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fast jets

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jets such as the su-35 could do with being faster, understandable that a-10s and jump jets aren't that fast but the likes of a multirole jet like the SU-35 should be faster.. what you lot think?

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I don't care.
+1 yup

although i would like to see more ground units from different nations, why is it the bloody yanks get in everything these days, give us the challenger 2 and other uk vehicles... :D

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more helpful posts... love it! [/sarcasm]

Well, I guess with the advent of the analogue throttle, and with the the ability for pilots to truly choose to cruise at their own speeds, I guess upping the top speeds of the really fast jets to something realistic could work.

However, remember fast moving objects can generate a lot of lag, and having a few top guns attempting to push the envelope on a regular basis may make MP sessions unbearable for everyone (though that's purely speculation on my part).

I guess for realism's sake, yes, but gameplay balance should always come first.

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+1 yup

Why is it the bloody yanks get in everything these days?

Because we're the most imperialistic nation (even though that violates the constitution lol) currently and we are the nation that gets into crap we don't need to be involved in.

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I think the jets scream past you pretty fast as it is actually. If they do fly with full speed that is. They are not "slow" thats for sure. Could they fly faster? Sure - and addons will change that soon enough. New jets and configs that change speeds.


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The F-16C that's been released has a high normal topspeed, and it also has an afterburner. I've pushed 1150 KM/h in level flight with it.

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Problem with having realistic speeds is that you'll probably find yourself crashing at the edge of the map ;) tbh this game doesn't have much room for aircraft in the firstplace, but I guess an armed force needs some kind of non-helicopter air support... Then again they also should've made it possible to drop "dumb" bombs with CCIP and/or allow aircraft to mark their own targets like they do IRL.

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The game is mainly about infantry and ground-support, if you're too fast you can't see and can't help.

The view and draw distance is a problem after a certain speed, you don't have enough time to anticipate,

However big Chernarus is, it's still only 15*15 km, so you'd spend your time over nowhereland most of the time.

Hence the faster the plane in real life, the more useless it is in a "combined arms" simulation like Arma. That's why "slow" planes like A10 or Harrier are much better than F15 or Mig31 in the context of this game.

Planes and dogfight are much better in Arma 2, but their use is still pretty limited in the game.

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An F15 could also shoot down aircrafts from way outside of the map area with radar missiles...

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