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Removing blinding effects?

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Is there a way to remove the blinding effects from the game? Maybe with a mod like Kegetys made to remove blur? What I mean is that both during the day and at night the brightness of screen constantly changes and it is really getting on my nerves.

During the day, make a 360 degrees turn, the screen becomes lighter and darker, and can't figure out how, the way ot works doesn't make sense. Look towards a forest and you see what's inside. Zoom in and it's all dark (and you have to rely on your AI team mates to do the work). It should work the other way around, there is less contrast when you zoom in. And anyway, give a few seconds for your iris to resize and you should be able to see well. IRL, even mid-afternoon, it's not all dark when I look in the direction where the sun is (not into the sun directly mind you), on the contrary. I see equally well in all directions.

At night, my stupid team mates, even though they all have NVGs, keep turning on their vehicle lights, and there is no command to tell to them turn them off. The towns are all lit up, and I'm tired of having to shoot all street lamps so I can fight properly. There is not enough light from a street lamp to see anything without NVGs on (never saw any that give such a dim light IRL BTW), but apparently it is enough for the blinding engine to kick in. And isn't there an automatic brightness control in military NVGs? It should compensate for the tiny streetlights at least, even if it were manual.

Anyway, it would be nice if it could be removed, apparently postprocessing effects have no effect on blinding. There wasn't any blinding during the day nor at night in Arma1, and I liked it better that way. I'd like to have my irises back BIS, thanks.

PS: to all the hardcore wanna-be's ready to go all "it's like IRL" on me, don't bother, first it's not, second I don't care, third it stands in the way of my enjoyment, and seeing how many people wanted the blur removed I have the feeling I'm not alone in this.

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I like most of the light effects, but the way weapon scopes turn white when facing in the general direction of the sun- even if it is behind a mountain- seems strange and incorrect,

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And to add to my original post, you can't defeat the blinding effect at night by raising gamma as in other games. It works in some scenarios like the second SP single mission, but doesn't in others, like Dogs of War in the campaign, fighting inside places like Elektrozavodsk is a major PITA. Gamma at max (2.0) and half the place, in shadows, is still pitch black, not a single photon from the moon, the stars, or other buildings hits them, it's like we have black holes all around.

Looks like this feature does not work, it should imho be commented out or at least have the option to be turned off, in the .cfg file or video options menu.

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Screen becoming dark and light during the day is probably more of a monitor thing than a game thing. Monitors that say they have 1:30,000 contrast ratio, for example, don't actually have 1 pixel 30,000X brighter than another, but rather can increase the overall brightness dynamically up to having the brightest pixel 30,000X brighter than what the original darkest pixel was. Or at least it is *something* like that.

It's basically a way for monitor manufacturers to inflate their contrast values. If they're honest they'll usually list "dynamic" next to it. If they don't list anything, assume it's "dynamic". Anyway, don't buy a monitor without actually seeing it in action first for this reason as well as other reasons (light bleeding, quality increase VS cost increase and other factors). It's quite hard to make a decisive choice between monitors based on their listed contrast ratio, though the ones with much higher ones are usually better quality than the lower ones (since they're inflated in value in a similar manner).

Anyway, the sudden dark/light seems to be an effect of the monitor (and it doesn't mean your monitor is bad!), rather than something the game has any control over.

On another note, there are many other blinding factors in the game that should definitely be dealt with. Especially the sun (or lights) blinding you as if you were on Mercury or something...

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My personal favourite is getting in a Mi-24 at night and being blinded when starting it up, because the dials light up, totally obscuring the outside world. Brilliant.

(not sure why contrast ratios have been brought up, not really anything to do with this issue)

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Sometimes you get blinded because of some in-game graphical issue, and sometimes it's simply your monitor playing with the dynamic contrast, which the game can do nothing about.

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I can see your reasoning about panel contrasts, but the fact that I'm using a CRT and have observed the same issues described above would suggest that it's not a major contributing factor in this case.

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What I'm saying is that it's just an additional cause that sometimes (often) happens, but of course there are other annoying things that can blind you in the game (in an unrealistic manner), mostly sun/lights. They don't happen in the same situations, though, as the panel contrasts happen when you're switching from bright to dark areas, while the sun/lights blinding happen every time you look towards one of them in the appropriate time-of-day. And then there's blur that happens every time you move or hear shots. There are many annoying blinding factors, yes, but they're all separate issues.

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I find turning the brightness setting in video options did markedly reduce the glare for me.

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Yeah, the overdone HDR was in ArmA1 already and it's sometimes even worse in A2. The blinding effect should be there only when you look directly in the sun, in other cases it's very annoying and unrealistic (atleast most of the time).

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