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Opfp? where does it stand for you as a game\sim?

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To me Operation deserves Game of the Year{2001} and maybe 2002 as far as a realism award, who knows whats coming out this year.

I have had the game since Mid August 2001 and I still play the game to this day with Admiration and exhileration.The entire scope of what this game is and does has no equal at this moment on the game market, too me anyways.

Ghost Recon was a good game but, ya know what? I don't play that game anymore!Ghost Recon's Realism was ok but the invisible wall world annoyed me from the get go. Lack of vehicle interaction and overall world interaction was poor. The Enemy and Friendly AI was irratic at best. Was great at some moments and completely RETARDED at others. OPFP I think had a very straight forward SOLID AI, sure there are some dumb things it does but I find it to be the most compelling AI I ever seen for this type of game. The AI in OPFP has saved and backed up my ASS better then any other game I ever played so thats why I give it high marks.

Return To Castle Wolfenstein and Medal Of Honor where fun to play and had some nice realism touches but no where near OPFP.

The fact that you can HOP into just about any vehicle in OPFP and Fly it or Drive it just floored me from the start! No other game can touch this wonderful addition to the WAR Genre.

On a percentage scale from 0% to 100% I personally give OPFP a 90%.{What ever F'n drugs PC Gamer was smoking, to give Ghost Recon best game of the year award and not even give anything at all to OPFP, I want it it must be good stuff.} Thorn in my Butt!

OPFP = Great WAR Atmosphere, Great Weapon and Soldier Physics, good Sound and a exspansive Untouchable game World like no other.


P.S. Gotta work on the OPFP Multiplay some more and tweak it more!! wink.gif

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How I rate OFP:

As a "grunt simulator": 90% (best game yet in this regard)

As a "tank simulator": 30% (they just arent realistic enough and way too damn bouncy).

As a "airplane simulator": 50% (I love flying in OFP, but it just isnt a good simulator).

As a "war simulator": 80% (better than any game yet in this regard).

As an overall package: 90% (whats missing: better netcode, and more stability in general).

The "Fun Factor": 100% (I love it, flaws and all)

The "Coming Back For More Factor": 100% (the game that tears me away from OFP will probably OFP 2)

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I don't look at the vehicles as simulators (otherwise we'd need huge manuals to learn how to operate the vehicles). I look at tanks and choppers as arcade-style 'sims' and only the infantry part as being realistic. So OFP is perfect that way. smile.gif

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I know that OFP is the best game I have owned becuase I havent bought many games since its release in july.

Well not including red hammer.

I bought max payne and Sudden strike, both of which I played on for a week then went striaght back to this game

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PC Gamer were not on drugs, they were too busy counting the advertising revenue they get for sucking up to Redstorm mad.gif

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I usually play WWIIOL, because that has some of the most tense, 2 day campaings to take one dimunitive town.

I play OpFlash for that quick burst of action to pass the night cycle of WWIIOL.

I just like the rush of WWIIOL, One second your crusing down a road in a StuG III Ausf B,a few 100meters later, A big dark green A12 Matilda blocks the road.... Slamming the brakes, you switch to gunner, sight in and fire a HEAT round at the A12, MISS!

The excrutiating seconds as your gunner slams in a round as the Matilda revovles it's deadly turret with it's 2lbr cannon.

BOOM! Direct hit! The Matilda pours black smoke and red flames jump from the view ports and lick the sides of the turret, victory!

BTW, I made PFC recently! biggrin.gif

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I don't care what anyone else says.. I like them armored conflicts and Air ground attacks. Like flying the Mi17! Going for extreme realism would be ok but too hard on the system requirement. FP is great the way it is for me! Nothing beats it!

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I give an overall of 98% (because I was finding a war simulation like that since a really looong time) to Operation Flashpoint, it's the best in my list... the second is H&D at 88%, it's doing old but it will be a great classic forever and now Operation Flashpoint is the replacing of it and for me it will be much longer.

Listen it, I'll tell you a big moment of my life now... wink.gif

With Operation Flashpoint I lived things there's some years ago that I never lived with another one so far and I don't believe to have to live it with another war simulation in a near future... some peoples in this forum know what I'm saying... since all this time heh!  wow.gif

For sure this game will be in my memory forever (heh, sounds like a real story of my life... well it is)

And finally I think Operation Flashpoint is the best war game ever for everyone in this forum... isn't it?

For me it is and it will be forever!  smile.gif

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You can't rate OFP with other games it is in it own super league where it will sit in glory and will spit on Redstorm games for all eternity

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OK, I havent played any other game for the pas 8 months, that tells u all.

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Well I am Glad I am not the only one who feels OPFP is in a league of its own.

While I do play other games like Tribes 1 and Counter-Strike they really are just a ammusing thing for me too do. They are fun on a very very basic level, thats it nothing more. When I hear Counter-Strike players talk of its realism I literally fall on the ground laughing.

Operation is like living a Military life when you play it, imaginary albeit. It takes me away to a very realistic place that no other game to this day has come close too.

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You guys have pretty much covered it already, so i'll just give my two cents.

this game rules. Its got more ptential than anything that has ever come before it, and even some that are still in the works.

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Thank God for the mission designer. That thing alone is more fun than most other games, including Ghost Recon.

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I both love and hate this game.


motion capture

Satchels Dyn. Sound replacement<--- THE reason to keep FP on the hard drive.

large maps


multi<--- I stopped playing it after having to d/l a map each and everytime I joined a server, and finding the maps blow

included multi maps<--- not one that came with the game was well done or visually interesting

map editor<--- I was never one to be interested in doing my own stuff, but waiting for the community to make good maps instead of the game just having them again, blows.

tank driving/heli piloting<--- this sucked from day one, but got better long after I finished the campaigne/game. I tried it in a later update and it seemed way more solid, but too bad it couldn`t have been this solid from the release date, my frustration level wouldn`t have taken such a beating.

map types<--- not visually interesting or varied enough for me. Granted it is in Russia right? I learned a lesson with FP, never buy any combat sim set in one geographical location.

I could have done with a more focussed combat sim. Helis for insertions extractions would have been fine. IMHO FP admirably tries to do everything, but in trying to do everything, doesn`t really do any one thing outstanding.

DF 2 while not coming close to what FP offers in shere size, offered the community a way better playing experience in multi anyways, by delivering well designed standard game types. And we were playing bigtime, not having to make maps cause the included ones were lack lustre.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shataan @ Mar. 18 2002,18:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">hates:

multi<--- I stopped playing it after having to d/l a map each and everytime I joined a server, and finding the maps blow

included multi  maps<--- not one that came with the game was well done or visually interesting<span id='postcolor'>

Hmm greatly disagree with that, there are plenty of outstanding maps to play on, and 90% of them are less than 100kb so hardly take any time at all to download, and once they're downloaded you don't need to download them again.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Thehamster @ Mar. 17 2002,22:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You can't rate OFP with other games it is in it own super league where it will sit in glory and will spit on Redstorm games for all eternity<span id='postcolor'>

Hey! mad.gif ...oh, you ment the developers confused.gif

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No I think he meant you, we should ban him for trying to incite flaming tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shataan @ Mar. 18 2002,19:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">map types<--- not visually interesting or varied enough for me. Granted it is in Russia right? I learned a lesson with FP, never buy any combat sim set in one geographical location.  

     I could have done with a more focussed combat sim. Helis for insertions extractions would have been fine.  IMHO FP admirably tries to do everything, but in trying to do everything, doesn`t really do any one thing outstanding.

        DF 2 while not coming close to what FP offers in shere size, offered the community a way better playing experience in multi anyways, by delivering well designed standard game types. And we were playing bigtime, not having to make maps cause the included ones were lack lustre.<span id='postcolor'>

Well in case you haven't noticed it's based on a conflict on the three fictitious islands. While the conflict and islands may be sci-fi, the setting is very pleasing.

Not visually interesting ? For god's sake man, Everon is over 15 kilometers in size diagonally. Name me one game that offer over 100 square kilometers of land to play on with details such as boilers in houses ? This is not the Holodeck of Star Trek you know. Sure Ghost Recon has much better graphics, but its levels are so tiny that one can't find more than 2 ways of getting to the destination.

If you don't like combat simulations set in one geographical location maybe you can recommend a game that actually covers the entire world with as much detail as Flashpoint. I would love to see it.

By the way Flashpoint is still the best Infantry simulation there is. When I realized that in Ghost Recon bullets aren't affected by gravity, nor can you shoot through bushes (?) I totally dropped it. Plus in Flashpoint the mere effects of sound delays are just awesome. You can tell how far a battle is by watching the explosions and counting the seconds.

Delta Force 2 ? You have got to be kidding. No comment. : )

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Opflash was up there but i feel that now as each patch is being released the community is getting smaller.

Why has the amount of dedi servers reduced by up to a third recently?

I play less and less often now...

Sometimes ill feel in the mood to play but by the time i get into a working game my motivation has waned..

And then ill go play DOD or somesuch.

What do i want? I'm still not sure...cant put my finger on it.

But im starting to feel that Opflash will get old and look old quickly ....like Delta force land warrior looks like now.

Im not bagging Opflash...its kept my attention for 6 months..im just being honest.

biggrin.gif  confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sparksfly @ Mar. 19 2002,05:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I play less and less often now...

Sometimes ill feel in the mood to play but by the time i get into a working game my motivation has waned..

And then ill go play DOD or somesuch.

What do i want? I'm still not sure...cant put my finger on it.

But im starting to feel that Opflash will get old and look old quickly ....like Delta force land warrior looks like now.

Im not bagging Opflash...its kept my attention for 6 months..im just being honest.

biggrin.gif  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Sparks, are you playing the same game as I am? OpFlash has the open ended nature of Commanche Hokum (great game, check it out), PLUS I get to grunt or tank all I want, and basically do whatever the hell I please, when I feel like it. Instead of having to choose between Overlord, Dog 1, Avalanche, and Anzio, I get three big friggin islands, and all the weaponry and machinery I could reasonably hope for in a game. The way I see it, even if BIS is concentrating on other products, a good mod and a few creative editors here and there, and OFP is only gonna continue to transcend all other tac sims (which btw, it has even transcended the tacsim genre, and has created a new genre, warsim, lol)

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Flashpoint for me is the out-freaking-standing editor and the multiplayer (especially Co-op) part.

A few weeks ago, I teamed up with my two kidbrothers and a couple of friends, playing a co-op map. Man! Didn´t know you could have this much fun! To crank it up a notch, joy- and skillwise, we added some serious beerconsuming. Man! Didn´t know you could have this much fun! Although I certainly don´t encourage drinking and driving, it´s was...interesting trying to make a smooth pick-em-up-and-bail-out-manouver with the Blackhawk. Not to mention the sniping part...

Flashpoint has earned a place in this ol´metal heart of mine!

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