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Config Problem : Cant get the thing ingame

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Hi ,

im working on a Special Forces Attack Glider called "Gryphon".

Telejunky did the Modell and now i want to have this thing ingame.

I wrote a config but the "Gryphon" didnt show up ingame.



//*Gryphon Config written by Snake@ArmA2Base.de*


#define TEast 0

#define TWest 1

#define TGuerrila 2

#define TCivilian 3

#define TSideUnknown 4

#define TEnemy 5

#define TFriendly 6

#define TLogic 7

#define true 1

#define false 0

#define private 0

#define protected 1

#define public 2

#define LockNo 0

#define LockCadet 1

#define LockYes 2

#define VSoft 0

#define VArmor 1

#define VAir 2


class CfgPatches {

class gryphon {

units[] = {Gryphon};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1;

requiredAddons[] = {"CAcharacters", "CAAir2", "CA_Anims_Char"};

version = 1;



class CfgFactionClasses {

class bundeswehr {

displayName = "Bundeswehr";

priority = 8;

side = TWest;



class CfgVehicles {

class Air; // External class reference

class gryphon_AG : Plane {

class NewTurret; // External class reference

class ViewPilot; // External class reference

class AnimationSources; // External class reference


class gryphon_Series : gryphon_AG-1A


cost = 5000;

armor = 8;

type = VAir;

scope = public;

side = TWest;

faction = bundeswehr;

model = "\Gryphon\gryphon_alpha.p3d";

displayName = "Gryphon AG-1A ";

Icon = "\Gryphon\Gryphon_ico.paa";

picture = "\Gryphon\Gryphon_b.paa";

crew = "FR_Light";

driverAction = "HaloFreeFall_F";

maxSpeed = 247; // max speed on level road, km/h

supplyRadius = 4.5;

memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver";

soundEngine[] = {};

soundEnviron[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\padak_let", db-10, 1};

soundGetIn[] = {"", db-30, 1};

soundGetOut[] = {"", db-30, 1};

soundCrash[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\padak_dopad", db-30, 1};

soundLandCrash[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\padak_dopad", db-30, 1};

soundWaterCrash[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\padak_dopadvoda", db10, 1};

// threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types

threat[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1};


Its my first Config. Its very basic and not perfect.

Its not a Plane but in the firt part of the Flight it is basicly a plane ^^

the complete flight is extrem complex, that means i need help !

If anyone intrest in helping us , pls pm me !

The project is at a very early alpha stage.

We need a custom anim for the Pilot, help in Config and scripting parts, maybe later in texturing.

Here are some pics of the progess.

The BI A1 Soldier (only sample) !




with best regards



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You have

class gryphon_Series : gryphon_AG-1A

yet "gryphon_AG-1A" isn't defined

But "gryphon_AG" is, so it probably should be

class gryphon_Series : gryphon_AG

Also this section is not flowing properly.

class CfgVehicles {

class Air; // External class reference

class gryphon_AG : Plane {

That should have been;

class CfgVehicles {

class Plane; // External class reference

class gryphon_AG : Plane {

hope thats some help.

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try this

class CfgPatches
class MyTag_GryphonSeries
	units[] = {"MyTag_GryphonSeries"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.03;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAAir2"};
	version = "2009-08-29";
	fileName = "MyTag_GryphonSeries.pbo";
	author = "Snake";
	mail = "Snake@Arma2base.de";
class CfgFactionClasses
class Bundeswehr
	displayName = "Bundeswehr";
	priority = 8;
	side = 1;
class CfgVehicles
class BIS_Steerable_Parachute;
class MyTag_GryphonSeries: BIS_Steerable_Parachute
	displayName = "Gryphon AG-1A ";	
	faction = bundeswehr;
	Icon = "\Gryphon\Gryphon_ico.paa";
	picture = "\Gryphon\Gryphon_b.paa";
	model = "\Gryphon\gryphon_alpha.p3d";
	cost = 5000;
	armor = 8;
	crew = "FR_Light";
	driverAction = "HaloFreeFall_F";
	maxSpeed = 247; // max speed on level road,km/h
	supplyRadius = 4.5;
	memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver";
	threat[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1};

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what does not work?

you need to supply at least the rpt

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rtm is the other thing but atm we are not at this point.

The unit doesnt show up in the Editor

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 PM ----------


== D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\ARMA2.exe

== "D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\ARMA2.exe" -nosplash -window -maxmem=1024 -cpucount=2 "-name=[TK]Snakeshit[Pfc]" -mod=@gry


Exe timestamp: 2009/08/07 18:20:39

Current time: 2009/08/29 20:20:45

graphics: D3D9, Device: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series, Driver:ati2dvag.dll

resolution: 1920x1485x32


CAAir2_C130J in ca\air2\c130j\, CAAir2_UH1Y in ca\air2\uh1y\

CA_Animals2_Cow in ca\animals2\cow\, CABuildings2 in ca\buildings2\

CAStructures_IndPipe1_todo_delete in ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\

Ind_SiloVelke in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_silovelke\

Chernarus in ca\chernarus\, CA_Dubbing in ca\dubbing\

CA_Modules_DynO in ca\modules\dyno\, CASounds_Missions in ca\soundmissions\

CAStructuresHouse_A_Office02 in ca\structures\house\a_office02\

CAStructures_Proxy_BuildingParts in ca\structures\proxy_buildingparts\

CAStructuresHouse_Church_02 in ca\structures\house\church_02\

CAWeapons_2b14_82mm_Mortar in ca\weapons\podnos_2b14_82mm\

CAWheeled2_HMMWV_BASE in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\, CA_AIR2_Su25 in ca\air2\su25\

CABuildingParts in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\

CA_Missions_SecOps in ca\missions\som\

CA_Missions_FirstAidSystem in ca\modules\fa\, CA_Modules_ZoRA in ca\modules\zora\

pond_test in ca\structures\pond\

CAStructuresLand_Nav_Boathouse in ca\structures\nav_boathouse\

CAStructuresHouse_Church_03 in ca\structures\house\church_03\

CAStructuresHouse_Church_05R in ca\structures\house\church_05r\

CAWater2_LHD in ca\water2\lhd\, CAWheeled2_GAZ39371 in ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\

CAWheeled2_Ikarus in ca\wheeled2\ikarus\

CAHouseBlock_A in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_a\

Ind_Pec in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_pec\

CA_Missions_BattlefieldClearance in ca\modules\bc\

CA_Missions_GarbageCollector in ca\modules\garbage_collector\

CA_Modules_Marta in ca\modules\marta\

CAStructuresHouse_A_FuelStation in ca\structures\house\a_fuelstation\

CAStructures_Rail in ca\structures\rail\

CAStructuresHouse_A_Hospital in ca\structures\house\a_hospital\

CAWeapons_AmmoBoxes in ca\weapons\ammoboxes\

CAWeapons2_HuntingRifle in ca\weapons2\huntingrifle\

CAWheeled_Pickup in ca\wheeled\datsun_armed\

CAWheeled2_M998A2_Avenger in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m998a2_avenger\

CAWheeled2_MTVR in ca\wheeled2\mtvr\

CA_Animals2_Dogs_Pastor in ca\animals2\dogs\pastor\

CAHouseBlock_B in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_b\

Farm_WTower in ca\buildings2\farm_wtower\, CARoads2Dam in ca\roads2\dam\

CASounds in ca\sounds\, CAStructures_Proxy_Ruins in ca\structures\proxy_ruins\

CAStructures_Mil in ca\structures\mil\

CAStructuresHouse_HouseV2 in ca\structures\house\housev2\

CAStructuresHouse_Shed_Ind in ca\structures\shed_ind\

Ind_SawMill in ca\structures\ind_sawmill\

CAStructuresLand_Ind_Stack_Big in ca\structures\ind\

CATracked2_T90 in ca\tracked2\t90\, CAWeapons_SPG9 in ca\weapons\spg9\

CAWeapons_VSS_vintorez in ca\weapons\vss_vintorez\

CAWeapons_ZU23 in ca\weapons\zu23\

CAWeapons_Metis_AT_13 in ca\weapons\metis_at_13\

CAWeapons_bizon in ca\weapons\bizon\

CAWeapons_Warfare_weapons in ca\weapons\static\

CAWheeled2_LADA in ca\wheeled2\lada\, CAWheeled2_BTR90 in ca\wheeled2\btr90\

CA_Animals2_Rabbit in ca\animals2\rabbit\

CA_Animals2_Anim_Config in ca\animals2\animconfig\

Rail_House_01 in ca\buildings2\rail_house_01\

CAHouseBlock_C in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_c\

Ind_Workshop01 in ca\buildings2\ind_workshop01\, CACharacters2 in ca\characters2\

CA_Modules_Coin in ca\modules\coin\, CARoads2Bridge in ca\roads2\bridge\

CASigns2 in ca\signs2\, CAStructures_A_BuildingWIP in ca\structures\a_buildingwip\

CAStructuresLand_A_MunicipalOffice in ca\structures\a_municipaloffice\

CAStructures_Castle in ca\structures\castle\

CATracked2_2S6M_Tunguska in ca\tracked2\2s6m_tunguska\

CATracked2_T34 in ca\tracked2\t34\, CAWater2_Fregata in ca\water2\fregata\

CAWheeled in ca\wheeled\, Arma2_Ka52 in ca\air2\ka52\

CAAir2_ChukarTarget in ca\air2\chukar\

CAHouseBlock_D in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_d\

Barn_Metal in ca\buildings2\barn_metal\

CA_Missions_Armory2 in ca\missions\armory\, CA_Missions in ca\missions\

CAStructures_IndPipe1 in ca\structures\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\

CAStructuresHouse_a_stationhouse in ca\structures\house\a_stationhouse\

CAStructuresInd_Quarry in ca\structures\ind_quarry\

CAweapons_m107 in ca\weapons\m107\, CAWeapons_M1014 in ca\weapons\m1014\

CAWheeled2_LAV25 in ca\wheeled2\lav25\, CAWheeled2_Kamaz in ca\wheeled2\kamaz\

CAWheeled3_TT650 in ca\wheeled3\tt650\, CAAir in ca\air\, HALO_Test in ca\air2\halo\

CA_Anims in ca\anims\, Ind_Tank in ca\buildings2\ind_tank\

Farm_Cowshed in ca\buildings2\farm_cowshed\

Shed_wooden in ca\buildings2\shed_wooden\

ind_silomale in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_silomale\

Ind_Dopravnik in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_dopravnik\

CA_Heads in ca\characters\heads\, CALanguage_missions in ca\languagemissions\

BI_SRRS in ca\modules\srrs\, CA_Modules_UAV in ca\modules\uav\

CA_Missions_AlternativeInjurySimulation in ca\modules\ais\

CAStructuresHouse_rail_station_big in ca\structures\rail\rail_station_big\

CAStructures in ca\structures\, CATracked2_BMP3 in ca\tracked2\bmp3\

Warfare2 in ca\warfare2\, CAWater2_seafox in ca\water2\seafox\

CAWheeled2_VWGolf in ca\wheeled2\vwgolf\, CAWheeled2_MMT in ca\wheeled2\mmt\

CAAnimals in ca\animals\, CA_Animals2_Dogs_Fin in ca\animals2\dogs\fin\

Misc_WaterStation in ca\buildings2\misc_waterstation\

CATEC in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\signs\tec\

A_GeneralStore_01 in ca\buildings2\a_generalstore_01\, CA_Editor in ca\editor\

CA_Missions_Templates_SecOps in ca\missions\templates\secops.west\

CA_Modules_Silvie in ca\modules\silvie\, CARocks2 in ca\rocks2\

CAStructuresShed_Small in ca\structures\shed\shed_small\

CAStructuresHouse_HouseBT in ca\structures\house\housebt\, CAUI in ca\ui\

Utes in ca\utes\, CAWeapons in ca\weapons\, CAWeapons2 in ca\weapons2\

CAAir2 in ca\air2\, CAAir3_Su34 in ca\air3\su34\

CA_Anims_Wmn in ca\anims\characters\config\wmn\

A_Crane_02 in ca\buildings2\a_crane_02\

CABuildings2_Misc_Cargo in ca\buildings2\misc_cargo\

CACharacters in ca\characters\

CAStructuresHouse_HouseV in ca\structures\house\housev\, CAFonts in ca\uifonts\

CAWheeled2_V3S in ca\wheeled2\v3s\, CAWheeled3_M1030 in ca\wheeled3\m1030\

MyTag_GryphonSeries in gryphon\, CAAir2_MV22 in ca\air2\mv22\, CAAir3 in ca\air3\

CA_Animals2_Chicken in ca\animals2\birds\chicken\, CA_Animals2 in ca\animals2\

CA_Anims_Sdr in ca\anims\characters\config\sdr\

Misc_PowerStation in ca\buildings2\misc_powerstation\

CABuildingParts_Signs in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\signs\

IndPipe2 in ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe2\

Ind_Expedice in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\

Ind_Vysypka in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_vysypka\, CAMisc in ca\misc\

CA_Modules_clouds in ca\modules\clouds\, CA_Modules_Alice in ca\modules\alice\

CA_Modules_Animals in ca\modules\animals\

CAWheeled_Offroad in ca\wheeled\hilux_armed\, CAAir2_F35B in ca\air2\f35b\

CAAir2_Pchela1T in ca\air2\pchela1t\, CA_Animals2_Sheep in ca\animals2\sheep\

CA_Animals2_Dogs in ca\animals2\dogs\, Ind_Garage01 in ca\buildings2\ind_garage01\

CAData in ca\, CA_Dubbing_Counterattack in ca\dubbing\counterattack\

CALanguage in ca\language\, CA_Modules_ARTY in ca\modules\arty\

CARoads2 in ca\roads2\, A_TVTower in ca\structures\a_tvtower\

CAStructuresHouse in ca\structures\house\, CAWater in ca\water\

CAWater2_Destroyer in ca\water2\destroyer\, CAWater2 in ca\water2\

CAWeapons2_SMAW in ca\weapons2\smaw\

CA_Animals2_WildBoar in ca\animals2\wildboar\

CA_Anims_Char in ca\anims\characters\config\

Shed_small in ca\buildings2\shed_small\

CABuildings2_A_Pub in ca\buildings2\a_pub\, WarfareBuildings in ca\misc3\wf\

CA_Modules_Functions in ca\modules\functions\

CAStructuresBarn_W in ca\structures\barn_w\

CAStructures_Wall in ca\structures\wall\

CAStructures_Railway in ca\structures\rail\railway\, CATracked in ca\tracked\

CAWeapons_Saiga12K in ca\weapons\saiga12k\

CAWheeled2_HMMWV_Ambulance in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m997a2_ambulance\

CAA10 in ca\a10\, CAAir2_MQ9PredatorB in ca\air2\mq9predatorb\

A_statue in ca\buildings2\a_statue\

Ind_Mlyn in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_mlyn\

CAData_ParticleEffects in ca\data\particleeffects\, CAMisc2 in ca\misc2\

CA_HighCommand in ca\modules\hc\, CA_Modules in ca\modules\

CA_Missions_AmbientCombat in ca\modules\ambient_combat\

CAStructures_Nav_pier in ca\structures\nav_pier\

CAStructures_Ruins in ca\structures\ruins\

CATracked2_us_m270mlrs in ca\tracked2\us_m270mlrs\, CATracked2 in ca\tracked2\

CAweapons_ksvk in ca\weapons\ksvk\, CAWeapons2_RPG18 in ca\weapons2\rpg18\

CAWheeled2 in ca\wheeled2\

CAWheeled2_M1114_Armored in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m1114_armored\

CAWheeled2_TowingTractor in ca\wheeled2\towingtractor\

Church_01 in ca\buildings2\church_01\, HouseRuins in ca\buildings2\houseruins\

Ind_Shed_01 in ca\buildings2\ind_shed_01\

Ind_MalyKomin in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_malykomin\

CAMisc3 in ca\misc3\, CA_HC_Sounds in ca\missions\data\sounds\, CAMusic in ca\music\

CAStructures_Misc_Powerlines in ca\structures\misc_powerlines\

CAStructures_Nav in ca\structures\nav\

CAWater2_fishing_boat in ca\water2\fishing_boat\

CAWeapons_M252_81mm_Mortar in ca\weapons\m252_81mm_mortar\

CAWeapons_Kord in ca\weapons\kord\, CAWeapons_Colt1911 in ca\weapons\colt1911\

CAWheeled3 in ca\wheeled3\, CA_CruiseMissile in ca\air2\cruisemissile\

CA_Animals2_Goat in ca\animals2\goat\, CABuildings in ca\buildings\

Ind_Shed_02 in ca\buildings2\ind_shed_02\

CA_Modules_StratLayer in ca\modules\strat_layer\

CAStructures_A_CraneCon in ca\structures\a_cranecon\

CAStructuresHouse_A_Office01 in ca\structures\house\a_office01\

CATracked2_AAV in ca\tracked2\aav\, CAWater2_smallboat_1 in ca\water2\small_boat\

CAWeapons_DMR in ca\weapons\dmr\, CAWeapons_AK in ca\weapons\ak\

Mods: CA;@gry

Distribution: 1461

Exe version: 1.03.58627

hmm didnt found something that helps

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edit: disregard

class BIS_Steerable_Parachute: Plane


scope = 2;

Edited by kju

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Well, looking at your config.cpp after unpacking with eliteness, it simply says:

#define _ARMA_

//Class config.bin{


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---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------

[/color]thx Planck :D

something is going wrong with cfgconvert ??

hmm ! :( :suspicious:

---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------

Now i switched to Eliteness.

fixed an isuee, because in the config were no ne class view_pilot.

now converded the .cpp to .bin via Eliteness and put the thing into ArmA2 now

i get this failure:

Config :gryphon\config.bin may not be streamed, old version 4

FileStructure error

Uknown entry type

Uknown entry type

Exe version: 1.03.58627

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/.scope'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/.scope'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Whats wrong ?? Is Eliteness to old ? :confused:

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please post your current config again

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class CfgPatches


class SNK_GryphonSeries


units[] = {"SNK_GryphonSeries"};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.03;

requiredAddons[] = {"CAAir2"};

version = "2009-08-29";

fileName = "SNK_GryphonSeries.pbo";

author = "Snake";

mail = "Snake@Arma2base.de";



class CfgFactionClasses


class Bundeswehr


displayName = "Bundeswehr";

priority = 8;

side = 1;



class CfgVehicles


class BIS_Steerable_Parachute;

class gryphon_AG-1A : Plane {

class ViewPilot; // External class reference

class AnimationSources; // External class reference


class BIS_Steerable_Parachute: Plane


displayName = "Gryphon AG-1A ";

faction = bundeswehr;

Icon = "\Gryphon\Gryphon_ico.paa";

picture = "\Gryphon\Gryphon_b.paa";

model = "\Gryphon\gryphon_alpha.p3d";

cost = 5000;

armor = 8;

crew = "FR_Light";

driverAction = "HaloFreeFall_F";

maxSpeed = 247; // max speed on level road,km/h

supplyRadius = 4.5;

memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver";

threat[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1};


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argh. this is very broken

why did you not use what i posted before?

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i did but Eliteness killed my config ^^ :( totaly damaged !!

so i had to use the old.

---------- Post added at 11:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 AM ----------

reworked :

class CfgPatches


class A2B_GryphonSeries


units[] = {"A2B_GryphonSeries"};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.03;

requiredAddons[] = {"CAAir2"};

version = "2009-08-29";

fileName = "A2B_GryphonSeries.pbo";

author = "Snake";

mail = "Snake@Arma2base.de";



class CfgFactionClasses


class Bundeswehr


displayName = "Bundeswehr";

priority = 8;

side = 1;



class CfgVehicles


class BIS_Steerable_Parachute;

class Gryphon AG-1A : Plane {

class ViewPilot; // External class reference

class AnimationSources; // External class reference


class BIS_Steerable_Parachute: Plane


scope = 2;

displayName = "Gryphon AG-1A ";

faction = bundeswehr;

Icon = "\Gryphon\Gryphon_ico.paa";

picture = "\Gryphon\Gryphon_b.paa";

model = "\Gryphon\gryphon_alpha.p3d";

cost = 5000;

armor = 8;

crew = "FR_Light";

driverAction = "HaloFreeFall_F";

maxSpeed = 247; // max speed on level road,km/h

supplyRadius = 4.5;

memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver";

threat[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1};



Edited by Snake@Arma2base.de

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Is there any particular why you're not using BinPBO? :whistle:

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For what do you use eliteness here?

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ok , packed the pbo with BinPBO without a binariezed config means .cpp

now i get this error when i want to start Arma 2.

ErrorMessage: File a2b_gryphonseries\config.cpp, line 26: /CfgVehicles/: 'A' encountered instead of '{'

in Line 26 ist a big A ?? what wrong now ?? :confused:

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You're not allowed to use blanks and - in classnames, you should remove them...

Also, you're still not using the config kju posted.. this thread is rather pointless if you don't do what you're told to...

Perhaps you might consider to really use his config now instead of making up your own...

Edited by TeRp

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its not so easy to understand the hole thing ^^ from 0 - 100 in a few hours ;)

TeRp i think you speak german, i hope that a talk via pm or icq in german could solve the basic problems.

i will rework the hole thing tomorrow , with kjus config etc.

thanks for the help so far ! :)

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Hi ,

i used kjus Config now i can select the Gryphon as Empty / Air. A step forward i think :rolleyes:

But i want Blufor / Bundeswehr ("German Army") / Gryphon.

//The faction dont show up ingame

here is the config:

class CfgPatches


class A2B_GryphonSeries


units[] = {"A2B_GryphonSeries"};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.03;

requiredAddons[] = {"CAAir2"};

version = "2009-08-29";

fileName = "A2B_GryphonSeries.pbo";

author = "Snake";

mail = "Snake@Arma2base.de";



class CfgFactionClasses


class Bundeswehr


displayName = "Bundeswehr";

priority = 8;

side = 1;



class CfgVehicles


class BIS_Steerable_Parachute;

class A2B_GryphonSeries: BIS_Steerable_Parachute


scope = 2;

displayName = "Gryphon AG-1A ";

faction = bundeswehr;

Icon = "\A2B_GryphonSeries\Gryphon_ico.paa";

picture = "\A2B_GryphonSeries\Gryphon_b.paa";

model = "\A2B_GryphonSeries\gryphon_alpha.p3d";

cost = 5000;

armor = 8;

crew = "FR_Light";

driverAction = "HaloFreeFall_F";

maxSpeed = 247; // max speed on level road,km/h

supplyRadius = 4.5;

memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos_driver";

threat[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1};



Edited by Snake@Arma2base.de

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