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Script wanted, "Trip Flare"

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Can anyone give me a script that I can initiate by trigger that acts as a trip flare?

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flare = "F_40mm_xxx" createVehicle [(position entername) select 0,  (position entername) select 1,YYY]

Note: YYY is where you would set the height of the flare. xxx is where you would put one of the options below.

White = white flare

Yellow = yellow flare

Red = red flare

Green = green flare

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Can't get this to work.

Do I need to place this in a script or just on activation in a trigger?

Do I need to place an object with a name and then assign the name to the position enter name?

Thank you for the help so far.:)

---------- Post added at 06:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:38 PM ----------

Got it to work, but it doesn't work as a trip flare would. This produces a Para Illum, where as a trip flare is ground mounted and burns for approx 1 min.

Thank you for the help.

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Thank you for the suggestion, but I have very limited knowledge of scripting, therefore I need a good explanation of what to put where.

I can script a light to come on, but what i can't do is simulate a trip flare.

So it would need to be on a trigger, burn like a para flare, giving off smoke etc, be ground based, and burn for 60 seconds.

Any help is gratefully received (Sound like a fricking charity)

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Place an object where you want the flare to be. I used the Wall Lamp myself.

Setup a trigger BLUFOR PRESENT ONCE with the following in it's OnAct field:

// Usage: _null = [objectName, delayTime] execVM "tripflare.sqf";
// Ex: _null = [myLamp, 60] execVM "tripflare.sqf";

// Grab the object to attach to and burn time.
_target = _this select 0;
_delay = _this select 1;

// Create a small local white light and attach it to the object.
_light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_light setLightBrightness 0.1;
_light setLightAmbient[1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
_light setLightColor[1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
_light lightAttachObject [_target, [0,0,0]];

// Attach smoke effect to the object.
BIS_Effects_Burn = compile preprocessFile "\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\burn.sqf"; 
_smokeeffect = [_target, 0.8, time, false, false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn; 

// Burn the light for however long requested.
sleep _delay;

// Turn off the light.
deletevehicle _light;
// Delete the object and get rid of the smoke.
deletevehicle _target;

Download the sample mission to see it in action. (sample doesn't have the smoke, I'll upload that later or just use this script.)

Edited by kylania
Added smoke to the effects.

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Brilliant thank you.

All i need now is sound!

Can i get the sound of a flare to play?

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sounds like you got it working, but here's what I do: (after approx. 3 1/2 hours of searching and learning, that is why I share)

place a trigger on the map and name it flaretrap83, or whatever you like.

place this in the activation of the newly created trigger. All you will need is the one simple trigger. Change the 150 to however high you'd like it to go :

flare = "F_40mm_[b]White[/b]" createVehicle [getPos [b]flaretrap83[/b] select 0, getPos [b]flaretrap83[/b] select 1,150];

Then change this code accordingly with what color you like as well as the name of the trigger in the two bolded spots. Set the trigger to be activated when Opfor or Blufor is present/once/timeout -- however you'd like it to be set off.

Remember you can copy & paste, even triggers, within the editor -- so you can make your one trigger and then paste it all over the map. Then just go around updating each one's name & code, so then you'll have multiple flare traps.

edit: only copy & paste triggers that are new and not grouped or synced yet -- otherwise the editor crashes.

Edited by sweep
made an error

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Remember you can copy & paste, even triggers, within the editor -- so you can make your one trigger and then paste it all over the map. Then just go around updating each one's name & code, so then you'll have multiple flare traps.

Or, replace the name with (thislist select 0) and you dont have to name/rename anything.

flare = "F_40mm_White" createVehicle [getPos (thislist select 0) select 0, getPos (thislist select 0) select 1,150];

Obviously is changes the position of the flare a bit, but flare trap triggers usually aren't that big I guess.

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