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How do you clear a gun jam?

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My SMG jammed today (strangely, my grenades also "jammed" at the same time) and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. I don't remember a dedicated 'Clear Jam' button, and reloading, switching fire modes, or even trying to drop the gun and the ammo did nothing.

While I was puzzling over it, NAPA shot me, and after receiving first aid, the jam disappeared by itself.

But short of taking a bullet to chest, how do you clear a gun jam?

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I did not even know this is a game feature. But reloading the weapon should do the trick or there might be a seperate button. Take a look in the game/key configuration menu.

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There is no jam in Arma2 but "few" bugs, must be one. ;)

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There is no jam in Arma2 but "few" bugs, must be one. ;)

Are you sure? I've heard of jams several times, and the weapon didn't simply fail to fire, it also made clicking noises when I pulled the trigger.

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That clicking sound just meant you were out of ammo, not jammed. The ACE mod had jams, but not vanilla Arma 1 or 2.

One reason you might have thought you had a jam, is if you loaded a magazine and then it started clicking after only two shots. All that means is that the magazine you loaded only had two shots left in it, because it had been partially used earlier. The game remembers the bullet count in each magazine used, and doesn't automatically top off each reloaded magazines.

Edited by Xenios

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Well if there aren't actually jams, my guess is a glitch because my ammo HUD read 48-5 and I couldn't reload.

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1. Slap the magazine

2. Pull the charging handle back

3. Observe inside the chamber for any obstructions

4. Release the charging handle

5. Tap the forward assist

6. Shoot and destroy your target

Oh...you mean in game. Too many sergeants have asked me that question and expected me to fire out that answer on the spot...

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1. Slap the magazine

2. Pull the charging handle back

3. Observe inside the chamber for any obstructions

4. Release the charging handle

5. Tap the forward assist

6. Shoot and destroy your target

Oh...you mean in game. Too many sergeants have asked me that question and expected me to fire out that answer on the spot...

Hmmm, that's an "interesting" stoppage drill. Sound very make it up as you go along to me, still each nation to it's own I suppose.

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Hmmm, that's an "interesting" stoppage drill. Sound very make it up as you go along to me, still each nation to it's own I suppose.

I think the US Army just makes up stuff based upon what the acronym is going to be.

Though SPORTS can be applied quickly if you practice it, it's generally more practical just to pull the charging handle and let a new round lock into battery without all the other added movements.

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Typically that is all that is required unless there is a serious issue...but I guess they didn't want that forward assist to go to waste.

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