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Why do helo inserstion, and extraction have to be so tough?

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It's a bit complicated and not generic in a way that let's you copy the soultion and paste into another mission straight off. I just mentioned it so you can study it, and steal anything you like. Permission to do so is hereby given. Have a look at it in the editor. The setup works something like this:

1) Player group leaders carrying radios will have separate channels for communitcating with the helicopter: 'Order Insertion' and 'Order Extraction'

2) When insertion is ordered the helicopter will take off (make sure to be on board) and follow a scripted path (script = nomin_insert.sqs) towards the designeted LZ (represented by a moveable marker named nomin_LZ on the map). Once the group leader jumps out all his squadmembers are automatically ejected next to the chopper, who will then take off and return to base.

3) A similar system is used if you order Extraction. All players now recieve an eventhandler 'fired' wich enables them to select a new LZ for the Extraction, by throwing a green smoke grenade. It can be a handgrenade or a round from an M203. The helicopter will try to land as close to the grenade guy as possible, but only if the pilot can see the smoke.

4) The helicopter is then forced down gently at the designated spot, using simple scripting. It will not take off again until it get's a thrird radio command from the group leader in need of transport (Takeoff = 0-0-3). This option becomes available to the group leader ordering the Extraction when he has fired his smoke grenade and the chopper has begun it's landing procedure.

5) The chopper will then return to it's starting point on the USS Khe Sanh carrier deck.

That should give you enough information to rumage around in the mission folder, I believe. The triggers that affects the helicopters are positioned in a rough circle around the chopper itself inside the editor.

The example provided let's you use the aircraft carrier as starting point and end point for Utes-missions, with working two way AI-controlled helicopter transport. And as I said: it's a mission specific solution that can't be copied straight off. But I'm quite pleased with it and it might give you some fresh ideas. Head over to Ofpec if you need help ripping the mission open. Happy editing.

Edited by nominesine

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Thanks for the help !

But i think this is to heavy for me at the moment. I tried it the last hours but cant really figure it out.

Maybe i should start with something easier.

Can anyone explain this ?

- call a helicopter with the radio

-helicopter spawn or starts somewhere (whats better ?)

-helicopter flights at a point (empty H) and lands

-helicopter waits until unit_ A, unit_B ect. are inside

-helicopter takes of and flights somewhere

To get something working would be great for me at the moment... :D

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I dont know how the hell is possible that the heli extraction is so freaking shit to make... i dont understand...

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You need to read this http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74166 it is the same thing that is used in the Manhattan mission. You can call the helicopter using the spacebar click on the map where you want it to pick you up then click on the map again where you want it to drop you off. Then the helicopter automatically returns to base. If you put a trigger at the helicopters base with repeat and setfuel command you will never run out of fuel. If you dont want it shot down use the allowdamage false command. If you need any help with this let me know I can send you the mission Im working on.

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Just a note on the helicopter: 'Setcaptive true', is better than 'allowdamage false'. With allow damage, pilot/crew/cargo can still get killed, with setcaptive the heli will be ignored by the AI.

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You need to read this http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74166 it is the same thing that is used in the Manhattan mission. You can call the helicopter using the spacebar click on the map where you want it to pick you up then click on the map again where you want it to drop you off. Then the helicopter automatically returns to base. If you put a trigger at the helicopters base with repeat and setfuel command you will never run out of fuel. If you dont want it shot down use the allowdamage false command. If you need any help with this let me know I can send you the mission Im working on.

Thats the SOM thing...works good for SP but not for MP. And for some reason i dont like it at all... ;)

I search for something similar without the SOM Module !

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