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War can be pleasant sometimes..

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You can clearly see that the poor soldier is forced to do such a perverse act by his insanely twisted superiors.

The one lying down is Colonel and perv on the right, that has his boot on the ammo box is General, waiting for the poor Private to polish his boots.

woot a sick world we live in today :hmmm::wink_o::annoy::D

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Arma 2: As close to a blow job as you wan't to get

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well that's a feature I would've liked OFP:DR had it instead of ArmA2

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I can remember my friend and I using Oddjob in Goldeneye to pull this kind of thing.

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Pleasant... you mean like giving a blowjob to a corpse?

That's not really what I would describe as 'pleasant'.

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Perica: great (blow)job :) lol... we should do couple of events together, but we usually have fun with "working girls" in A2 ;)



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ahhhhh it was only a matter of time...

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