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My Razor 2 mission (with map), need opinions

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Well I finally finished the damn thing, but Im not real happy with the outcome, here's why... (yea this is a long read and dont proceed if you dont want spoilers)

Map: http://i28.tinypic.com/jqrz9c.jpg

I was sick of having to go up and talk to that Ocheglic-whatever guy in Staroye, which I had done all previous attempts so this time after talking to the Marine Officer and CDR Lieutenant in Elektrozavodsk (1), I went straight to the Power Plant (2), then followed the coast up in a HMV to Solnichniy and questioned the locals (3). Found the Quarry (4) (this was my first time with this part). Unfortunately I found it to be horribly bugged. I saved my game here and interesting things happend, first load it said "looks like no one is here" - we shot the 2 soldiers on the outskirts and left back to base. Second time ( I had to reload because one of my team walked into the blades on Starforce 21, ending the mission with decapitation) it said "theres three of them" but still only found the 2 soldiers, guarding nothing. Is something supposed to happen here and the triggers broken?

Anyway, this time we got back to base (5) and I used the UAV to scout Novy Sobor, which has an AA tank sitting in it- low and behold I was successful in disabling it with ground pounding hellfires (missle lock is broken). I helo'd my team in just south of Novy (6) and swept the town (7). I saw a friendly APC in the NW distance (8) and tried to run toward it but it vanished, so we worked our way into the neighboring, very much occupied, Stary Sobor. There was a T-72 sitting in the town Kelly's Heros style (9), so I decided to try to flank it. We approached the town from the hill with trees on it (just to the east) and had a pretty good fire fight with an enemy squad of soliders running out from the town. We crawled our way into the town, in an attempt to pick up an AT rocket and disable the tank, when we got the 20 minute call to capture the objective before he gets to Gorka.

We started running back to the venom, which I had placed strategically on the hill behind us waiting just incase- when Scarlet got shot in the back from somebody. In one of the cooler moments Ive had with ARMA, it felt like a real evacuation, as the T-72 came alive and started launching shells our way. Tree's were falling, bullets wizzing, snap! POP! I told #2 and #3 to get to the chopper and they ran away dogging debris. I dragged Scarlet to some cover (10), did the first aid thing, and we humped to the venom just in time.

So here's what happens, after mounting SF21 (11), I order it to a LZ just south of Gorka by the road which leads into town. As we are landing, I see a red sedan hauling ass up the road (12) and as crew chief I unload at 4000 RPM, sending the car up in flames. I see 1 guy in a blue shirt (Im guessing Bordka or whatever), running away toward Gorka, and since we hadnt landed yet I shot at him through the trees. The mission ended immidiately with a "Victory, but you killed him" message. It said the other guy (primary objective) had escaped.

Okay so here's my questions:

1: What is supposed to be at the Quarry?

2: How can we find "evidence of warcrimes"?

3: Where did you guys find Obj #1 (sorry I cant remember his name)

4: Where did you guys find Obj #2? (the guy I found outside of Gorka)

5: Why does this mission end so fast after the 20 minute warning? (#2 was at Gorka within 5 minutes after I got that message)

6: How do you capture the Objectives if their just going to run away?

7: Is there any way to capture a tank? (I found an empty allied APC stuck in the woods (13) by the castle one time with its crew laying around dead)

8: How did you guys put the UAV to work? Were you able to locate ANYONE with it? All I could find were enemy tanks...

9: What is the Mi-8 helicopter that I see flying around? Mostly it crashes into the forrest southeast of Tulga (14) - is there a purpose for this?

Thanks for having the patience to read through all this, it took me awhile to write it so please give some cool advice, I'd like to reload this mission and actually capture these guys. :yay:

Edited by CrazyAviator

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Well I finally finished the damn thing, but Im not real happy with the outcome, here's why... (yea this is a long read and dont proceed if you dont want spoilers)

I found the rebel (second in command after Lopotev) at the Quarry, in a car.

What did I do: I went straight to the eletrict power plant (as you did), go to find the friend in the town (where the quarry is).

I went around for about 10 minutes and...OPLA' I found the rebel, I captured him. Mission finished.

TIme to complete it: 30 minutes in total, that's good ;)

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ive got the latest patch and i go to the quarry and arrest that guy and it goes tr8 to flawless victory then doent give me the next mission but reverts to the savb i made before i arreted him :confused:

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I just played this mission again...

Went to the northernmost camp, fired a grenade onto the tent...

Mission completed saying I killed Bardak...


5 minutes of gameplay...


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