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do your guys constantly grunt?

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haha, when im in game, my guys are constantly grunting and wincing, even when they are perfectly fine??

does anyone else experience this?

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Lol. Yeh my guys did that for what seemed like the first week, they seem to have stopped now for whatever reason. I thought they might just have back pains from me keeping them in crouch position all the time lol.

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Yeah I've found that sometimes they can be injured from jumping out of the helicopter from too great a height, but I am unable to order the corpsman to heal. If I switch and heal them manually they STFU.

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Yes, they grunt all the time. Sometimes sound like they are injured even when we have not taken fire. They also walk along roads sounding like horses going 'clip clop clip clop'.

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It seems like they very easily can take a tiny amount of damage (from getting out of vehicles for example) which doesn't seem to be considered as "damage" by most of the game (e.g. ordering them to heal) but which does provoke the "ambient injury noises".

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this has happened since arma 1; if you are in a vechile & you hit something too hard or too fast, after the AI dismount they will start moaning like a dog in heat. its pretty gay.

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Another annoying thing that goes along with this are what I guess are placeholder voices from BIS that were never recorded by Americans. You know like when they say "fuck that hurts" or "ah my leg". Sounds like a guy with some European accent and a lisp.

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I've notoiced the player character will moan and grunt too if you report yourself as injured when you're fine and it will stay like that until the next mission.

The players command square will turn red and you can't heal or anything, just grunt and moan.

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"fuck that hurts" or "ah my leg".

Haha i think i hear these like 800x a day. :D

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Another annoying thing that goes along with this are what I guess are placeholder voices from BIS that were never recorded by Americans. You know like when they say "fuck that hurts" or "ah my leg". Sounds like a guy with some European accent and a lisp.

It's even funnier when your Russian squadmates say those things. This is one thing that I hope BIS doesn't patch! Makes me laugh every time.

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It's about time you yanks were on the receiving end of that!

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