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Help with MP UAV Script

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See, that's weird. Cause thats all we play on is a dedicated server. And we've never had issues with the UAV. Now understand that if someone comes in after you've launched the UAV, they cannot control that UAV. But they should be able to control the next one that is launched.

Did you notice the init of the UAV module? that's important as well. Everyone on west has access. If you don't have that, then yes, you'd not be able to control the UAV. (UAV has been destroyed)

That's what issue I was having before. I actually used some of your old stuff to make it work at first I as had absolutely no luck with the code in your last two posts. Then you posted that mission, so I pulled it from there and installed it into domination that way. When I host multiplayer on my own box, it works like a champ, when I try to go in as a client on the dedicated server I have sitting beside me, I can launch it just fine but it doesn't want to sync to me for some reason because I don't get the UAV option. It's not even like before where I get the "UAV destroyed" message, I just don't have the option to select it in the first place. The UAV just does it's own thing and flies around the map for a while.

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This is what I'm seeing as well. I had the 'uav' option to control it when hosting on my box, made no changes, packed the map and stuck it on the dedicated, and no joy. Interesting issue.

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Can anyone help with these errors this UAV gives me?

Error in expression <ynchronizedobjects _logic) then {_logic synchronizeobjectsadd [_x]}} foreach _ru>

Error position: <synchronizeobjectsadd [_x]}} foreach _ru>

Error Type Side, expected Object

File ca\modules\uav\data\scripts\uav.sqf, line 95


// UAV Terminal script for Armed Assault 2

// Created by: Karmichael


if (!isServer && (player != player)) then


waitUntil {player == player};

waitUntil {time = 10};


_UAVterminal = createVehicle ["USMC_WarfareBUAVterminal", [4689.45,10247.7,0.00143433], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

_UAVterminal setDir -188.7659;

_UAVterminal setVehicleInit "BIS_UAVSystem synchronizeObjectsAdd [_UAVterminal, UAV, UAVplane]";

_UAVterminal addeventhandler ["hit", {_this select 0 setdamage 0}];

_UAVterminal addeventhandler ["dammaged", {_this select 0 setdamage 0}]";

_UAVterminal setPos [4689.45,10247.7,0.00143433];


Edited by Goodboys

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I have a UAV problem on dedicated server.

Ive fixed it so the server attaches the player, the uav and terminal when a player press an action. Trouble is that

1. When using it the UAV only have 1 visible waypoint.

2. When it is dark the UAV automaticly turns on NVG goggles. Ive tryed to remove them but i can't. And when you leave the terminal when its dark, the screen is all bright from its FLIR. You can only make it go away with using NVGs. But it will still be there when you take them off.

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Can anyone help with these errors this UAV gives me?

Error in expression <ynchronizedobjects _logic) then {_logic synchronizeobjectsadd [_x]}} foreach _ru>

Error position: <synchronizeobjectsadd [_x]}} foreach _ru>

Error Type Side, expected Object

File ca\modules\uav\data\scripts\uav.sqf, line 95

That has nothing to do with karmichael's (or mine) scripts.

That is an error generated from the UAV module itself. It happens when you tell the UAV module to add an entire side using:

BIS_uav_1 setvariable ["rules",[west]]

When the UAV module goes through and adds everything it needs to be synchronized to, it tries to synchronize to the WEST side. it errors, but it still works.

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Ive fixed it so the server attaches the player, the uav and terminal when a player press an action.

Can you shed any light on how you did this?


1. When using it the UAV only have 1 visible waypoint.

That is all I have ever seen using Daddy's script. I know on some of the others, you get the box set but I have never gotten all of them using this script. I am the same as you, have only one.

When it is dark the UAV automaticly turns on NVG goggles. Ive tryed to remove them but i can't. And when you leave the terminal when its dark, the screen is all bright from its FLIR. You can only make it go away with using NVGs. But it will still be there when you take them off.

Haven't seen this issue at all. The FLIR always have to be adjusted because it's always too bright at start, but never have seen the NVG issue happen.

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Can someone help me with this , if i put this in domination , i can only lauch a UAV and when i choose the UAV i get a message that the UAV has been destroyed

edit :

I don`t know how but it works now !

Edited by Sneaker-78-

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Made a script that respawns a controllable UAV, maybe will release it later, heres the mission.


I tested this and it works locally, but it doesn't work on a dedicated server; The UAV button doesn't even show on the dedi. I am looking for a working solution using a dedicated server, if anyone has one.

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Please somebody put the full script in this post how to fix the UAV for a dedicated server. I am looking for a solution for over a year now. It owuld be awsome if i and others who want to use this have a full solution at the end of this post.

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All the above links to sample missions no longer work :-(

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