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anti teamkilling system & automatic ban

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Some friends asked me if I can script an anti teamkill system for their maps, so I'm working on it but I'm posting here in case some among you have already written these kind of scripts.

And also they would like to ban a teamkiller automatically.

I know I can get the player ArmA ID with onPlayerConnected command.

I can check a teamkill with killed event handler.

I can end a mission for a team killer with endmission command.

But is it possible to record IDs in a file from a mission ? Or is it possible to ban a teamkiller from a mission ?

Or even let players leave comments while playing a mission to server admin and with the teamkiller's ID in a file ?

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Be careful, poor piloting of a full bird will rack up more teamkills faster than anything.

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I think the best solution is to use statistics.

You can't say for sure someone is a real disturbed team killer by looking at few team kills in one mission.

The best is to end the mission for someone who does a specific number of teamkills above a threshold and in a specific time frame. Also record his ID in a file along with timestamps for each one of his teamkills.

Then the file could be analyzed and team killers will appear as IDs for which there are a regular number of team kills separated by a few seconds delays in several missions.

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And here is the script (It works but I changed it to use the getPlayerUID command and didn't test it after) :


ATK_TKS = 0;

[] spawn
	disableUserInput true;
	hint format [localize "STR_MSG_TK", ATK_TKSLIMIT];
	sleep 5;

	endMission "end1";

"ATK_PUNISH" addPublicVariableEventHandler
if (getPlayerUID player == _this select 1) then

if (_uid in ATK_IDSTKERS) then
	_uid spawn
		sleep 2;
		ATK_PUNISH = _this;
		publicVariable 'ATK_PUNISH';

if (isServer) then
"ATK_REGTKER" addPublicVariableEventHandler
	ATK_IDSTKERS = ATK_IDSTKERS + [_this select 1];

	ATK_PUNISH = _this select 1;
	publicVariable 'ATK_PUNISH';

"ATK_TKEVENT" addPublicVariableEventHandler
if (getPlayerUID player == _this select 1) then

	if (ATK_TKS == 1) then
		ATK_TIMESTAMP = serverTime;
		if (serverTime - ATK_TIMESTAMP < ATK_TKSTIME) then
			if (ATK_TKS > ATK_TKSLIMIT) then
				ATK_REGTKER = getPlayerUID player;
				publicVariable "ATK_REGTKER";
			if (ATK_TKS > ATK_TKSLIMIT) then
				ATK_TKS = 1;
				ATK_TIMESTAMP = serverTime;

if (! isDedicated) then
[] spawn
	waitUntil {alive player};
	player setVariable ["ATK_PLAYERSIDE", side player, true];

	player addEventHandler
			if (_this select 1 getVariable "ATK_PLAYERSIDE" == playerSide) then
				ATK_TKEVENT = getPlayerUID (_this select 1);
				publicVariable "ATK_TKEVENT";

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And here is the script (It works but I changed it to use the getPlayerUID command and didn't test it after) :


ATK_TKS = 0;

[] spawn
	disableUserInput true;
	hint format [localize "STR_MSG_TK", ATK_TKSLIMIT];
	sleep 5;

	endMission "end1";

"ATK_PUNISH" addPublicVariableEventHandler
if (getPlayerUID player == _this select 1) then

if (_uid in ATK_IDSTKERS) then
	_uid spawn
		sleep 2;
		ATK_PUNISH = _this;
		publicVariable 'ATK_PUNISH';

if (isServer) then
"ATK_REGTKER" addPublicVariableEventHandler
	ATK_IDSTKERS = ATK_IDSTKERS + [_this select 1];

	ATK_PUNISH = _this select 1;
	publicVariable 'ATK_PUNISH';

How do you run this script?

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what happens when your in armour and a rocket hits you? Isn;t the driver credited with the deaths of the occupants?

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If you are going to run scripts like this please put some contact details on the server. It's possible someone may get banned for accidents eg crashing a Helo or a badly placed nade or Satchel charge. They need a means of appeal.

I remember 6 players running towards a radio tower and someone the other side of the hill let off the satchel charge. It was just an accident, he didn't intentionally team kill. He healed everyone so it was a laugh in the end. We told him off for not checking on TS 1st.

I was banned from a server because someone was blowing up vehicles in base. It wasn't me, I had just joined the lobby and wasn't even in the game!

I think they just banned everyone they did not know. The server did not have contact details so I could not appeal - that's unfair. :(

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