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Advance & Secure week: 8/11-8/17

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Round Time Limit: 45 Minute rounds

AI Settings: AI is enabled when less than 6 players are in game to give gamers who start up on the server something to fight for.

NOTE: We may over the course of the week throw up a fun coop mission for members. Our server mission folder has many nice domination style coops available for adminsto call up.

The Urban Resistance Clan is taking this week to run the latest Advance & Secure maps created by the Special Boat Service group.

We are doing this for a couple of reasons

  1. To give gamers a taste of a very fun gametype of conquest base capture with the element of attacking and/or defending. Go to the SBS AAS site for the simple instuctions on how to play this. Basic Conquest style capture, move up frontline battle.
  2. To get feedback from gamers on their likes/dis-likes
  3. To report issues with the missions to the mission makers
  4. To see if it would be worth us modifying the missions to tailor to our server and gaming preferences (locations to fight)

Any feedback on turnouts and results would be helpful. I am sure the SBS, who put much time and effort into this simple style of conquest, would appreciate any feedback as well. Take care and Game on!!!

The list below are the missions we have in rotation for the week.



















Edited by Tom_Anger

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getSkillD will be be gladly take part. :)

For interested - the Advance & Secure wiki.

You can read all about the game mode, how it works and its features.

Report bugs and ideas in the AAS project.

What AAS version are you running?

Any addons allowed?

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These are great missions that I encourage all to try!

Do your missions have have the small randomized spawn area around the zones or is it the spawn right at the flag type?

BMF team have edited the AAS missions to include a random spawn area in capped zones and it is much more desirable as a lone sniper can effectively neutralize a capture zone himself by shooting ppl as they spawn in the same spot and before they can move.

I can tell you that nothing is more frustrating than getting killed during the black screen before spawning. :936:

Do yourself a favor and test both before you commit to playing a version that may turn off more ppl than turn on!

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Well I am trying to get CoolBox share the latest version for testing. ;)

@ Tom_Anger

We were looking for your server last night. No game unfortunately.

We ended up playing AAS on a different server.

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Hi peeps,

I'm working hard at trying to get the new "beta 08" release out by this weekend. It has an entirely new AAS game engine that allows any number of bases (up to 200!!), neutral bases, simultaneous bases etc etc. The new game engine is no longer dependent upon Norrin's revive scripts (which are really great, but dont quite meet the needs of the evolving AAS game mode).So theres quite a lot of testing needed. It also has a brand new respawn system which should be much more reliable. Beta 08 feature summary here:


The one missing feature is medic revive, which I am working on literally right now.

So if you want to try an alpha without medic revive, go and look at the latest alpha here:


TBH I was reluctant to post about my AAS mod on the BIS forums until it was really stable because I know quality is important to people, and I'm a true believer in that. But this is a bit of a case of bolting the stable door after the horse has left (or whatever), so I guess it doesnt really matter any more. Anyhow, make your mind up whether to play with an alpha release, or hang on until the weekend and with any luck will have something better.


Cool Box -SBS-

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Sounds good CoolBox :)

@ Tom_Anger

What is your time zone? Tried last night again (CET) and no AAS. ;(

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Well I am trying to get CoolBox share the latest version for testing. ;)

@ Tom_Anger

We were looking for your server last night. No game unfortunately.

We ended up playing AAS on a different server.

We have 2 URBAN RESISTANCE servers and some of our guys weren't around much and some were looking to test out Warfare Proton so it is possible the rotation was switched out. It is back to the AAS missions so we hope to get folks on tonite. We want to push the AAS out to gamers because it is such a fun game, however, we also honor other gamer requests so if you don't see uf hosting AAS tonite (we may be playing domination group coops) hop in and we will surely boot them up for some cool gaming. Either that or swing by and let us know if others are hosting wanting to get some fun session going. Either our server or others are fine with us. The company is what makes this game such fun (the people). Thanks for your reply...

My timezone is EST, but we also have international folks. Some of us have been moving and I have spent like 10 minutes gaming all week long due to the fact that I am finishing a Poolhouse project at my house. Have been working like a dog, but tonite I am allocating time to hang with the group...

Edited by Tom_Anger

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We games a bit last night and had fun. Just need more players. There were no other servers hosting it with gamers either.

Weird - when I threw up TDM16 DEPOT STATION that brought in the players, but when we switched to AAS some were clueless and left. AAS is very simple so we need to foster helping new folks out on this gameplay as much as we can. Berzerk is fun, but this dictated fighting (just like Joint Operations Typhoon Rising) is an asset to ARMA 2 MP gaming.

Tonite is another try. Got a company picnic today so hope to be on later later :-)

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Thanks for the reply Tom Anger.

We are CE(S)T, so +6 to EST I believe. We will be playing tonight again at 20 CET, means

4 PM EST. Not sure if it will work out. You are best to get the latest AAS from CoolBox.

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I have (just about) squeezed in all the features and playtesting I wanted before the beta 08 release. I hope that you will find this useful for your AAS week, albeit with only a few days left before the end! Therefore, am pleased to announce release of Beta 08 for Advance and Secure:



Bug fixes:

* better spawn armour (protects you from being killed just after you spawn)

* New Improved HUD

* New "team membership system", to auto-colour your team mates.

* Dozens of other improvements.

New features:

* Brand new AAS game engine

** ability to have any number of capture zones

** can have neutral capture zones

** can have simultaneous capture zone objectives

* Medic revive system replaced by brand new system

* Brand new respawn and queuing code code

** no more spawn buttons not appearing after dead

** no more failing to spawn when in queue

** no more getting stuck dead (cant even quit game)

New maps:

* 6 new maps from BCA, with thanks to Cat Toaster, Lord and Maverick

* A set of 7 new template maps showing off the new features!

* More amazing maps to come using new AAS engine ...

cheers, Cool Box.

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Thanks Cool.

I am going to update our server when I get home from work. I also added an ARMA 2 article on our site for your group's efforts pointing links to your wiki. Hope you don't mind I took a screenshot from your site (I can remove it if you like). Great asset to ARMA 2 bud.

The funny thing when I played ARMA 1 was that I tried to find consistency with the Multiplayer games. I would see CTF, Berzerk, Evolution, Warfare, a variety of coops, and a slew of others that confused the heck out of me. Because of this most found a home with Coops (mainly evolution), Berzerk, or Warfare. Your group has brought a very nice element to the table.

AAS - very simple gameplay in nature, great gameplay for 12-64 player servers.

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Awesome missions CoolBox :yay: my favourite game mode atm. CEAL server (CET timezone) has been running this lately attracting quite good numbers.

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Can I suggest a feature?

...Halo drop action available from transport choppers

as of now, ejecting from a chopper means floating down and getting shot.

...Ability to changes ones uniform in the action menu

would be nice to adapt attire to different environments, ie; woods vs towns.

Heres some pics of me playing this mission type 32 player PvP


Sprinting to Charlie


Armor on Delta


Rearm at XRay


Hind is up!


Taking the pig

Edited by [DirTyDeeDs]-Ziggy-

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