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Problems with mp

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Yet another thread..

I'm just curious. Did I miss something?

i have 8mbit upstream and 50 mbit downstream, most of my friends are above 10 downstream, and we do get really good ping values, the guy with the worst ping has about 35-38ms.

Yet, there are sync issues all the time.

When playing the campaign with my team, I saw my corpsman running straight into the enemy position, I decided to go after him since I felt confident that he had the situation under control.

Imagine my surprise when my corpsman indeed hadn't run there, it was a sync issue and I had run straight into the enemy and thus got killed, while my corpsman were far behind me, with the rest of the squad.

This sort of thing happens all the time, unless my game crashes to desktop first, or disconnects one or more of my players of the server with the ever so annoying "recieving" error.

I have opened all the ports necessary, my computer is stable, is this -really- the way it should play??


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Your not the only one experiencing this. Im finding multiplayer unplayable at times.

The guys in the know say that its bad netcode which will hopefully be optimized with

further patches. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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I'm getting a little frustrated with the whole lack of support with these multiplayer issues too and time is running out, imho, for this game. Operation Flashpoint will be out soon and if this game isn't fixed and gets better documentation by the time Modern Warfare 2 gets released, this game will be done.

Lack of proper server support and documentation in this day and age is just stupid. Tick tock.

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I'm getting a little frustrated with the whole lack of support with these multiplayer issues too and time is running out, imho, for this game. Operation Flashpoint will be out soon and if this game isn't fixed and gets better documentation by the time Modern Warfare 2 gets released, this game will be done.

Lack of proper server support and documentation in this day and age is just stupid. Tick tock.

If you have already bought the game they don't lose anything by you then switching to a different game.

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I'm getting a little frustrated with the whole lack of support with these multiplayer issues too and time is running out, imho, for this game. Operation Flashpoint will be out soon and if this game isn't fixed and gets better documentation by the time Modern Warfare 2 gets released, this game will be done.

Lack of proper server support and documentation in this day and age is just stupid. Tick tock.

Bad mission design is one factor for desync issues, the netcode being the other.

One problem I have with ofp:dr is that it doesn't seem very community friendly at this time. How the hell am I going to fit in a whole gaming community with 32 player pvp and 12(!) player coop?

And as for MW2, I'd have a hard time convincing anyone I know here to actually play the damn thing online :D They might play the campaign for the action packed entertainment, but the MP side is pretty far from what we actually want - it's not even an option.

So at the end of the day, guys like me have no alternatives, so we just stop worrying so much and go with the flow.

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Sync and stutter issues is by far my biggest gripe with the game so people experiencing it are certainly not alone...

One of my best desyncs was a C130 taking off. It went along the runway, picked speed and... contiued. Straight into a forest. Everyone was like "wtf? how are you flying dude!?", lol!!! Or when I was sitting upside down in a Huey in yet another forest.

On the flipside though, I've yet to see any any tanks drive up in the air.

I seriously hope they can improve on the desync and stuttering online. Its just not pleasurable to fire 20 rounds into an AI and miss every time because he kept rubberbanding 5m back everytime you lined up your aim and took the shot.

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If you have already bought the game they don't lose anything by you then switching to a different game

They actually lose a lot by getting a bad rep, shity word of mouth, and no sales next time.

Great post Hund, I will endeavor to employ your last sentence.

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