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No kill score whatsoever - how?

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I've seen on the Zeus server that they have no kill points shown at all, and was wondering how I can do that in my missions. I want even the dumbest kids to be forced to try and win and not go for as many kills as possible, or at least get as little satisfaction for it as possible, to improve the tactical gameplay for everyone (that is, make them try to win rather than camp a corner/tree/rock and rack up as many kills as possible even if it doesn't do anything positive for capturing the objective(s), which seems to be what the majority of the Arma 2 PvP players are all about). Playing on expert just isn't enough, as you can still see kills at the end of the game. While removing that probably won't be enough either, I still think it will at least be some kind of an improvement.

Any idea how to keep everyone at 0 kills (and preferably also 0 vehicle kills, deaths, points etc)?

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Edit: Nvm. Didn't read the OP properly. No idea how to adjust the specific kill scores. Although one can intercept the scoreboard by adding something else to the scoreboard key. Dunno if one can make it to simply not pop up, but you can force the screen black with a black frame covering the viewspace.

Edited by Inkompetent

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Other threads on this topic have pointed to capturing the scoreboard key and remapping it to nothing and turning off the score board on the server (NetStat = 0 or something). Search is your friend.

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kylania is right. Thats ony way to do it. The other is the server side setting to disable

kill messages and/or scoreboard.

You should be able to redefine the mission end dialog via mission wise definition of the

dialog class in the description.ext.

Also you do not need to force mission end (for missions with a server admin to do that).

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Whenever I end the mission, even if I force-end it myself, the score will show. In-game score is not an issue as that is removed by playing on expert difficulty, but the fact there is a score at the end of the game is something I'd like to change.

You should be able to redefine the mission end dialog via mission wise definition of the

dialog class in the description.ext.

Please be more specific ;)

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Another way of doing this, is by manipulating damage handling. You could catch the HandleDamage event, and do a setDamage of damage inflicted, which will result in an 'anonymous' source of damage (i.e. nobody will get credited for a kill). You would need to do this for every unit and vehicle being used though.

Untested example:

_unit addEventHandler["HandleDamage", {(_this select 0) setDamage (_this select 2); 0}

Edited by HitmanFF

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Try to redefine these in description.ext.

Like move all their elements to x = -10;

class RscDisplayDebriefing: RscStandardDisplay
class RscDisplayMissionFail: RscStandardDisplay
class RscDisplayStatistics: RscStandardDisplay

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for the scoreboard not to be visible until mission has ended:

NetStats=1; in the server.armaprofile under the class difficulties (by default is 1 for every difficulty level minus the expert)

You could also change to 0 the following:


more info here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.armaprofile

for having no points when you kill something

you will need to mess with eventHandlers (killed) and addScore command, so that everytime the game adds points to the scoreboard per kill, you (via mission) would remove the same amount..

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Another way of doing this, is by manipulating damage handling. You could catch the HandleDamage event, and do a setDamage of damage inflicted, which will result in an 'anonymous' source of damage (i.e. nobody will get credited for a kill). You would need to do this for every unit and vehicle being used though.

Untested example:

_unit addEventHandler["HandleDamage", {(_this select 0) setDamage (_this select 2); 0}

What happens when you, say, shoot someone in the leg? Will it still damage the leg rather than spread it over the whole body?

The problem is just as much about the kill counter as it is about score, and hiding the scoreboard during the mission doesn't cut it (expert difficulty already does that), and neither does reducing the score (as kills are still counted).

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What happens when you, say, shoot someone in the leg? Will it still damage the leg rather than spread it over the whole body?
I did a quick test with a vehicle, and unfortunately the damage was distributed. I fired at a tire, and the entire vehicle was getting damaged.

I don't know of a possibility to apply damage on a specific area of a unit or vehicle :(

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Thanks kju, I guess I'm never too young to learn :)

There's a remark in the wiki that'll render setHit useless for now:

Damaging specific parts of the vehicle will not update its overall damage value (as of v1.03)

Another option might be to apply damage until the unit or vehicle is close to dying (overall damage close to 1 perhaps), and only then apply the 'anonymous' damage. Might figure out something there.

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What is missing if combined with http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setDamage?

The issue is with getting overall damage level adjusted. setHit will adapt visuals (tire getting flatter for example, if you fired at a vehicle's tire) and perhaps adjust damage level for the part affected, but the overall damage level isn't affected. If you then proceed to set damage level (by setDamage), damage will be distributed (e.g. all 4 tires will go slightly more flat), which isn't what you'd want.
The damage level of the individual parts can found out via dammagedEH?


The handleDamage event handler will also indicate which part is affected. The part's name is passed, and can be used for the setHit call. Doesn't affect overall damage level though.

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