont run about with a SMAW, thats just stupid.

IMHO, and I will prob get flamed for this, the classes should look something along the lines of this ~

Medic - assault rifle, side arm smoke/nades

Engineer - assault rifle, side arm, AT/AA launcher/mines, clays etc

Sniper - sniper rifle, side arm, smoke/nades

Support - heavy MG/assault rifle, side arm, smoke/nade

Rifleman - assault rifle, side arm, limited AT, clays, smoke/nades


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Engineer - assault rifle, side arm, AT/AA launcher/mines, clays etc

Should probably give him the ability to build tanks, helicopters and airplanes while you're at it.

Seriously, what's up with people and engineers? In every game forums I visit there are always too many people seem to take any role that doesn't fit any of the other classes and throw it on the "engineer".

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The classes would be better served as:

Online Warrior:Medic ability, DMR + SMAW +M107 in backback.

Veteran: Medic Ability, G36/M8 w/drum magazine + SMAW

Newbie: M4 Aimpoint, Hand Greandes, and 9mm pistol

Now do this for both teams. That be balanced right. :rolleyes:

[/remove tounge from cheek]


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Should probably give him the ability to build tanks, helicopters and airplanes while you're at it.

Seriously, what's up with people and engineers? In every game forums I visit there are always too many people seem to take any role that doesn't fit any of the other classes and throw it on the "engineer".

let me just add here that the " \ " i have between the items is to stipulate "either\or" - i do not think they shud get a launcher AND mines, no no no no..

Also, while your here, engineers shud be able to repair equipment and the more engineers at 1 vehicle the faster it gets repaired...

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The guy with the AT is called an "AT specialist" (or more specifically a "SMAW specialist" etc). The guy that fixes vehicles is called a "mechanic" (and usually is not combat trained, at least not where I come from), and they can't really do much beyond making small fixes out in the field.

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