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Will you be buy Dragon Rising?  

318 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be buy Dragon Rising?

    • Yes, I definitely will buy it.
    • No, I definitely won't buy it.
    • I will decide based on the demo.
    • I will decide based on reviews.

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There is nothing revolutionary about OFP DR. Its actually for the most part nothing new, even steps backwards in a lot of areas. Other than the shiny graphics. Which arent really that good. Cos its a console game.

there, i said it.

I'm just as qualified as you to make this judgement.

Get back in your cage.

yea, there is a few negs that ive mentioned, but as there a few steps back for ofpdr, arma 2 has stayed the same, since 2001, same old game, same old tech.

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lol wow who are you tell me what ive done? but no i havent played the game, but ive read reviews by people who have, and ive read what the devs have posted on the forum.

---------- Post added at 01:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 AM ----------

hmm you seem to think only mp side of ofpdr is important. No, not really, get back to you basic, plain, boring world of arma 2 ;)

Yes, I'm telling you that you haven't played DR. By your own admission, you haven't, so what was your point again :confused:


Edited by BangTail

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I was bitterly disappointed with ArmA2 - everyone said it would be a bugfest, and BI did nothing to stop that prophesy from coming true. We are all clinging to the hope that a future patch will fix ArmA2 ( and not make it worse ) or that the ACE mod will fix it.

Oh gawd not another "meh we all paid to be betatesters" crap post. This is going to be old and boring by now. You had the chance to read reviews before purchasing it, if you ignored them and bought it anyway - fail.

And I fail to see where ArmA2 is a bugfest. Every day I work in the editor with the AI, I play missions with them and the game works (except a few smaller issues here and there) just perfect.

Instead BI have moved on to their next game to try and get us to pay to beta test for them again.

What other game you are talking about? Operation Arrowhead is an expansion, not another game. You also stop spreading lies here about BIS giving up on ArmA2 and that crap. That might be welcome over at the 'other' forums, here your lies are not tolerated.

The editor in ofpdr is the same one used by the devs, and supports lua scripting for making our missions, and mp missions. Some of the limitations in DR are part of the optimization, to make this game literally LAG free! you will be able to play DR on pretty low spec machines, and even with much action, you will continue to have a rock solid frame rate.

Oh really? And what you think the BI developers made the missions with. Exactly the same editor the customers have too, no big deal, nothing special about that.

And of course DR runs fine on low spec machines with just a 2x2 km map and a couple of units. No big deal either.

Well i came here hoping to speak with mature guys, who are INTERSTED in DR, which is what i assume to be the reason for this threads creation.

As far as I can tell, most people here were interested in DR, including myself. However that was before each day another feature was removed from that big list that was promised us once. By the amount of posts you can clearly tell that there was a lot of interest back then.

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Oh gawd not another "meh we all paid to be betatesters" crap post. This is going to be old and boring by now. You had the chance to read reviews before purchasing it, if you ignored them and bought it anyway - fail.

And I fail to see where ArmA2 is a bugfest. Every day I work in the editor with the AI, I play missions with them and the game works (except a few smaller issues here and there) just perfect.

What other game you are talking about? Operation Arrowhead is an expansion, not another game. You also stop spreading lies here about BIS giving up on ArmA2 and that crap. That might be welcome over at the 'other' forums, here your lies are not tolerated.

Oh really? And what you think the BI developers made the missions with. Exactly the same editor the customers have too, no big deal, nothing special about that.

And of course DR runs fine on low spec machines with just a 2x2 km map and a couple of units. No big deal either.

As far as I can tell, most people here were interested in DR, including myself. However that was before each day another feature was removed from that big list that was promised us once. By the amount of posts you can clearly tell that there was a lot of interest back then.

Well said Wolle :)

Do you haters really think we WANTED to dislike DR.

Promised feature after promised feature removed.

If DR had been what was promised, I would have spread my time equally between DR and A2.

Sadly, this is NOT the case.


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(....) But atleast a 'milsim' made it to consoles, unlike arma2.


What is the advantage of "making it to the consoles"?

I don't want a console and I don't want small kids to play it at all.

And your wrong about the ai, completely lol, and it isnt somthing you can judge without playing the game first. Arma 2 ai is shockingly bad, they run around like mindless zombies most of the time. Driving ai's are completly tardish, and most ai run off when being fired on. I urge you to do some research on DR's ai.

Well intelligent behaviour of AIs is quite cpu - consuming and if the server isn't up to date, indeed you see them seemlingly confused.

But if CM "dropped a lot" for "literally no lag", there is little left and little hope for the AIs.

And ... it's interesting to hear you speaking "literally" - did you play the game already? It has the touch of judging "objective" and on a fair basis to me. So tell us, if you did. For otherwise you are speaking ... like the whole fanboys just out of the blue about a game we only know advertisings from.

And the worst: Advertising is going more and more that way "we will not have xy". And this at a time where many fans already preordered the game.

Arma 2 ai is shockingly bad, they run around like mindless zombies most of the time. Driving ai's are completly tardish, and most ai run off when being fired on. I urge you to do some research on DR's ai.

That's simply stupid or "completely tardish".

Set yourself as CIVI in between a match of two groups of AIs (BLUFOR vs OPFOR inf). Let there be a building between them and watch.

What you will see is close to a real life war scene between humans - indeed also with human failures like not taking cover properly or even friendly fire.

And to program this you need a vast amount of code and you need a very fast cpu to execute it, even without graphics:

What you see in that smallest experiment is something none of us will have ever seen before or will see later (if you don't film it.):

Each individual soldier reacts to it's individual environment (perpective) with his individual (skilllevel) character and his special weapons. He thereby reacts to actions of his co-AIs and decides on that basis what to do next. They sometimes seem to flee .. .. but wait, they running up from behind the enemy line ...

LOL ... there is not a minimal chance the misusers of the name "operation flashpoint" (my personal opinion) are able or even will realize this.

But you said it:

Stick to the kids consoles ... and leave a happy mature audience behind.

I think, it has been said a thousand times in this forum:

Noone wants to hold people who simply want a crash-boom-bang-game.

And if CM achieves to realize that indeed nice graphics and sound in their advertising trailers:

Mature gamers wouldn't be interested either.

We enjoy nice graphics and sounds, but we like to dig more deeply.

Just my experience with the community.

Edited by Herbal Influence

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lol wolle,you really are a wolly ;) stop thinking about mp for just a second lol You couldnt sell arma 2 to anyone from this day forward, could you tell them how much better arma 2 is than arma 1? could give them a huge list of features that differenciate arma 1 from arma2, ground breaking stuff? nope.

As ofpdr is feature packed, arma 2 is featurless.

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yea, there is a few negs that ive mentioned, but as there a few steps back for ofpdr, arma 2 has stayed the same, since 2001, same old game, same old tech.

Uh, you've lost the plot there - Arma 2 is the same since 2001 ? same tech ? Hmm. Anyway, DR really shouldn't be compared to Arma 2, one's a near-sim and the other is one I think (and the comparisons in reviews will always slam the "harder" game these days, hehe). Shame it is, it generates bickering.

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CM really shouldn't have used the OFP name - all this ArmA2 vs DR crap is stupid - the game is obviously good enough to stand on its own feet. Despite the undeniable compromises they have made, it looks like a very solid mil-sim/tactical shooter.

The augment about which is more mil-sim is full of holes on both sides as my previous post pointed out :


Basically ArmA may gain a few more players by OFP : DR attracting new players to the genre, but realistically I think that ArmA will probably lose a few players ( probably the ones who have pretty much given up on ArmA already.

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What is the advantage of "making it to the consoles"?

I don't want a console and I don't want small kids to play it at all.

Well intelligent behaviour of AIs is quite cpu - consuming and if the server isn't up to date, indeed you see them seemlingly confused.

But if CM "dropped a lot" for "literally no lag", there is little left and little hope for the AIs.

And ... it's interesting to hear you speaking "literally" - did you play the game already? It has the touch of judging "objective" and on a fair basis to me. So tell us, if you did. For otherwise you are speaking ... like the whole fanboys just out of the blue about a game we only know advertisings from.

And the worst: Advertising is going more and more that way "we will not have xy". And this at a time where many fans already preordered the game.

That's simply stupid.

Set yourself as CIVI in between a match of two groups of AIs (BLUFOR vs OPFOR inf). Let there be a building between them and watch.

What you will see is close to a real life war scene between humans - indeed also with human failures like not taking cover properly or even friendly fire.

And to program this you need a vast amount of code and you need a very fast cpu to execute it, even without graphics:

What you see in that smallest experiment is something none of us will have ever seen before or will see later (if you don't film it.):

Each individual soldier reacts to it's individual environment (perpective) with his individual (skilllevel) character and his special weapons. He thereby reacts to actions of his co-AIs and decides on that basis what to do next. They sometimes seem to flee .. .. but wait, they running up from behind the enemy line ...

LOL ... there is not a minimal chance the misusers of the name "operation flashpoint" (my personal opinion) can or even will realize this.

But you said it:

Stick to the kids consoles ... and leave a happy mature audience behind.

I think, it has been said a thousand times in this forum:

Noone wants to hold people who simply want a crash-boom-bang-game.

And if they achieve to realize that really nice graphics and sound in the trailers, mature gamers wouldn't be interested either:

We enjoy nice graphics and sounds, but we like to dig more deeply.

Just my experience with the community.

just et you know, i havent touched arma 2 for a while, so yes, maybe the dozen patches solved some issues. But still you all will never win this argument. :)

---------- Post added at 01:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 AM ----------

CM really shouldn't have used the OFP name - all this ArmA2 vs DR crap is stupid - the game is obviously good enough to stand on its own feet. Despite the undeniable compromises they have made, it looks like a very solid mil-sim/tactical shooter.

The augment about which is more mil-sim is full of holes on both sides as my previous post pointed out :


Basically ArmA may gain a few more players by OFP : DR attracting new players to the genre, but realistically I think that ArmA will probably lose a few players ( probably the ones who have pretty much given up on ArmA already.

I agree, i think it was stupid of codemasters to take the flashpoint name. I would of much prefered they let bis keep it.

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just et you know, i havent touched arma 2 for a while, so yes, maybe the dozen patches solved some issues. But still you all will never win this argument. :)

More bullshit (and as long as you keep making things up, you will never win any arguments)

4 patches over a 5 month period to be exact. That's not out of the ordinary for ANY PC game.


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Time to stop feeding the troll maybe? Flasharma 2 is so full of shit I think it's time to stop wasting time with him and to try to have a more mature discussion.

After all, we're reading this thread for info on OFP 2. Despite all the long discussions it still seems to be a good place for news on the game :)

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Time to stop feeding the troll maybe? Flasharma 2 is so full of shit I think it's time to stop wasting time with him and to try to have a more mature discussion.

Yah, you're right

What were those rules for Gremlins again (don't feed after Midnight etc) ;)



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More bullshit (and as long as you keep making things up, you will never win any arguments)

4 patches over a 5 month period to be exact. That's not out of the ordinary for ANY PC game.


wow thats pretty bad.... nothing to be proud of there bis...

You guys contuniue calling me a troll, is rather amusing, some of you do seem rather small minded, maybe even simple minded. My post was backed up by fact, i dont bullshizm there isnt any point.

Plus, how am i trolling? im in off topic, in OFPDR thread, talking about a game im intersted in. You guys.... :D

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lol wolle,you really are a wolly ;)

If I were you I'd be careful, this is NOT the CM forums where flaming and bashing is tolerated as long as the general tone is pro DR.

stop thinking about mp for just a second lol You couldnt sell arma 2 to anyone from this day forward, could you tell them how much better arma 2 is than arma 1? could give them a huge list of features that differenciate arma 1 from arma2, ground breaking stuff? nope.
Oh really? I just seen 2 guys today buying it. But maybe that was just an illusion I dunno. Features that differenciate A1 from A2? Sure. How about the different modules, first aid, battlefield clearance, bring life to villages with just placing a module on the map. That's 10 times more feature than DR ever will have with its nonexistant civilians, heck not even a rabbit is on the map. DR is even more worse than the original OFP, there atleast were 3 male civilians present.
As ofpdr is feature packed, arma 2 is featurless.
Yeah sure, all judged from totally independent reviews and CM staff. Kid I played the game a couple of weeks back and if I wouldn't have lost interest already back then, at latest after playing it I would.

Your feature packed DR is nothing than another BF/COD shooter which keeps you busy for a couple of weeks before you shelf it.

Really, go back to the CM forums. Your opinions fit much better there, here you just waste your time. Like said, the majority here is no more interested, you sell nothing here anymore.

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wow thats pretty bad.... nothing to be proud of there bis...

You guys contuniue calling me a troll, is rather amusing, some of you do seem rather small minded, maybe even simple minded. My post was backed up by fact, i dont bullshizm there isnt any point.

Yah, it's "pretty bad" that you can't count (added to the myriad of stupidity that constitutes your visit to the BIS forums)

As Matt said, it's time to cut off the food supply.



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CM really shouldn't have used the OFP name - all this ArmA2 vs DR crap is stupid - the game is obviously good enough to stand on its own feet. Despite the undeniable compromises they have made, it looks like a very solid mil-sim/tactical shooter.

The augment about which is more mil-sim is full of holes on both sides as my previous post pointed out :

<Insert some huge irrelevant picture stating that ACE2 will include HuntIR that rises to 500m for "gameplay reasons">

How can you make statements on the realism of ArmA2 based on a (unreleased) addon? And even then, the thing that you pick up on is that they decided to let the HuntIR round go a couple hundred meters higher than the real life one - 1000ft or, roughly 305m if my magicalmaths serves me well. So basically theyre giving it a longer flight time to make it more useful to the player. I dont see how this is a serious realism flaw. And its not even a friggin valid point as its NOT ARMA2. its an addon. which isnt out yet. hows it going with OFP DR editing tools? still no sign? oh dear.

Thats like basically saying that ArmA2 has serious realism flaws because the farm addon doesnt allow you to do a proper crop rotation.... Your previous post points out nothing.

And i really dont get it. Would you guys go into someones house and piss on their rug and then expect to be invited for a cup of tea and complimented on your urinatory range and accuracy?

Do you get many people trolling the OFPDR forums about ArmA like this?

@Wolle: the amusing thing is his 'list' of things that the "feature packed" OFPDR has are actually 90% common with the "featurless" ArmA2...

Edited by TimRiceSE

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If I were you I'd be careful, this is NOT the CM forums where flaming and bashing is tolerated as long as the general tone is pro DR.

Oh really? I just seen 2 guys today buying it. But maybe that was just an illusion I dunno. Features that differenciate A1 from A2? Sure. How about the different modules, first aid, battlefield clearance, bring life to villages with just placing a module on the map. That's 10 times more feature than DR ever will have with its nonexistant civilians, heck not even a rabbit is on the map. DR is even more worse than the original OFP, there atleast were 3 male civilians present.

Yeah sure, all judged from totally independent reviews and CM staff. Kid I played the game a couple of weeks back and if I wouldn't have lost interest already back then, at latest after playing it I would.

Your feature packed DR is nothing than another BF/COD shooter which keeps you busy for a couple of weeks before you shelf it.

Really, go back to the CM forums. Your opinions fit much better there, here you just waste your time. Like said, the majority here is no more interested, you sell nothing here anymore.

yep pretty ground breaking stuff there, bis you should be proud! even tho eevry wepon and vehicle you made acts in the same way. Bit i am glad you had the time to make arma into farma lol, never mind about improving the actual game, lets play as sheep!

Plus, dont take things so seriously wolly, its all good, im not hating on you lol

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This applies to them as well. Obviously you will get bias on the BI forum. Everyone here knows the truth about ArmA2 because we've all played it, but some of them have painted themselves into a corner, and they're starting to realise it.

How can you make statements on the realism of ArmA2 based on a (unreleased) addon?

because half of the argument against the problems in ArmA2 are defended with "the ACE mod will fix it"

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This applies to them as well. Obviously you will get bias on the BI forum. Everyone here knows the truth about ArmA2 because we've all played it, but some of them have painted themselves into a corner, and they're starting to realise it.

because half of the argument against the problems in ArmA2 are defended with "the ACE mod will fix it"

space please do realise im not a troll, altho i feel im surrounded by them in this thread.

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space please do realise im not a troll, altho i feel im surrounded by them in this thread.

Poor victim.

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BIS fixes the engine. ACE will make it shine. Along with a whole load of addons. Thats pretty much how it is.

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Time to stop feeding the troll maybe? Flasharma 2 is so full of shit I think it's time to stop wasting time with him and to try to have a more mature discussion.

After all, we're reading this thread for info on OFP 2. Despite all the long discussions it still seems to be a good place for news on the game :)

*gasps* i was a huge fan of your work madmatt, shame you act in this way tho...

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This applies to them as well. Obviously you will get bias on the BI forum. Everyone here knows the truth about ArmA2 because we've all played it, but some of them have painted themselves into a corner, and they're starting to realise it.

because half of the argument against the problems in ArmA2 are defended with "the ACE mod will fix it"

What truth? Your truth :rolleyes:

The "truth" about A2 as far as I am concerned is that it is a game I play every day. The "truth" is that the SECOP and ACM modules are enough to justify the price of the game on their own.

As I said Mr 9 posts, I am not on the CM forums attacking DR (or defending A2).

You are here trying to defend the "Titanic" of console shooters that is DR.

Have a great weekend bud :D


Edited by BangTail

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because half of the argument against the problems in ArmA2 are defended with "the ACE mod will fix it"

Obviously ArmA 2 is completely and utterly ruined by the fact that a mod simulating this obscure reconnaissance tool has been somewhat limited due to technical constraints.

Seriously, get a grip. At least there are actually modding tools for ArmA 2. As for OFP DR, half the people over there can't tell the difference between modding tools and a map editor. CM have made some vague overtures about the possibility of an SDK in the unspecified future, which given my experience with games over the years, means that there probably isn't going to be one.

altho i feel im surrounded by them in this thread.

Maybe we'd welcome you with open arms if you had anything of relevance to say.

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