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Morale is there any?

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Is there any morale in the game for the AI? Lets say a group of 10 men lost 8 If they had morale they would be broken and giving up or fleeing for thier lives.. Are such things common to the AI or not? if not it would be more fun and realistic ( i think) + harder Imagine your team running away because they see a few Fully armed heli's comming their way ( and dont have Stingers)

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Yes. Usually if you shoot most of them and the others seem to run around with their backs to you and you ask yourself why the AI is so stupid to do this they are fleeing. It doesnt really look like fleeing though. :p

There is also surrendering if the correct module is placed in the mission editor.

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Hehe =P The AI should do Fire and Retreat Full auto firing from some weapons while some run then the same again and again ( safer retreating and the enemy cant hunt you down while retreating =p )

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Morale is indeed implemented in the game and has been since the days of Operation Flashpoint. It's controlled by the command allowFleeing where:

this allowFleeing 0 means that the unit/group will never break whereas this allowFleeing 1 make them run away as sonn as they start to suffer casualties. It's a sliding scale from 0 to 1, and i believe 0.5 is default value. Changes to the command can be made in the init line, from a trigger or a script.

Morale and AI behaviour can also be simulated easily with the use of a Captured-By-Side type trigger (they are found in the editor). You only need to set three values, and they are fully documented in the BI Wiki.

The surrender module (F7) is another way to simulate morale. All three methods can be used simultaneously to produce a large range of effects in the same mission.

ArmA2 is a sandbox game, meaning that you have to add these effects yourself, if you want to see it in action. A lot of players like it, and they implement it in their missions. Other people don't care about morale, and leave morale out of their games. That's the beauty of it. It's your choice.

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That is a feature i hoped to be included in A2.

Saddly it isnt, would help in missiosn where you massacre the rebels and cant find the last few hiding ones ( like the neat Village Attack SP mission that never ended for me no matter what patch used ) would surrender and come out.

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Try the surrendering module.

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Hmm the surendering Module is it global (affects all ) or need to syncrhonize it? it would seem cool if i can capture enemies =p

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I think you need to sync it. Also the players group will never surrender or something like that.

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Global. So just put it in and its active.

With the FSM editor tool out, you can check its FSM code to understand what it is doing.

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Okay thanks. Now i only hope someone tries to make sub modules of it =p ( to allow player and player squad feeling surrendering and capture) and capture of enemies it could make alot of new missions available.. ( escape from POW camp capture that boss etc =p )

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You can impede the "morale feature" by giving the a.i. leadership unit of a group a high rank and putting its skill level to the maximum. You can also give other grouped a.i. units a relative high rank and skill level then the regular units. But you have to consider that the enemy a.i. will always loose some morale when a grouped unit gets killed. How much morale will be lost, depends on the number of units left in a group, their rank and skill level.

*To sum it up: The better the a.i. is "trained" the more likely it will stay until the last man has been killed, vice versa, if they're just a crowd of greenhorns, they're going to run for their lives as soon as they hear some gunshots.

Edited by Jimmy the Saint

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