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O2 tutorial in Detail

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Any guy could kindly tell where could get O2 tutorial for ARMA or ARMA2 in very details, including the basic one to advanced, with way of putting textures, material editor use and etc.?

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Gnat;1405567']Dont believe any exist.

Closest you'll come is;


Much is still applicable.

As Gnat says.. try those tutorials..

Just to help to you to get the crate tutorial working in game quickly' date=' try using the following lines of code as the config.cpp. The original did not work for me in AA2 and it took me hours of reasearch just to get that basic model to work.

This one will place the My Lovely Crate in... the Objects (under empty).

class CfgPatches


class Crate


units['] = {Crate};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.0;



class CfgVehicles


class All {};

class Thing : All {};

class Misc_thing: Thing {};

class Crate: Misc_thing





displayName="My lovely crate";




Or this one will make it's own selection called Test...(under empty)

class CfgPatches


class Crate


units[] = {Crate};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.0;



class CfgVehicles


class All {};

class Thing : All {};

class Misc_thing: Thing {};

class Crate: Misc_thing





displayName="My lovely crate";


vehicleClass = "Test";



hope this helps

Edited by gonk

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Please use this config as a base and use OFPEC tags:

class CfgPatches
class YourTag_Crate
	units[] = {"YourTag_Crate"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.03;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAMisc3"};
	version = "2009-08-25";
	fileName = "YourTag_Crate.pbo";
	author = "name";
	mail = "[email protected]";
class CfgVehicles
class Misc_thing;
class YourTag_Crate: Misc_thing
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "My lovely crate";
	model = "\YourTag_Crate\crate.p3d";
	armor = 20000;
	accuracy = 0.2;

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thx Gnat... good work

and thx Kju... the more info at the beginners level the better.

Edited by gonk

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Thank you Gnat for all you hard work.

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I made some fences quite a while ago. I did get them into ARMA1 quite easily but am having trouble seeing them in the editor now. I get no errors in the log when I binarize it and my models seem o.k.

class CfgPatches


class bdfences


units[] = {wdfence1,stfence,srfence,gunemp};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.00000;



class CfgVehicleClasses


class myfenceclass


displayName = "Civil War fences";



class CfgVehicles


class All {};

class Thing : All {};

class Misc_thing: Thing {};

class wdfence1: Misc_thing


vehicleclass = "myfenceclass";

displayName="wood fence1";




class stfence: Misc_thing


vehicleclass = "myfenceclass";

displayName="stone fence";




class srfence: Misc_thing


vehicleclass = "myfenceclass";

displayName="snake rail fence";




class gunemp: Misc_thing


vehicleclass = "myfenceclass";

displayName="gun emplacement";





Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by Stonewall Jackson

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the class My_thing has probably scope = 1, so just add scope = 2 to all your fence classes.

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You shouldn't need all

class All {};

class Thing : All {};

class Misc_thing: Thing {};

Just replace with

class Misc_thing;

And as Misc_thing is a "potected" addon, you'll need to add;


to each of your definitions.


class stfence: Misc_thing


vehicleclass = "myfenceclass";

scope = 2;

displayName="stone fence";




Edit: Ooops. didnt see TDs post

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Thanks TD and Gnat. Yes I see them now. Much appreciated.

I know I'm flowing a bit off topic but does any one know where I can get a look at the new class structures? I've never heard of Misc_thing class.

When I made these fences for OFP Resistance I used

class FenceWood: Fence {};

class wdfence: FenceWood



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Gnat;1442471']You need to scan through the ALLINONE.CPP

Find the handy resources at DEVHEAVEN

Download it to keep it handy

Thanks again Gnat! (great tutorials BTW!)

I'll subscribe and check it out.

Edited by Stonewall Jackson

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