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How can I prevent an abandoned vehicle from exploding?

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So far I could find information about all issues I have (which are lots :(). This one is the first exception.

I restarted Dogs of War, I think for the 3rd time, and I decided to buy a truck. I filled in with weapons and ammos, thinking that it would be a nice option when rearming. I put a lot of stuff in it. It was quite some work, because I had to buy weapons for myself and then transfer everything to the truck using the gear command. I did this several times.

Well, I go to the russian base, I take some satchel charges from my nice loaded truck to destroy a few tanks, and when I go back my truck is gone.

I have already seen some abandoned vehicles explode, so I bet this is what happened to my nice truck. Besides the fact that I lost all my ammos, I might also have to walk for a long time, which is quite annoying.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Shall I leave someone in the truck, which would force me to use one man less?

Thanks a lot

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I think it's specific to the mission. I don't recall, personally, ever seeing abandoned vehicles blow up or despawn (other than some enemy vehicles in Domination). But all of this based on MP.

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Sometimes I notice that an AI will steal your vehicle......Happened to me once saved up for a heli and got rid of the crew that came with it. Then an AI got in and flew away lol.

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If it was in warfare, and an enemy base, chances are the truck was destroyed by something, and then salvaged by a russian salvage truck

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I'm pretty sure it can happen. I have seen it at least twice:

1) while I was arming my truck, I bought by mistake 2 trucks more. Since, as I said, arming the truck took some time, I had the chance to see the other two trucks blowing up and catching on fire.

2) same thing happened when I decided to use offroads instead of a truck, and I was arming the offroad's crew. The offroad, left empty, exploded after some time

Both happened in DoW. Not sure about the rest. In both cases the vehicles were (almost) completely unused, but this makes me think that it could be a generic thing. It could be a sort of trigger to avoid that the computer gets too much work from useless vehicles, since it already has enough information to process. Or maybe it's just a bug.

edit: sorry, I meant loading the truck. My truck doesn't have a cannon :)

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I can confirm as this also have happened to me plenty of times. I think if you leave an AI soldier in the vehicle it will not explode. I am mostly been playing Warfare BE v2.xx were I have experienced this. But I think it is generic and a sort of trigger as you said.

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It's uniqe to that mission. it was designed, probably to increase performance. Luckily its has nothing to do with the game as a whole. My suggestion open the mission up and edit that part out.

This thread probably belongs in the mission section.

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It's uniqe to that mission. it was designed, probably to increase performance. Luckily its has nothing to do with the game as a whole. My suggestion open the mission up and edit that part out.

This thread probably belongs in the mission section.

I had a look, but it's a bit beyond my editing capabilities, which are absolutely zero: it was the first time I looked at the editor.

I tried to look at the triggers, but I couldn't find any that destroys vehicles. I couldn't even find any activated by a timer.

I might in the future decide to look at the editor, which might also be helpful to understand a couple of other weird things I have seen, but looking at this mission now is a bit too much. I think I'll give up.

Thanks for the info anyway

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I think this could be because of some of the modules. Like trash collector or something. That is if the mission uses them...not checked. The game should not remove any vehicles otherwise (what I have observed).

The salvage trucks salvage any vehicles which are damaged. Own, enemy and even civilian. The requirement is (afaik) that they are empty (nobody alive). If your vehicle is damaged (even slightly) leave a team/group member into the vehicle and problem solved. If you leave him in the driver position you might want to order him to stop too.

Imo Bmp-2 might work better than a truck...put all the stuff there and move the normal crew to turret and back while driving it yourself. Then you could leave it and the crew mannning the guns stay there killing any enemies. Truck means more challenge of course.

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I think this could be because of some of the modules. Like trash collector or something. That is if the mission uses them...not checked. The game should not remove any vehicles otherwise (what I have observed).

The salvage trucks salvage any vehicles which are damaged. Own, enemy and even civilian. The requirement is (afaik) that they are empty (nobody alive). If your vehicle is damaged (even slightly) leave a team/group member into the vehicle and problem solved. If you leave him in the driver position you might want to order him to stop too.

Imo Bmp-2 might work better than a truck...put all the stuff there and move the normal crew to turret and back while driving it yourself. Then you could leave it and the crew mannning the guns stay there killing any enemies. Truck means more challenge of course.

You mean the garbage collector? I can't find a lot about it, but it seems that you have to manually tell what objects have to be collected. There is a specific function for it.

So, if what you say it's true first I should find a way to stop these spontaneous explosions, and then I should figure out how to properly configure the garbage collector. I guess at the end I really have to leave someone in there. Very annoying.

I tried quite hard today, by the way, to modify Dogs of War, mainly because I wanted to enable team switch, which I thought would be easier. Although I am not exactly the best Arma 2 editor, I really think it's quite difficult to change that mission.

Maybe I'll post something in the scripting forum

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