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Binding randomly between 2 interfaces

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I know theres no parameter to bind arma on a specific IP (and thats a real shame for a mp game) but my problem is a lil different.

I rent a dedicated machine which got 2 connection interfaces, each one with its own IP of course.

My problem is that arma and also arma2 servers are usually binding on the primary IP but somehow it sometimes start binding on the secondary IP.

This can happen during game resulting in a "lag out" for every1 on the server. Then when ur kicked for timeout and going to lobby you can see server is still online its just binding on another IP so you gota reconnect to keep playing the mission.

Thats really a pain and i think I will just give up with my servers and this game since you can hardly get a popular server if players are getting kicked every now and then.

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well this is totally insane that developpers just "forgot" such an important feature, we are in 2009 not in 1980 and even years ago mp games had this IP binding feature.

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Jman;1361742']Disable one of the nics?

ur kidding right? I pay for that service and 2 nics = 2x more bw than 1. Disabling a connection to get arma working would be most insane solution ever. The solution has to be arma sided or eventually software but definitely not disabling some hardware.

As I said in another post, if you got internet problems and your ISP tells you "stop using phone and your problem will be gone" will you consider this as a satisfying solution?

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Could be the way the server box itself is setup.

What are you running server 2003 ,2008 ,web edtion etc.

I have the same setup , two nic cards 100mb port on each , Arma ALWAYS binds on the first Nic and primary ip. I use the port command to assign the port .

If a game allows the ip to be defined then I use my second nic card for that otherwise I just asign ports. .

I few games run on the second nic but its main purpose is ftp and downloads for COD5.

Never had arma or arma 2 switch or bind to the other nic mid game.

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well I got win server 2k3 standard 64 bits

Kinda default install since I didnt add anything special to the windows components or whatever. I got 2 dedicated boxes and the issue happens on both.

Doint the same stuff of course with -port and no problem with other games since they got a parameter to bind on a specific IP. Only arma/arma2 miss that.

Note that a week can pass without any switch then suddently 2 switches the same day within a few hours for exemple.

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I use a firewall rule to force my main server to only use my main IP. In the Outbound Rules, I've added a rule for the arma2 dedicated exe and in the scope tab, added the IP address I wish it to use under the Local IP adresses section. I then used a sniffer to watch the traffic and verify my configuration was working correctly.

Hope this helps.

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Both boxes from same provider ? both in the same data center ?

Might see if they are trying to load balance thier servers. My servers contoll panel I have the option of assinging which IP the box gleems as its main . And I turned of load balance.

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Well i use windows firewall and it doesnt have this feature.

about the boxes yes they are in same datacenter and have same config.

I checked already the load balancing but its not enabled.

Also Ive set the connection I want to be used as 1st to be used.

Everything working fine except from times to times arma decides to bind on the 2nd IP then comes back on 1st...

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