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suggestion cc ARMA 2 next patch

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* Make an official patch including vehicles/planes we now only see as mods

such as the "little bird" or "chinook"

* Is there a way to reset killstat to 0 in a mp game when you die?

(it's a war simulation, not a FPS)

* adjust slider for VON communication

* Let the harrier be able to take of vertical even if it means lighter loadout

* Tone down the brightness of hud on Huey and some planes

* Seahawk with mini gun?

* C130 improved nosewheel so it can turn on a large tarmac

* MIL MI-28 havoc, Apache Longbow, Bradley...

* more selections in troops, eg. British..

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* adjust slider for VON communication - yes, this we need

* Tone down the brightness of hud on Huey and some planes - They just introduced

brighter hud's in the latest patch

everything else can or is already done by mods...

with all of the bugs and performance issues, and you want this? Sorry mate, looks like you'll be waiting a while while...

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They won't add vehicles, troops, etc. in a patch silly. An expansion maybe but we probably shouldn't mention that word for fear of a cry baby explosion. There will be Mods and AddOns, of equal or better quality, long before BIS could get them made and out. I'm sure they got a lot of work to do before any more modeling starts.

* Some beer would be nice.

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realise add should be a great thing! I would love that.. just new to the game so unfamiliar with mod and how to.. my thought behind it was that there would be a unified add on which would bring us a lot of things mods seem to provide.. thus when going online one can join a lot of servers.

it where just some thoughts... from a new discoverer of the world of ARMA2

which I find very very good! And enjoy spending time on it.

but to reset stats when you die would be a good thing.. never seen that in any game and think it would be a great little thing in a realistic warsimulation.



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* Let the harrier be able to take of vertical even if it means lighter loadout

A programme I watched on a harrier had to use run way when starting its mission because of weight, so what your saying is have a another harrier with a lighter mission load.

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Yes the graphical bugs are of low quality .... I want high quality graphical bugs !!!!

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