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Evo style weather

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Hi guys.

I really need to know how to make the moving weather, like in evolution maps for future map making and im sure im not the only one :rolleyes:

Anyone of you guru's know how?

I tried unpacking the evomap.

There is a 3 triggers called rain and one fog. Also, 3 markers called rain and one fog.

The markers are to show the players where the rain is moving, and the triggers is where the rain falls i guess..

So, i located a few scripts which i think has something to do with it. In data/Scripts in the unpacked mission.

A "rain.sqf" and "fog.sqf". Also, "MainThread.sqf" and "MainThreadC.sqf"


// weather system client

for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do


waitUntil {vehicle player in list rainy or vehicle player in list rainy2 or vehicle player in list rainy3};

2 setRain 1.0;

if ((speed vehicle player) > 100) then


10 setOvercast 1.0;




if ((speed vehicle player) > 25) then


20 setOvercast 1.0;




if ((speed vehicle player) < 25) then


30 setOvercast 1.0;




waitUntil {not (vehicle player in list rainy or vehicle player in list rainy2 or vehicle player in list rainy3)};

if ((speed vehicle player) > 100 or not alive player) then


10 setOvercast 0.0;




if ((speed vehicle player) > 25) then


20 setOvercast 0.0;




if ((speed vehicle player) < 25) then


30 setOvercast 0.0;




2 setRain 0.0;

sleep 1.0;



// weather system

for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do


1 setFog 0.0;

waitUntil {vehicle player in list foggy};

if ((speed vehicle player) > 100) then


10 setFog 0.8;




if ((speed vehicle player) > 25) then


20 setFog 0.8;




if ((speed vehicle player) < 25) then


30 setFog 0.8;




waitUntil {not (vehicle player in list foggy)};

_wait = 0;

if ((speed vehicle player) > 100 or not alive player) then


_wait = 10;

_wait setFog 0.0;




if ((speed vehicle player) > 25) then


_wait = 20;

_wait setFog 0.0;




if ((speed vehicle player) < 25) then


_wait = 30;

_wait setFog 0.0;




sleep _wait;



_oldhour = param2;

_fogmovetime = 900; // 15 mins

BIS_EVO_NoHumanLeader = [];

_EVO_Weath =



_randx = 0;

_randy = (random 14279);

if ((position rainy select 0) > 16753) then


rainy setpos [_randx,_randy,0];


if ((position rainy2 select 0) > 16753) then


rainy2 setpos [_randx,_randy,0];


if ((position rainy3 select 0) > 16753) then


rainy3 setpos [_randx,_randy,0];


if (_fogmovetime <= 0 and BIS_EVO_MissionProgress > 0) then


foggy setpos [random 12000,random 12000,0];

_fogmovetime = 900;


rainy setpos [(position rainy select 0)+10,(position rainy select 1),0];"rainmark" setMarkerPos position rainy;

rainy2 setpos [(position rainy2 select 0)+10,(position rainy2 select 1),0];"rainmark2" setMarkerPos position rainy2;

rainy3 setpos [(position rainy3 select 0)+10,(position rainy3 select 1),0];"rainmark3" setMarkerPos position rainy3;

foggy setpos [(position foggy select 0)+10,(position foggy select 1),0];"fogmark" setMarkerPos position foggy;



_oldhour = date select 3;

_tscore = 0;

_rankmes = localize "STR_M04t82";

_currentprog = 0;

BIS_EVO_CWeath =


"rainmarkt" setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos "rainmark";

"rainmarkt2" setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos "rainmark2";

"rainmarkt3" setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos "rainmark3";

"fogmarkt" setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos "fogmark";


I tried making the relevant markers and triggers and load the scripts in init file, by typing execVM "allthescripts.sqf" but got nothing. Just a bunch of markers in the side, not moving. No errors though.

Any ideas?

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check some of new Domination missions for ARMA 2 they use enhanced Killjoys weather ...

which is exactly You look/ask for

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Okay i'll do, thanks a bunch!

---------- Post added at 11:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 AM ----------

Bahh, im to much of a noob. I just dont get it. :/

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Sorry to revive this old thread, but I can't seem to find the weather info from Killjoy. Also, I'm looking in the Dom map and can't seem to find where the triggers are to set off the dynamic weather. Is there anyone out there able to help me out?

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I made a post here showthread.php?t=69538 for a guy on evo style weather. Everything you need to know is their.

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I made a post here showthread.php?t=69538 for a guy on evo style weather. Everything you need to know is their.

where? :)

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