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Random marker

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How do I create marker name dynamically?

I have :

_rMarker= floor(random 3);

And then I want to create the last marker name from that _rMarker number to this:

"main_target" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "main_target_pos_0";

So the marker would be something like "main_target_pos_" + _rMarker

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I use the following and seems to work well.

_markname = "Your_markername" + str (random 999);

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You might run into a case where you have duplicate marker names doing this though, unless you keep track of currently used names or something.

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_markerList = [];
_markerStr = "Your_markername";

while {done_markers < wanted markercount} do
   _markerNum = str (random 999);
   if !(_markerNum in _markerList) then
       _markerName = markerStr + _markerNum;
       _markerList = _markerList + [_markerNum];
       done_markers = done_markers + 1;

Quite crude and can probably be done better, but should work to not get doublets.

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If you hold the used numbers in a sorted array (or list, which would be more efficient but you'd have to implement the list yourself), then picking a random number that isn't already there is rather simple:

// assuming you defined MAX_NUMBER
// assuming array name is arrUsed

_newNumber = random (MAX_NUMBER - count arrUsed);
for "_i" from 0 to ((count arrUsed) - 1) do
  if (_newNumber >= arrUsed select _i) then
     _newNumber = _newNumber + 1;

// now you need to add the new number into the used numbers array, which is why a linked list would owrk better than an array.

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Not necessary to maintain an array if he was previously happy to randomize it, just append a hi-marker counter and increment it by one each time a new marker is created.

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Since you know the position where the marker should be, why not just use that info instead of a number/random number.


_markerName = _markerName + str round((_pos select 0)) + str round((_pos select 1))

If we have:

_markerName = "myMarker"

_pos = [2384.423,1492.332,0]

the code should make it something like:


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I thought he actually cared about what the marker name is, if the marker name itself does not matter than you can just create it as "1", "2" etc, and have a global variable that counts which is next.

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I use this in my create marker function:

// create an unique number each time
if ( isNil "mk4_uniqueNumber" ) then { mk4_uniqueNumber = 0 };
mk4_uniqueNumber = mk4_uniqueNumber + 1;

// make a "unique" marker name
_markerName = format["mk4_MRK%1", mk4_uniqueNumber ];

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Thanks everyone!

I think the first one will suit best as it's the simpliest.

The thing is that I have multiple markers on map with a name main_target_pos_x (x is number) and I just have to pick one up randomly.

Sorry, I should've mentioned that from the beginning.

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