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How to get Joystick / Throttle to work..

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Hello, I've been trying desperately to get my Saitek x45 to work in this game. So far, when enabled, only a few peripheral buttons on the stick do anything. Any controls I attempt to map do not seem to do anything.

Am I mapping the controls wrong? Should I map the controls differently for ground vs. air vehicles? (i.e. should my throttle be mapped to "w" and "s" for ground, and "page up" "page down" for helicopters?) Actually, not that it matters, nothing I do makes anything work.

What are the throttle controls in the menu? Nothing says "throttle" in the control adjustment menu. Also, even my joystick itself doesn't do anything? I move it while in a gunner position of a tank or Hummer, and nothing happens.

What am I doing wrong, and how do I make it work? Sorry if there is a simple solution to this, but whatever it is I need it spelled out for me. Thanks!

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ok, thanks, that worked for the throttle on helicopters. However, the throttle still does not work on tanks. I would like to set the throttle to control my speed in the tank, instead of pressing forward on the joystick. Is this possible?

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1st Read your Saitek Manual

2nd Read Arma2 Manual (focus on keys)

3rd Bind keycontrols to what you want, and set some profiles for your Saitek, so you can change profile if needed depending on what vehicle type you fly/drive/manage

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Make a profile in your Saitek setup.

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I run the X45 with nothing programed into it (I just set it up under Windows and calibrated it). I don't even have the X45 programing software loaded (just the drivers).

Some of the X45 throttle gizmos don't seem to work properly for certain keys (the rotory knobs come to mind here). You can activate them and they'll show up as a key/function but they don't seem to work in game. Just trial and error is the best I can recommend.

As pointed out, you need to be familiar with which game keys will control each action/movement.

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