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Spawning bombs in the air

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I need some sort of artillery, or basically just big controlled/triggered explosions in my mission. I remember in ArmA, a simple script that spawned a bomb in mid air that dropped down and exploded when the player entered the triggering area. That would be perfect, but unfortunately i lost all my missions for ArmA1 and can't look up the script :(

Anyone know how to do this? It was just a line of code in a trigger's activation field, where you could put in huge, big, medium and small types of bombs, depending on the explosion you wanted. And then ofcourse a script in the mission folder. Other methods are welcome too.

Bonus Question:

Unrelated to the thread, but another thing i never got a reply to:

When spawning a unit with the below code, how do you set the skill of the spawned unit?

Group1 = CreateGroup East; Group1 createUnit ["RU_Soldier_SL", [(getMarkerPos "Startingpoint") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Startingpoint") select 1,100], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

Edited by Apocca

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I think you mean the Improvised Explosive Device Script (IED) from Jeevz. I don't know if this script works in ArmA2. Maybe change the bomb class names.

Here is a link

; Improvised Explosive Device Script

; By Jeevz

; v1.2 12/13/06

; This script will create an explosion of a

; selected size on any object when called

; The arguments are [objectName, explosionPower]

; Explosion Power will be 1 of 4 choices

; Small - Good for Anti-Personnel use

; Medium - Will usually disable a Humvee without killing the occupants

; Large - Will usually destroy a passing humvee and kill or severly injure all occupants, will disable the tracks and possibly engine on M1A1

; Huge - Nothing will survive, I mean... it's HUGE :-)

; Example script call --> [theCar, "Small"] exec "IED.sqs"

;start script

_theObject = _this select 0

_theExplosion = _this select 1

;locate the Object to be blown up

_bombLoc = GetPos _theObject

_bombLocX = _bombLoc select 0

_bombLocY = _bombLoc select 1

_bombLocZ = _bombLoc select 2

; Deterimine the ordinance used to create the explosion

? (_theExplosion == "Small") : _ammoType = "R_57mm_HE"

? (_theExplosion == "Medium") : _ammoType = "M_Sidewinder_AA"

? (_theExplosion == "Large") : _ammoType = "M_Sidewinder_AA"

? (_theExplosion == "Huge") : _ammoType = "Bo_GBU12_LGB"

civvy1 globalchat _ammoType

; Get the explosion size and blow the object up

? (_theExplosion == "Small") : goto "SMALL"

? (_theExplosion == "Medium") : goto "MEDIUM"

? (_theExplosion == "Large") : goto "LARGE"

? (_theExplosion == "Huge") : goto "HUGE"


_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_theObject setdammage 1

civvy1 globalchat "Small"



_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_theObject setdammage 1

civvy1 globalchat "Medium"



_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_theObject setdammage 1

civvy1 globalchat "Large"



_ammoType createVehicle[_bombLocX, _bombLocY, _bombLocZ]

_theObject setdammage 1

civvy1 globalchat "Huge"


Edit: For skill

"RU_Soldier_SL" createUnit [ getMarkerPos "Startingpoint", group, init, skill, rank] ;

Edited by Imutep

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Ah yes, that is the one. Where can i look up the classnames for bombs/missiles and such? They ain't listed in the classnames thread as far as i can see.

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the bomb names in the original script seem to work fine in Arma 2 as far as I can tell. But same as you guys would be nice to have a full list as I'd like to tweak the explosion types a bit more.

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Medium dosn't work, and small dosn't seem very small at all anymore. Don't think large worked either.

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I fixed my post with the code. Posted the wrong version of the script. Sorry!

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I've tried this and it's great, downloaded the latest version off that German website link.

A question, is there a way to make the explosion delay, as it goes off immediately after mission starts? Thanks

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you need to place it in a trigger and set the conditions.

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Do I use the exact script line in the conditions box:

[theCar, "Small"] exec "IED.sqs"?

I tried it but it tells me "Type Nothing, expected Bool"


I have managed to set off the IED by setting the condition of the trigger 'true', and placing the above command on the activation box. However the bomb still goes off immediately after mission begins. How can I make it so the bomb only sets off once it passes through the trigger's radius?

Edited by nikodemus

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when you set true as the condition line of the trigger it is going to go off at the start of the mission. If you only want a certain vehicle to set it off then just group the trigger to the vehicle itself.

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